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Aug 17, 2011

Pls tell me I'm not alone on this....when I first wake up my stomach is its normal size but as the day goes by it starts to extend something horrible where I have to actually unbutton my pants cause I'm in so much pain. It's very embarrassing while I'm at work cause the bloating is very noticeable.
Hi Melody :welcome: yes I remember in my earlier days the bloating and pain was at times unbearable. What kind of meds are you on? It is very uncomfortable. Best plan is to stay away from all dairy and wheat...they are culprits. Hope you get some relief soon.
You are not alone...I have had the same thing for years and years even before being diagnosed with CD. It is just a miserable feeling and embarrassing! Sometimes it will happen the minute I put any food to my mouth. I'm sorry you have to deal with it too! I have started trying to avoid anything with a button and zipper....more comfy dresses, stretch waist skirts, etc...not fun but feels much better!

i totally agree with Pen, its dairy and any cereals for me. used to bloat till i looked like i was 12 months pregnant, or like i got beri beri, like the africans.

try to cut these out and watch the bloating vanish within ten days. D a lot calmer too. pain not gone but not so bad as with gluten and dairy.

oh, i forgot, fruits do this too. so might need to cut them.

best wishes
I agree that you should play with your diet until you find the culprit. But in the meantime... Princess seams are really in style right now here in my neck of the woods. If you can find clothing that has a seam at the bra line, then flares out, you'll be adorable. Plus it hides the belly really well and flatters the bust. So even if you don't figure out a way to stop it from happening, you can hide it!
No matter how well I eat I'm always the point where I just don't want to eat is my enemy LOL
I think a whole lot of us feel that way about food sometimes. Do the people at work know of your health issues? I hope that you're not being judged harshly just by having a round tummy every once in awhile. Hang in there, hun. :hug:
Melody you are not alone in this. I am bloated constantly! Hate that uncomfortable feeling it gives you in your clothes :( I know I might be stating the obvious things but I find chewing my food at the slowest pace possible and drinking teas like fennel, peppermint and camomile really helps reduce it. But sometimes the best remedy is just a friendly ear saying they understand. And us lot definitely do :)

Hope you feel less bloated soon

Becky x
Ugh! My hubby and my coworkers have a lot to say if I skip meals or if I'm moody..I would love for them to feel what I'm feeling for at least 1 hr..than maybe they will understand coworkers/friends make comments like..will u be eating lunch today or r u gonna starve urself again today while they roll their eyes and hubby thinks crohns pains r just a lil tummy ache and shrugs it off. I have a lot of stress in my life and I feel it plays a Hugh part in it. I was diagnosed with crohns when I was 15 (thats a whole horror story) and I am now 39 and I'm just sooo done with feeling like this...I've only been on this thread 3 times but today I really started to look around and read other ppls stories and its really comforting to know there r actual ppl in this world who can undetstand what I feel :)
Have you shared your story with us yet? We would love to hear your horror story at age 15 in the Your Story Forum. Please drop by so you can be properly introduced to the family. :hug:
Melody, you aren't alone with the bloating or receiving comments about not eating.

I often have bloating as I go through the day, to the point where I once had to have a change of clothing for an afternoon wedding with an evening reception because I became so bloated and uncomfortable in my dress.

Hope you are feeling better soon.

Hi Melody,

I would say bloating is my most common symptom and i have exactly like you. I wake up in the morning and my stomach is fine and then in the space of around an hour i'm bloated. and its all day and its painful. sometimes I can't even drink. But I also get bloated if i don't eat by a certain time. It's not nice knowing that your clothes don't fit you because your stomach has gone up into a football. and its also embarassing i find i dont want people to c me like it. i even hide myself away from my boyfriend. I'm a shadow of the person i used to be because of it. and i find myself wearing loose maxi dresses but they're not very warm in wales where i live and the weather we have.

You are not alone there are loads of us that suffer from it. Unfortunately, I haven't found a magical cure yet but i am working on one. I think every one going through this is some one to look up to and you should be proud of yourself.

Keep your chin up and it will get better. It must get better. And i hope you are feeling better soon.

I've had this all day, feels like gurgling and bubbling in my colon, along with pain from trapped air and also heartburn and indigestion. I've swallowed loads of Rennie and Windeze and they make no difference.

I thought Infliximab was supposed to make you feel better? Yeah my butt's healed quite a lot but my stomach this week has been terrible!

Oh and I hate my job too. I hate it so so so so much. Anyone want to employ me?

And I hate it when I say I have stomach ache to my manager and she says oh yeah I have a cold too.

Yes but your cold will go away in a few days. Me feeling like I'm gna **** myself, that's here to stay!

Sorry just been one of those days *sigh*
I know the gurgling and bubbling feeling in your belly along with trapped air i get that numerous times daily. People don't realise that when you need the toilet you gotta go and that this ain't gonna go away like some cold. I feel quite ignorant sometimes as i'm in the middle of talking to people and then i have to rush off. Sometimes you just want people to know what it feels like. Because they are thinking you are taking things way out of proportion and also when they have an illness they think its the same thing. Crohns disease is an invisible illness and i feel that theres not much general knowledge on it
I know the gurgling and bubbling feeling in your belly along with trapped air i get that numerous times daily. People don't realise that when you need the toilet you gotta go and that this ain't gonna go away like some cold. I feel quite ignorant sometimes as i'm in the middle of talking to people and then i have to rush off. Sometimes you just want people to know what it feels like. Because they are thinking you are taking things way out of proportion and also when they have an illness they think its the same thing. Crohns disease is an invisible illness and i feel that theres not much general knowledge on it

So very true! I often wonder if I should just carry my totally disgusting colonoscopy pictures around with me and just show people exactly what it looks like inside and see if they believe me then!:voodoo:
bloated - Hi All

I'm a newbie but a long time Crohn's sufferer. It took me many years to figure out that the foods that caused bloating for me were pasta sauce, pizza, burgers, steak. Almost 100% of the time I would get bloated in having these foods. But almost nothing else. Reason for my story is that my gastro and other Docs would tell me to keep a journal but for over 30 years I never did.

Finally know at least when I will be bloated. (Of course I can't always avoid steak but at least I know. haha.

Keep a journal, it does help. Of course I know it will be different foods for different people.

Good Luck

So very true! I often wonder if I should just carry my totally disgusting colonoscopy pictures around with me and just show people exactly what it looks like inside and see if they believe me then!:voodoo:

I know. I don't to discourage you but the only people that will get are other crohnies. Over 30 years of trying to articulate the feelings to others but to no success.
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I've had this all day, feels like gurgling and bubbling in my colon, along with pain from trapped air and also heartburn and indigestion. I've swallowed loads of Rennie and Windeze and they make no difference.

I thought Infliximab was supposed to make you feel better? Yeah my butt's healed quite a lot but my stomach this week has been terrible!

Oh and I hate my job too. I hate it so so so so much. Anyone want to employ me?

And I hate it when I say I have stomach ache to my manager and she says oh yeah I have a cold too.

Yes but your cold will go away in a few days. Me feeling like I'm gna **** myself, that's here to stay!

Sorry just been one of those days *sigh*

Okay I"ll hire you! This way when we speak the lingo to each other we"ll understand each other. Just kidding about the hiring as it is a tad too long distance....
The're will be highs and lows but don't be discouraged things will get better.

Take Care
I feel for you I get it bad as well, salads do it the worst for me. I think the food journal is a great idea also I wear lots of stretchy pants with long shirts.
Ugh the bloating you describe is exactly what I get. Its on a constant daily basis and sends me home from work early a lot. Which makes me feel like my employer thinks I'm just milking this disease when I would give anything to not feel like I'm exploding daily. I agree stretchy pants and loose tops help slightly.. Some days I just want to curl up under my desk and wait for all the gas to pass... Which usually doesn't start happening until bedtime. Then I wake up and start all over again.

I feel for ya! I am in a similar situation right now as it dosen't really matter what I eat or drint, the bloat is there. With the bloat is gurgling and severe pain in my stomach and mid back area. If I don't eat it is better. In the morning I am great but as soon as I eat or drink the bloat is back and fast. I feel better when I am laying down but as soon as I stand up it hurts again. Do you have this issue too? I am still fighting with meds and trying to get the right combination and get the inflammation down.
I totally feel for you, I teach during the day and hostess at a local resturant a few nights a week, I actually chage clothers from teaching to the resturant bc my stomach swells a bit and I put on more forgiving clothes for the resturat. Mine is not that noticable but I can feel it where my pants sit, so I just put on really nice high wait dress slacks and im good for the night.
Since my surgery, I have had the exact same symptoms! I wake up and have about 4 loose bowel movements in the span of an hour to an hour and a half, and then I feel fine for a little bit. As soon as I eat breakfast, my stomach starts to bloat. It doesn't matter what I eat, everything does it to me right now. I am passing gas ALL DAY long, but it doesn't matter how much because I feel like I immediately bloat right back up. By the time I get ready for bed, my stomach is so stretched out and uncomfortable I can barely stand up! I don't work, so there are a lot of days that I stay in my elastic waist pajamas because I can't button any of my jeans or pants.

Oh, and I weigh 87 lbs right now, so with the bloating, I really do look like one of those starving kids in Africa with the giant bloated bellies. Or a heroin-addicted, pregnant anorexic teenager (I still have bruises and marks all up my arms from blown IV's and shoddy blood draws in the hospital).

Crohn's is so much stinking fun. :lol2:
I feel for ya! I am in a similar situation right now as it dosen't really matter what I eat or drint, the bloat is there. With the bloat is gurgling and severe pain in my stomach and mid back area. If I don't eat it is better. In the morning I am great but as soon as I eat or drink the bloat is back and fast. I feel better when I am laying down but as soon as I stand up it hurts again. Do you have this issue too? I am still fighting with meds and trying to get the right combination and get the inflammation down.

What you describe is exactly how I am day in and day out and it is miserable. Not eating/drinking helps...if only I could just not eat/drink ever again! The pressure is so much it feels like my stomach will explode. The only other time I have felt this was during delivery with my two least after suffering through that I had precious little ones. I am on the med hunt also. I was only diagnosed a month ago...after probably 25 years of not knowing what was wrong with me b/c I never had the "hallmark" diarrhea to clue the doctors in. I have been on 40mg prednisone for this last month but nothing has gotten better. It really has me scared that it has been active for so long that they won't be able to get it under control...then what???

How long have youo been searching for the right meds?
Hi Everyone.

For the record, diet is certainly important, however it is NOT the cure. I have been following a strict vegan diet for 1 year now, and with my thin frame I still will go from 0-9 months pregnant (looking) after any and all meals (no matter how big or small). It is devastating being in your mid twenties and being extremely health conscious and dealing with this day in and day out. Buying outfits that I will never wear because I know my stomach won't cooperate and I don't want people to ask questions. Are we doomed to live the rest of our lives hiding under baggy clothing and never feeling beautiful after a meal? Yoga helps, but again, not being able to trust that our bodies will cooperate with our food is sometimes the most alienating and difficult feeling in the world.

You guys are not alone, we are all in this awful battle together :)

-Diagnosed Dec '07
-Currently on Remicade
I am starting to give my daughter a daily mild laxative, I think some of the bloating is due to being backed up, at least in her case.
GI said to also stay from gum, and pop because they can cause bloating.
Not only have I had years of bloating, it feels like a distinctive extension around my belly button. Does anyone know if that's related to Crohns?
I have the same issues. I bloat and have gas constantly. I can pass the gas but it always seems to want to come out when I am sitting down and in the office. Dont tell anyone, but I have let a few out in the office if I am sure there is no smell. lol
I have the same issues. I bloat and have gas constantly. I can pass the gas but it always seems to want to come out when I am sitting down and in the office. Dont tell anyone, but I have let a few out in the office if I am sure there is no smell. lol

I am finding it is getting less since I started using Gasx. It works! Also watching what I eat.
B is so bloated, it kept her up til 4am running to the bathroom all night. Not sure why.
This has been going on and off for a week or so. She thinks it is a flu bug, but i think it could be Crohns related. She is flaring!!!

Very sad, frustrated and waiting for her to feel better. I have not yet notified GI. I will on Monday if things get worse instead of better.

Needed to vent.
This post has made me cry - they say I'm unlikely to have crohns as they can't find any inflammation aside from raised calprotectin, but I have this swelling awful, along with the rest. It's so nice to hear people
Being a lot stronger than me!
Pillcam (stopped recording halfway-being redone) colonoscopy with biopsies, CT in A&E, all normal, x-ray on 2nd hospital admission showed distension but surgeons said no blockage, calprotectin 158, 5 weeks later 220, in hospital 34(!!!? - taken after 2 day fast after losing EVERYTHING in me, can this be a false result as the food I ate for the test was in me about 8 hrs) and just had MRI and they're doing small bowel bacterial overgrowth test soon. Mostly to settle me down after he said IBS most likely and offered me cognitive behavioural therapy (!) - I took this to mean that they can't stop me soiling myself but they'll help me feel ok about it
Yep, I also feel better when I don't eat but that's just not realistic. I do drink a lot of ensures. I hope they figure it out soon... So u can at least know what ur dealing with. I'm a work now sitting at my desk so bloated!! I wish I can wear my pajamas to work.LOL
Ps...nice to meet u bear
Pillcam (stopped recording halfway-being redone) colonoscopy with biopsies, CT in A&E, all normal, x-ray on 2nd hospital admission showed distension but surgeons said no blockage, calprotectin 158, 5 weeks later 220, in hospital 34(!!!? - taken after 2 day fast after losing EVERYTHING in me, can this be a false result as the food I ate for the test was in me about 8 hrs) and just had MRI and they're doing small bowel bacterial overgrowth test soon. Mostly to settle me down after he said IBS most likely and offered me cognitive behavioural therapy (!) - I took this to mean that they can't stop me soiling myself but they'll help me feel ok about it

Do you have to do a prep just like with colonoscopy for a pillcam???