I have only had one colonoscopy thus far ( I am a newbie to IBD, just got diagnosed), so I am not very seasoned yet as far as different colon prep methods go.
That being said, I was VERY fortunate to be given Prepopik. Though prep sucks and it still like Drain-o- to me, Prepopik was not bad at all!! I pray I ALWAYS get Prepopik because, from what I have read and heard from other people--it is a cakewalk compared to pretty much any other prep.
There is only 10 oz of liquid you have to drink (mine was split into 2 doses of 5 oz each) and it tastes like orange sweet tarts. Not too shabby

Then, you have to drink 5 (8oz) cups of clear liquid of your choice the first dose and 3 (8oz) cups of clear liquid (your choice but within 1 hour of consuming last prep dose). That's it! And it worked very, very well on me. I have the clean colon pics to prove it LOL
For me, this prep caused some rough nausea, strong cramping and very strong diarrhea to the point I expelled only yellow or green liquid (sorry TMI). I was surprised too because I did not think I had that much in me left LOL. Prior to prep, I have been on the BRAT diet and mostly liquids for 4 months on top of not eating due to the pain this stuff was giving me. I have lost over 55lbs prior to prep too.
Tips for using Prepopik my doctor gave me were spot on too.
1) Use ICE COLD water for mixing up prep and stir it up good, as directed.
2) Drink it fast with a straw.
3) Hold your nose if you need to, but it doesn't taste bad really. It is like orangey sour sweet tarts in taste.
My tips for using Prepopik:
1) Set up the bathroom BEFORE you do the prep. For me, this stuff worked really fast and there was no time really between taking the prep and potty time. So, get your books/magazines/iPhone/iPad or whatever makes it nice for you ready. I even put pillows on top of a clothes hamper to rest between go times-worked for me
2) Maybe you won't want to, but I recommend doing the prep on the toilet. I also had a few different type of clear liquids ready to drink after prep near me in the bathroom and it made it easier. As soon as I drank the prep, it was go time and I was still needing to drink my clear liquids.
Great topic!