Bad day wrote this for strength

Crohn's Disease Forum

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Sep 28, 2010
To the Crohn's patients, the U.C. patients, the Gastroparesis patients, and all other patients of a GI Disorder ...... You are not alone !
Stand tall from your toilet, your John, rise from your knees away from the porciline god You are not alone ! Our guts and intestine might not be strong but we are. Everyday we fight and struggle like know one knows and more than we can even explaine for all that come's out is a lite mutter of " I just dont feel good " But we are strong, and not alone. We are uncureable, some untreatable, we are unsure because even our doctor's cant tell us why we have it, we are hurt, we are sick, but we are strong and not alone. We are the strength of our countrys our citys, our providence's and our states, For we fight a battle, a war, a never ending struggle against the thing that ale's us the most, but we are not alone. We are not alone because we stand together, to fight, to cry, to pain together. Like our soldiers we bleed together, and sometimes even die together, but we are strong. We are strong because everyday we wake up, unsure and uneasy, we are strong for making through the day, we are strong because we dont give up, we are strong because no matter what we get up knowing what our day has instore pain, and sickness, but we are strong and not alone.......... Stand tall my friends we all are fighting for a cure, and struggling everyday My name is Joshua Jansen and I am a GI patien
Thanks Beer Guy! I needed that today. You hit the nail on the head! I especially like the " I just don't feel good" line. I can't tell you how many times those words have come from my mouth when what I really wanted to come out was a twenty minute detailed rant of the horrors of my morning. But who wants to hear that, right?
Beer Guy- You Rock! Aha, you rolled it all into one beautiful, honest, and inspiring post. Like a super duper soft, extra strong, scented roll of charmin we all hope is there for us when we make the mad dash ! LOL!
I truly thank you, and we are absolutely not alone!
Thank you.

We need to stop being affraid we have Crohn's I feel too. We should shout it from the rooftops, so everyone knows what we have and we get the support and funding we need. We can't give up and crawl in a corner, tell you friends you have crohn's, tell the world you have crohn's.
I agree about letting the world and it's mother know we have crohns.We did'nt ask for it and I am sick of being embarrased about it and making excuses about a smelly bathroom etc etc.If I have to deal with others will have to.We have enough to put up with most of us on a day to day basis.What I object to is doctors who don't understand the desease,don't listen and pass you off like an irritating little bug.Well I am going to start demanding when I see my new GI at the new hospital on the 13th June.The other hospital certainly has'nt done much in 3 years except lot's of pred and false promices.
Thank you very much to everyone who contributed to this post :) Very sweet of you. Its very nice to know I'm not alone, because sometimes I really do feel alone. Thank you xxx
Thank you everyone. It was all of you and the love you have all shared with complete strangers that let me to write this. You all have inspirational storys and could all write books about the madness we go through each day. So please dont thank me, just put a smile on your face and know that each and every one of you had a part in this post. :)

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