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Oh yeah! Stay in the bubble. I ventured out one day to read the label on Boost and Ensure...third ingredient was high fructose corn syrup...couldn't pronounce 99% of the others. Seriously, when you child is acutely ill the first priority is getting them better even if it does mean white bread and Fruit Loops! You can work on the rest later. Keep us posted! We love poop!
Great to hear the biopsies were clear although does seem strange with the other symptoms! Anyway - sunny dream world for a little bit:dance:
Hope he never gets the bad symptoms again, and the senna will work wonders for him!!!! Glad you're sticking around.
Found a website that said a low residue diet may help patients that had abdominal pain (amongst other things) and made a temporary improvement in symptoms after preparing for scopes etc - Hurrah! - straight back in the bubble again!!
He needs to stay on the low residue diet for 2 months - maybe less if the senna works quickly, we were supposed to see the GI again in 6 weeks but it will have to be 8 as I couldn't do the sooner date. If there is a problem with the blood test the GI will call me (yeh right - like the other one did!?). And if Freddy gets worse again I am to call him (obviously I suppose).
I have to say I was really impressed with the hospital this time, I talked to the receptionist (who I had seen most of the other times we have been), explained that I was really nervous about seeing the Dr, and could he give my 'essay' to the Dr so he could read it first - he said this Dr was really lovely, but he would chat to the nurse about it and make sure the message got passed on - he then checked I was ok before we went in and asked how it went afterwards - what a great guy! - I may have to write to the hospital to say how wonderful he was!).
Sascot - even if I wasn't allowed to post on the forum I would still have to peak in now and again hoping to hear good news about all your little (or not so little) ones xx
Can I still be a part of this forum?

Stay here?!?!?! This is like the Twilight Zone! Now you're here you ain't ever leaving even if you want to! :ylol:

So fab to hear the appointment went well and that everyone was so great! YAY!!! I so hope things continue to settle and Freddy is soon feeling on top of the world!

Onwards and Upwards!
Dusty. xxx
Just a quick question - Freddy is doing great :ysmile: but has orange (as in bright orange) slimey (as in really really totally disgustingly slime covered) poo (which is not diarrhoea but not realy solid or normal looking either) - It must be because of the senna, but I can't find anything on the internet about it and his nursery were a bit funny about it today - any ideas?

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