Bad Dreams

Crohn's Disease Forum

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Feb 23, 2012
Kota has been having bad dreams the last few nights. He says he has dreamed that he has cancer and he is dying. We went out of town today and he slept in the car. Well he woke up scared and said he had the same dream but this time he was at his funeral. My heart breaks for him and I am not sure what to say to him other than everythings going to be okay. Is it normal or has anyone else ever had bad dreams like this.

What meds is he on? I'm sure these kids are above average intelligence so he has heard/read something about possible side effects. I'd go the extra step and show him that yes he is more susceptible than the general population but still extremely unlikely to get cancer. Brian's Mom posted a wonderful article to that effect somewhere on here. DustyKat…!
Poor fella. :frown:
V has terrible sleep disturbance and freaky dreams from her dysautonomia.
She takes 8mg cyproheptadine (Periactin) at bedtime for this, it's just an antihistamine, her GI is the one who prescribed it as it's used a lot in IBD kids for appetite stim, but has other uses too, such as migraine prevention and regulating dysauto symptoms. It also eliminated her morning dizziness from dysauto. Given at bedtime it doesn't cause the increased appetite when they wake.

Check into it as when she takes it she sleeps like a rock and no weird dreams (that she remembers at least). Not habit forming nor harmful, it's in the same category as Benadryl.

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