Blood in urine and extreme nausea.

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Jan 16, 2016
Hi, I am asking for my sister who has Crohns.

On Wednesday, she had a flare up. Extreme abdominal discomfort with diarrhea, followed by vomiting. On Thursday, diarrhea and vomiting was gone, but was still having severe nausea. Then later in the day had blood in urine. Yesterday (Friday), she was still feeling nauseous and stil having a lot of blood in her urine. After our mom, stepmom, and I convinced her to, I took her to the ER late last night. After checking her urine, they told her that she had a very severe UTI. I asked the Dr if the UTI and Crohns had any connection. His response was "not usually". I think he is an idiot who doesn't know anything about Crohns. I have done a lot of research and the bigeest thing that comes back to a UTI is a bladder fistula. This morning my sister texted me and said she is still feeling extremely nauseous and she thinks something else is wrong. Does anyone have any suggestions or insight? My sister is waiting on her insurance approval, so going to a GP and paying out of pocket is not an option. But going back to the ER is. Her insurance will be back dated. Do we go back and demand that they check for a fistula? I am concerned that there is more going on and I just want her to feel better!
Hi. I would recommend going back to the ER and being persistent with them. I hope you get some good answers. Please krre us updated. Support sent.
I had a fistula between my bowel and bladder. One of the symptoms was gas coming out when urinating. It was unusual quite uncomfortable. The other was solids coming out in the urine.

If there is a fistula,the symptoms are going to vary depending what part of the body is connected to the bladder.

It might not be a fistula. There are other reasons for having blood in the urine that would be more common, but without testing there is no way to know for certain.

Good luck.

Thanks everyone. Today her nausea is pretty much gone. She is going to wait til she finishes her antibiotic and then go see her dr and get everything thoroughly checked out. I will let you know if we find anything out.
It's possible that its just a really bad UTI thats not related to Crohns. But it's possible that it is related to Crohns. Has your sister had fistulas before? They could perhaps do some more imagery just to make sure.

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