Biologics wearing off

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Cross-stitch gal

Dec 25, 2011
Vancouver, USA
Ever since I started on Skyrizi I've noticed that this drug seems to wear off between doses. Yesterday I was looking around and saw something about that about 60% of patients have that happen with biologics. Have any of you seen that happen to you? I still have 2 weeks before I can do my next injection and have had two bathroom accidents already. Sad part too is some of the symptoms are coming back too. Not looking forward to waiting...
Is there room for dose escalation? I don't know much about this particular biologics but I know when my son started Remicade, his infusions wouldn't last and so the dose was increased and that changed things. This was 6 years ago and he is still on the drug. Had the dose not been increased, there was no way he could have continued.
Since the dose is set (prefilled syringe )
We increase the frequency
Ds takes Stelara every 4 weeks vs 8 weeks
Some use 6 weeks
Standard frequency can be increased since most just need it sooner
There was a few papers on it

Suggest letting your Gi know
Since you are taking all the risks of the meds but get only a few benefits of the frequency isn’t right for you
My Stelara seems to partially wear-off during the last two weeks of my eight week dose intervals. My primary Crohn's symptom was (and is) abdominal pain much more than diarrhea, and often in the last two weeks of an eight week cycle the pain episodes get more frequent and more intense - nothing like like the pain bouts I experienced prior to going on Stelara but nevertheless noticeable.

It goes back to normal (almost no pain at all) a day or two after the new injection. This has been going on for over six years now and shows no sign of worsening, and the pain isn't bad enough to really disrupt my life in any way. It's mostly an annoying reminder than it will be time for an injection soon.

If your "wearing off" symptoms are bad enough, I suggest you talk to your GI (and by implication your insurance company) about shortening the time interval between doses.
Thank you everyone!

My symptoms thankfully haven't included the pain so far. It has been the constant feeling of having to make runs for the bathroom along with a couple of accidents. While I was at work on my Friday, I just didn't feel good at all although having a hard time actually describing it. It is harder when the accidents happen at work though...

October 3rd is my first injection at home, so will keep a watch. I'm supposed to make an appointment with my GI in January for another follow up. Worse comes to worse can always contact him if need be. Will keep you updated.