Bladder fistula?

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May 20, 2012
I've had urinary tract infection symptoms since early May. At first, didn't test positive for UTI. Recent urine analysis and culture just came in. Doc says lots of stuff going on and to see urologist. I've a history of kidney stones and acute renal failure so have been thinking this is just kidney issues. Doc fearful of a bladder fistula. I have a history of recto vaginal and peri anal fistulas that are all gone now bc I had a total proctocolectomy and now have an ileostomy.

I am really freaking out. Going for an MRE next week but can I really have a bladder fistula? Will I really need more surgery?

Symptoms are urgency, pressure in the urinary area, and now infection.

Anyone out there managing a bladder fistula without surgery?

I'm in my 16th week of humira. Can humira fix this?

Oh help!:(
Hi I am worried of developing the same problem because Ive been having the same symptoms except for the infection.. The last ct showed that the inflamed part of my ileum is so right above my bladder and the doctor is concerned that it will develop fistula!
Humira can fix it, it just depends how big it is, at a certain point surgery is the only answer. Fistulating disease causes so many problems it gets frustrating. Although i just had 6 fistulas recently repaired with surgery none of them were bladder related which would have explained the blood in my urine so now I'm lost and am in the same boat with having to followup with a urologist and get more tests. My symptoms are similar to yours except the uti, so stay positive until the urologist tells you whats going on dont get yourself worried thinking its one thing.
I had a fistula from my crohns. It connected my colon to my bladder, so when I would urinate, there would be some solid matter coming out with the urine. It was very painful. The good news is, Remicade CAN close it. I got lucky and it closed mine, however, it is not a sure bet. Surgery is the only other option if an infusion medication doesn't close it. If they have to do the surgery, then chances are they will also remove the crohns or whatever you have while they're in there. At least that is what my urologist told me.
Thanks for the replies. I go for a super duper MRE on Friday. Doc thinks this should show if I have a fistula to the bladder and/or to my rectal wound site. With an ileostomy, I'm so scared of losing more intestine. I had the r-v fistulas for over 10 years, it was so awful. I'm responding well to humira but will try just about anything to avoid more surgery. Couldn't believe the crohns came back so aggressively just 3 years after the removal of my colon, rectum,anus.

Thermo--thanks for the reminder. It could very well be my uti history and kidney disease.

There's always hope. . .
I have a bladder fistual too.... same symptoms.. sometimes it is worse than other times.
I'm seeing a specialist in mount sinai in NYC this Sept., So far with meds I have been able to avoid surgery for the bladder fistula. (I have had 2 prior recestions).

Keepin my fingers crossed. Good luck to you..keep us posted.

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