Found a website that said a low residue diet may help patients that had abdominal pain (amongst other things) and made a temporary improvement in symptoms after preparing for scopes etc - Hurrah! - straight back in the bubble again!!
He needs to stay on the low residue diet for 2 months - maybe less if the senna works quickly, we were supposed to see the GI again in 6 weeks but it will have to be 8 as I couldn't do the sooner date. If there is a problem with the blood test the GI will call me (yeh right - like the other one did!?). And if Freddy gets worse again I am to call him (obviously I suppose).
I have to say I was really impressed with the hospital this time, I talked to the receptionist (who I had seen most of the other times we have been), explained that I was really nervous about seeing the Dr, and could he give my 'essay' to the Dr so he could read it first - he said this Dr was really lovely, but he would chat to the nurse about it and make sure the message got passed on - he then checked I was ok before we went in and asked how it went afterwards - what a great guy! - I may have to write to the hospital to say how wonderful he was!).
Sascot - even if I wasn't allowed to post on the forum I would still have to peak in now and again hoping to hear good news about all your little (or not so little) ones xx