Benecalorie cups

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Jun 5, 2012
Has anybody used these? We are at the point that we are going to try sneaking stuff into his food? Caught him throwing away almost all his lunch from the day before, said he wasn't hungry. We can't figure out what is going on, he is feeling great, all his labs look great, no inflammation showing in fecal calprotectin but he is still not eating gaining weight.
He will not drink the shakes or the Breeze. Pretty much willing to try just about anything at this point we are so frustrated. I felt like crying when I caught him throwing away his food. I guess it was the fact that he was trying to be so sneaky about it.
Have you tried talking to his gi about changing his ppi ??
Sometimes a different one will affect his hunger levels
Thanks mlp, I never even considered that, we were just at GI's a couple weeks ago and he was talking about if he doesn't start eating adding an appetite enhancer. I would rather him take less meds then more. I'll email him tomorrow about changing from the omeprozole.
We slipped some of the benecalorie in choc pudding. H ate it begrudgingly
Another mom added it to mashed potatoes and icecream for her son. He is on ADHD drugs and has no appetite.
We resorted to paying per breeze, carnation instant breakfast and boost. Money talks here.
Good luck
high calorie foods:
butter under his peanut butter
cook his veggies in oil
The problem becomes too much high fat high protein usually backfires and you get full faster so want to eat less (atkins diet anyone)
He may like the powder pour in instant breakfast shakes or the premixed versions.
One kiddo will drink one but not the other.
We also started peptamen which is fowl by the way by paying Ds.
one week = $5 he was seven he thought he was rich.
WE only paid during his EEN staged.:ylol:
YOu have to acquire a "taste".:thumleft:

mlp - I think we are at the stage that even though he is 13 we will pay him to eat. Shouldn't most 13 year old boys be eating you out of house and home? I know his brother will finish off a box of cereal in one sitting.
Butter under the peanut butter huh? I don't think I would have thought of that one, may have to try it - he does love butter.
Both my kids liked Carnation Instant Breakfasts (even before Crohns was an issue at our house). When they were younger, I would give it to them WITH breakfast (as if it were just chocolate milk). But, I did dilute it with regular milk as the 'shake' is a bit thick and heavy to have as just a drink with a meal. My kids preferred the premade shakes (rather than the powder) - I split one 'diluted' shake between them. :)
It's amazing what you can hide in a homemade smoothie, too! If you get enough fruits in you can hide protein powder(calorie powder in your case) vegtables, most anything. This isn't in relation to CD, but my non-CD child ate like a bird when she was younger and her grandmother would make these smoothies packed with calories, maybe you could look into that?
I saw the pudding cups was wondering about those as well, he does like vanilla pudding wish we could get a sample to see if he will eat. I have a case of Breeze in the garage he won't touch.
My 14-year-old likes chocolate Ensure drinks. We started him on them for days he just wasn't eating much. Now he will drink them after eating a full meal! The key for him is to make sure they are very cold and to shake them up really good. Think your son would try them, if he hasn't already?
Hates Chocolate. Not sure how any child of mine could despise chocolate but there you have it, I think the chocolate ones would taste so much better than vanilla or strawberry. We have a video of him at about 10 months old trying chocolate pudding for the first time the look on his face is priceless as he is shaking his head No and pushing the pudding away.
I tried 1 of the benecalorie and threw the rest out, what a waste of money! I couldn't sneak it past my picky eater. Alex is also burned out on the shakes and Breeze and Carnation and what all. We have him on cyproheptadine to boost his appetite and it works, but have to cycle it on/off cause it loses it's effect over a couple months. Truly, though, it's a sign he's not really yet well, I think. Sun and exercise seem to help his appetite too.
Sorry, by juicing I mean't things like Clash suggested...smoothies or combinations of fruits alone or fruits and vegetables if you disguise the taste of the veges, ensure ice is included. :)

Dusty. xxx

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