Peaches said:
How do you define bowel retention? I *think* the main thing that would put you at risk for an obstruction would be a narrowed area or stricture. If you have one of those AND you tend to be one of the Crohnies that have constipation more than diarrhea, then yeah, unfortunately you would probably be more likely to have risk of obstruction. You having problems pewpew? (I know everyone has given you kudos for your screenname - just thought I add a *love* too it
I'm not sure. I had a cat scan at the er on Friday and they said that it showed bowel retention (among some other things). I never get constipated, I get D and loose/soft stools very often. I'm having problems with my insurance so I can't see my GI doc right now. From what the doctor said, he said that it's not good. They didn't see inflammation but I wasn't feeling like I do when I have severe bowel pain. Anyways, the conclusion of the doc was that I have crohn's or colitis. It wasn't the first time Crohn's was mentioned, but this time it was more serious.
When I feel like I have a flare up my lower intestinal area hurts so bad that it brings me to my knees and I have to curl up until the cramping is over. The cramps come and go every couple minutes or so. I mostly sit on the toilet trying to poop, in the meantime I sit there sweating and trying to get through the severe cramping. When I finally have to poop I have a solid poop and then the rest is liquid and mucus. The next day after these episodes I usually have tons of thick yellow mucus wrapped around my stool. I know, gross, but I feel like everyone can understand this. To top all of these sypmtoms off I get really bad bloating. So much that the slightest touch to my stomach feels like a punch. The times I've had this happen I knew in the back of my head I should go to the er just in case it was an obstruction but the pain and the pooping prevent me from moving.
I wonder if this has anything to do with the retention, narrowing, crohn's or something else. I hate having this all up in the air. Getting bad news from the er docs and not being able to see my GI doc is killing me.
When I don't have these severe episodes I normally just have an icky feeling in my lower abdominal area. Minor cramps that come and go that are more of an annoyance because it makes me stop until its over. Sometime when I go to sleep if I lay on my left side, my left lower intestinal area hurts, same with the right. The pressure on it must just piss is off.
I feel like there are so many problems that I forget symptoms when I see the doc. They vary so much from minor annoyances that I just ignore because they have become so normal (like getting painful cramps and severe urgency before a normal poop) and severe flare ups that leave me on the floor unable to move. (Luckly the bad ones don't happen so often)
Sorry, this is so much. I feel like I have to hold everything I want to say in because its embarrassing. I can hide behind the internet here.
It was embarrassing enough that I called my Mom crying that I pooped myself and had to tell my boyfriend.
Luckily, he was out with our son that night. I decided to stay in because of my stomach). I don't like to elaborate about my symptoms with him, I know he has a little picture of whats wrong, especially those nights where I'm stuck in the bathroom or complaining that I hurt. When I saw the GI doc for the first time, everything I wanted to say just exploded.
I'm sorry for typing so much but my anxiety is through the roof and being able to talk about it helps. I feel like I'm not alone here and that people understand from first-hand experience.
Anyways, thanks for your response and for listening. Oh, and the name compliment too.