Bathroom Vacations

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Apr 28, 2012
Bathroom Vacations

A strange name, I know but that's what we call them around here.
My dear girl is starting to take more and more time in the bathroom. If my hubby ask if I had time to do this or that I say NOPE I WAS ON A BATHROOM VACATION with your farm princess.:D

:heart:Now keep in mind my girl is three and still wants me by her.:heart:

My question to all the parents and or anyone how do you pass the time in the Lou?

Also how do you make it less painfully for them?
Definitely a iPad, laptop or smart phone with some shows or a game or two. In our house if I am looking for the iPad the bathroom is the first place I look! When things were really bad I would check to make sure it was in the bathroom before I went to bed so that when my son got up in the night it would be there for him...

I did read a post on here once where someone mentioned that their parent posted a huge Where's Waldo poster on the bathroom wall to entertain them while the were in there. I thought that was brilliant. Also along the same line when my kids where little they loved those books where you had to search a picture for various items. That sort of thing might work.
Love the Waldo poster ideas.:thumleft:
My hubby and I still look at those.:lol2:

We read and sometimes I sing silly songs. Great thread Farmwife, just last night I was sitting in the bathroom with her and was thinking if we were to get a t.v. for the bathroom how could we wire it for cable?
Great idea with the where's waldo poster! I bet I spy books would work too. As for me, yes it would be electronics or reading a book to her to keep us both occupied.

But I can't be of much help. Alas, I do not have this issue as Ryan is 15 and would never let me in the bathroom! So, I'll be movin' on to talk to you guys in another thread...:eek:utahere:
Both my kids tend to disappear into the bathroom with their iPods. Sometimes I wonder if they are actually still doing the toilet or just happy sitting playing ;)
Me too jm! Can't see Sarah or Matt wanting me in loo with them! :eek:

But I was going to suggest I Spy books too! Why? Because I love 'em! :)

A bit off track here but I thought I would slip it in. You know how we often talk about the awful things our kids go through with Crohn's well I think one of the most heartbreaking things for me, and it happened with both of my kids, was them wanting me to shower them and help them use the toilet/pan/bottle when they were in hospital . God, I well remember how my privacy was paramount to me when I was teenager and I hated that this bloody disease took that away from them. :voodoo:

Dusty. xxx
Completely understand Dusty... same thing happened with Stephen, he was in agony during the colonoscopy prep. Not sure why it was so difficult??? Pain, 3 enemas, vomiting, and eventual anal burning... he needed help and I felt the same as you... was so unfair that he 'needed' that help! :(
Sending hugs to poor Grace. Makes it alot more stressful when they don't want to go to the toilet because it hurts!
Tess - Andrew really suffered with the colonoscopy prep too - alot of pain, cramps, etc. Some kids must just react badly to it - horrible to see!
My daughter has not long turned 10 and now wants me in the bathroom with her when needed!
She doesn't like any distractions just me holding her hand :-(
I'm sure the Waldo posters will be great fun..........for all the family.
Thanks Stephyjane,
Yes that's all Grace needs is my hand and a kind word.:kiss:

My only fear about making the bathroom more comfortable for her is making it more comfortable for my hubby and son. Which means we girls have no hope of getting in there!:rof:
Ah yes..I tell my friend I have been places no mother should ever have to be...pushing my oldest one's rectum back into her body pretty much did it for me. Hubby swore off all medical issues after that thus I am alone at all doctor visits!
we had a basket of books in the bathroom...i was planning on buying her an iPad until she started doing so well :)
Sometimes if Lucy is really bad we just sit and hold her hand, both my self and dh together, othertimes one of us will do, she usually request who she wants to go with her. She even requested granddad one time and to be fair while he nearly died with all the crying he sat there and held her hand and called me when she was done in tears!. Mostly we read a story while she is going it is good at distracting her, Ihave a box of books in each bathroom ( she also changes what bathroom she wants to use) . Sometimes we just chat.. anything to provide a distraction to the pain.

Poor little grace my hear goes out to her.
Polly: that is just the sweetest story...brought a tear to my eye. I remember those days all too well. Sorry you all are having to deal with it also.

Farmwife: Why no response? I hope that means you were off enjoying the day and not trolling some other forum that addresses what you think Gracie has...flat leaver!

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