Brilliant skin care products

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Jan 28, 2012
Tipperary, Ireland
Hi there

I know I have posted before about Lucy's skin issues, she always looks pretty awful as she get terrible rashes from the medications and up until now we have had to use fairly heavy duty steroid creams to keep them at bay and once we stopped using the creams back to square one.

I justed wanted to share incase there are others who experience the same issues, I found some great products there are called Moogoo (all natural), they do a repair cream, a moisturiser, a scalp cream, shampoo, shower gel, conditioner, soaps and the best is a sun cream. Since we started using them about 2 months ago, lucy has not had any new skin rashes appearing and her skin is better than it ever was, there are no steroids in these creams so that makes it even better. When I started first she was in a big skin flare and it took about two weeks to get that under control and since then nothing which is extremely rare for her.
The best find is the sun cream as sun creams previously completely exacerbated the skin rashes.
just wanted to share incase anybody is in the same position and wanted to try something else. They are available in Ireland and UK not sure about anywhere else but there is an online shop Products quite expensive but definately worth it.
