Hi Marx, here is the list from the dietician at the hospital I was at.
Popcorn. Tough meat, Bamboo shoots, Fruit and vegetable skins, celery, sausage skins, coconut, prawn shells (although why anyone would eat a prawn shell beats me!) raw or lightly cooked vegetables, nuts, corn, seeds, pips, peas, passionfruit, sprouts, berries, pineapple, orange and mango pulp.
Chew all food very well before swallowing and avoid foods that contain large amounts of insoluble fibre or 'roughage'.
After 6-8 weeks you should start experimenting with different foods and gradually try introducing some high fibre foods back into your diet.
It says blockages occur because the opening to an ileostomy is narrow and lacks the special muscle that normally helps push food through.
I find I can eat just about anything now - I had this ileostomy created last december but it is my second one. I do avoid too much fibrous food like celery and citrus pulp but a little is ok particularly if i chew it well. I even eat corn now - it used to cause me to have leakages for some reason. Peas are fine too, though they somehow come out whole again even if I chew them well!
Good luck. I don't think the chocolate cake would have caused your blockage. Maybe your bowel just misbehaving that day. I guess the main thing is all things in moderation and chewed well.
:heart: anna