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Jan 11, 2012
We have been dealing with bullying here for 2mos. We have been in to talk to Devynn's teacher, and principal. It is STILL going on. She told me today that she left class to go to the washroom to cry :( Well.. momma bear mode is coming out! The last time we were at the doctor she gave us a form for Devynn to fill out and hand back to the principal if this doesn't stop. After today, I have asked her to sit down and fill it out. After reading what she wrote, I cried. I am taking her in tomorrow morning and we will be speaking to the principal, or she's not staying at school. I am going to attach the form she filled out.


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Awww! this makes me so angry for her! Glad you are going to get it taken care of and hopefully that will help her other symptoms. She shouldn't have to deal with it for 2 days much less 2 months
I understand completely your Mamabear instinct coming out and it breaks my heart that she feels compelled to fill out this form to see that her problem gets attention with the administration.

Oh I am just completely blown away that she is still having to deal with this and I think you are doing absolutely the right thing! ((HUGS))
This is just something she shouldn't have to cope with. I really hope the school takes this seriously and deals with this quickly.

Sending strength from across the seas. Xxx
I am beyond mad that she has to deal with this. Be proud you have a wonderful daughter who doesn't treat people that way. And I hope the adults at her school act like adults and get this under control.

Keep us updated. (((((Hugs)))))) momma!
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Wow that choked me up. Its so good that Devynn has had the courage to speak to you about this and the doc, teachers etc.. alot of children (including myself when i was younger) suffer in silence.

Re the cyber bullying mentioned is there any way you could print what has been said to show the principle? Sorry if you have already mentioned this and i havent seen.

I really really hope all goes well with the school and Devynn doesn't have to put up with this anymore people can be cruel and hopefully the school will crack down on this.

(sorry to intrude on parents forum this just struck a chord with me) xx
I think its actually the best place to get info (but shhh don't tell the others theyll get jealous :))
You are welcome here anytime, Sophie.

Samantha, no wonder poor Devynn has been feeling so sick the past couple months! Maybe you need to show the school the letter you sent to her GI nurse with all the symptoms she has had the past couple months!

I recommend that you sit down with Devynn and write out all of the specific incidences of bullying that she can remember in as much detail as possible including names (or initials). This helps the teachers and administration know specifically what is happening so they can get to the bottom of it. When I had an incidence in the 7th grade with my oldest daughter, I sent an email to the headmaster of our school with specific things my daughter had been telling me was going on and it was addressed the very next day. They appreciated the specifics because then they could address it directly.

Hugs to you and especially gentle hugs to Devynn.
Poor Devynn :(

I really hope this form that she has filled in hits her teachers as hard as it hits all of us!

Girls especially can be really nasty.. Big hugs to you both (((HUGS))) :ghug:
Thank you to all of you. I am so sad for her right now. She had dance class tonight and one of the girls who has been an on/off problem is in her class. The girl was being nice and at the end of the class told her it was because there was nobody else from school there. In the beginning of the class the girl (A) told her that another girl (B) asked her if she takes dance with Devynn, the girl (A) said yes and (B) told her to do a round dance kick like in some dance show they watch, and kick Devynn in the face! I am so mad. I will be going in tomorrow morning with this letter and I will be telling her all of Devynn's symptoms. I will also let her know that all of her doctors know what is going on. If she can't do something, I am taking her home and calling the head office of the school board.

Jacqui, I agree! 2 mos is 2 mos too long.

Farmwife, I am too angry for words too... and too hurt.

Clash, I can't believe that 2 mos later we are still dealing with this.

Ands, the school has been notified numerous times. This time we are going in with the letter and I am not leaving her there unless I am satisfied that this is going to be taken care of.

Johnnysmom, thank you. I am so proud of her. Over the last two weeks or so things seemed to calm down. She played club penguin with one of the girls yesterday. Then she started texting her all sorts of crap :(

Sophie, thank you. The cyber bullying we could probably print off. I have told her not to erase her text messages, she can show them to the principal. I hope the school wakes up too or I am going to keep going higher up.

Carol, good idea! Thank you! She is in the shower right now, but I think we will do that when she comes out. I want to go in tomorrow morning. I want to be able to tell our doctor and he can document.

Twosons, thank you. My heart is breaking too :( I cried when I read her letter.

Niks, thank you. Girls can be so mean :( I just don't get it.

Upsetmom, thank you. I hope so too.
Samantha, I am truly sorry and disgusted by these girls. Devynn is so sweet...seeing her own handwriting telling of the abuse brings tears to my eyes. Surely teachers have noticed this going on. Everyone should be held accountable and this better stop. It makes me want to come up there and raise some hell by your side!! Do these girls know she's got ibd and is that why they are doing this?! Do the girls' mothers know what is happening? Some idiots think bullying is 'a part of growing up', HOGWASH!!! Please post tomorrow after your meeting.

Sophie, Its so helpful to us parents to have adults to talk to that also had IBD as a child. You can help us too since most of us do not have this disease. I'd appreciate any insight you have:)
I recall your posts last month about the situation and am really sad that it's still going on. Any documentation (such as text messages) and a letter from a doctor could definitely help.

Have you seen this:
And is the school carrying out their legal responsibilities?

School staff duties in the case of bullying
305.1 (1) A teacher, staff member or volunteer working in a school who observes an act of bullying occurring in the school shall report it promptly to the principal, regardless of whether any other person has previously reported the act to the principal.
(2) A principal who receives a report under subsection (1) or who believes that an act of bullying may have occurred in the school shall investigate it promptly.
Principal’s duties
(3) A principal of a school who, after the investigation, believes that an act of bullying has occurred in the school shall,
(a) notify the parents or guardians of the perpetrator and the victim of the act that the act has occurred;
(b) invite the parents or guardians of the perpetrator and the victim of the act to submit a written account of the act to the principal;
(c) notify the appropriate law enforcement agency that an act of bullying has occurred if criminal charges may be laid against the perpetrator;
(d) notify the parents or guardians of the perpetrator and the victim of the act of the disciplinary action that the principal proposes to take to prevent any further acts of bullying; and
(e) require the perpetrator to participate in the remedial programs described in paragraph 7.5 of subsection 170 (1) to discourage the perpetrator from continuing to engage in bullying
and allow the victim to participate in the programs.
Principal’s report to board
(4) After a reasonable time after the end of every school year, or more frequently if the board so requires, a principal shall prepare and submit to the board a report of,
(a) the number of reports of an act of bullying in the school that the principal has received during the school year;
(b) the number of cases, out of the reports mentioned in clause (a), in which the principal, after an investigation, believed that an act of bullying had occurred; and
(c) the number of cases, out of the reports mentioned in clause (a), in which the principal, after an investigation, contacted a law enforcement agency so that the agency could consider laying a criminal charge against the perpetrator of the act of bullying.

This http://www.edu.gov.on.ca/eng/safeschools/expect.html recommends "If, after a reasonable amount of time, you are not satisfied with the school's response, you may contact the supervisory officer of your school board."

I would definitely let the principal know that you are aware of his/her responsibilities related to bullying and that you will go to the next level if he/she doesn't follow through and protect your child.
Just want to send hugs too! :ghug: its terrible that's she's having to deal with this! Broke my heart reading her letter. I hope the school is able to offer some solution! ::ghug:
This is so sad and makes me very upset. I hope her school does something about it. It is so terrible how kids treat others sometimes. I see this starting with Zachary and he is only 5. He says he gets picked on for wearing "pull ups" to school.

I work in the schools and see that sometimes these matters aren't taken seriously so just keep on them until they do something.
You make this a legal as possible. Take the info from xmdmom.
State your rights and hers. No smiling, just sternness!

:ymad:What makes me mad is is you feeling the need to pull her out of school if it's not done right. WHAT????:ymad:

Those girls should be the ones leaving with their heads hung low and the horrible parents should be dragged out in front of everyone for raising such stupid, horrible, little, selfish, nagging, pathetic brats.

Aren't you glad I waited to calm down before I typed!

Oh my gosh! I can barely breathe and have tears in my eyes reading this. I was going to reply to your other post that what she was experiencing could be stress related. I am so sad that I was right.

This is disgusting!

What makes me more mad is that the culprits are children also and the schools have an obligation to make sure all children learn and grow in a responsible manner. If they ignore this they are not doing those children any justice either and are to blame for whatever they become in the future. Have we not learned anthing as a society?

I will be praying for you and your sweet girl tomorrow.


I am alternately furious and heartbroken for her. Please please please let us know the school responds. They damn well better.

Sophie - stick around!

Sophie, Its so helpful to us parents to have adults to talk to that also had IBD as a child. You can help us too since most of us do not have this disease. I'd appreciate any insight you have:)

Good point Kathy!!

Samantha, EJ says Devyn is "hot"! I still think jealousy is driving those mean girls! I hope the letter does the trick!
IF I could reach out and put my arms around you both I would... This INFURIATES me to NO end!!

Alex left school in 7th grade when he got sick. When he returned to school the following term (beginning of 8th grade) I met with the "powers that be" at the school with a 504 plan (US disability plan) in hand (pulled and edited from the CCFA website) and I mentioned stress being a trigger.

Within weeks he was being picked on and bullied. I tried to let him handle it, but then he started missing days here and there. He used to carry a cooler (large lunch bag) around so he could eat through out the day and some kid kicked it so hard, not only did he destroy the cooler, he also broke all the containers on the inside! I was LIVID! Then he had a teacher make a demeaning comment to him when he raised his hand to go to the loo during class... that was it! I could have throttled the school guidance counselor (who was as inept as anything/one I had ever met in my life), and when he did nothing to help - I called a meeting and pulled Alex out.

Now he is homeschooled through the County (because his Crohn's interfers with his ability to attend school, the school system is still required to educate him and they send in teachers 3 times a week to tutor him). It has to be one of the BEST moves I have ever done for him. He still gets TONS of interaction with kids through Church activities, sport activities and friends.

I'm so sorry your daughter is having to go through this... Mean people *suck*!!:ymad:

(struck a chord with me...)
Awe... these stories are so horrible and make me cry... and fear what could be around the corner for my son... You guys have some strong kids!! I don't understand how people who work in the schools can be so stupid and not care... :(
Kathy, yes these girls know about Devynn's IBD. They have made up a song about her and her IBD. I will def post after the meeting tomorrow. If I can't see the principal, she's not going to school. She was so upset before bed tonight again, she was in tears.

XandDmom, thank you SO much! No, I had not seen that. I will be reading this and reading it again and will go in there tomorrow armed with information. I am def going to tell her I will be contacting the superintendant if this does not stop now. I was looking online earlier and didn't find anything. I will let you all know what happens tomorrow. Thank you again!

Tess, thank you. It broke my heart too :( I knew she was hurting, but she hasn't said much lately and when I have asked she says everything is fine. There was one day last week that one of the girls who has been the bully from day 1 forgot her lunch at home. Nobody would share with her so Devynn gave her half her lunch. I asked why she didn't just go to the office (the girl) and Devynn said she didn't want to get in trouble for forgetting so she was just not going to eat. Devynn shared her lunch and by the time 3:30 rolled around she was starving.

Heather, it makes me so sad too. I also work in the schools and have never seen any bullying. But I know its there. Its awful. I don't get how these kids are so mean. Poor Zachary! Thats so so mean :(

Farmwife, I agree with you 110%! These kids should all be punished and the parents should be notified. She is so upset, she doesn't want to go to school. She spent most of the night crying :(

crohnsinct, I know.. its unbelievable. I am sickened by these kids. One of them, looked me up and down kissing her teeth at me as we left the school this afternoon! Unbelievable!

Sophie, I will def let you all know what happens tomorrow.

Mark, thank you lol Everyone is saying its jealousy. I just don't get why. She is the nicest, sweetest, down to earth kid. She would do anything for anyone, even when they are mean to her. I don't get it.

Shell, I'm so sorry Alex had to deal with all of this too :( I don't understand how some kids are just so mean!

hbonsky, I don't get it either. I work in a school and would NEVER stand by and watch someone be bullied, or turn a blind eye. No way no how.
If she can't do something, I am taking her home and calling the head office of the school board.

I am an elementary teacher. I have worked with a "weak" principal concerning bullying at my school. This is what I've learned works.

Call the district administration and getting a district representative in the room for your appointment with the principal. I suggest the assistant superintendent. You can say you are considering legal action and that should make them jump. By all means, invite a school board member. While you're at it, insist that a school counselor is present. But most importantly (based on my experience at schools), get the principal's boss in the room, and things start happening! Oh, and make sure a district person or the secretary takes notes. Don't let them tell you no.

Girl bullying is tricky business. I'm sorry you have to go through this.

I'm also sorry if I sound pushy right now. I'm just so mad that your sweet Devynn is being treated this way!

You are doing a fabulous job! Keep it up! Way to go!

Thank you Kimberly. If I do that, it will take some time I assume? I can start making calls tomorrow morning. I don't want to send her to school in the mean time. She was in tears again tonight. I am thinking I will go in and speak to the principal tomorrow morning, I really don't want to keep her out of school. If nothing is done, or I don't feel like they are going to keep her safe, she's not going. I will come home and start making calls. You don't sound pushy :) I am SO happy I found this forum. It seems like I say that a whole lot lately.
Thank you so much! I will def keep you posted. If things don't go a certain way tomorrow... they are not going to like me much because I won't stop until something is done.
Wow, like life isn't hard enough! So sorry she has to endure that mess. You may have to get some sort of legal assistance, and "DOCUMENT" everything. If it isn't documented, it didn't happen! I know it's not easy, I hope everything gets worked out soon!
Thank you Mistybear. We have started documenting. Who would have thought it would have come to this. I'm glad we spoke to her pediatrician when we went about a month ago. At that time it had been going on for about a month and she made a few notes about it.
When the "assistant superintendent" card was played at my school, plus the talk of legal action, there was a scheduled meeting by lunchtime.

Good luck! I hope things move that quickly for you. You can request the meeting for tomorrow at the district office. Just say you want to discuss your legal options. In the US we have the Americans With Disabilities Act. It protects the rights of the ill. Do you have something like that in Canada?

I can feel your motivation all the way over in my part of the world. If I can feel it, so can your daughter!

BTW- I would keep her home too. Maybe you can have a painted nails type of mother/daughter day.

Again, good luck!

Thank you Kimberly, I'm not sure if we have anything like that here. I will look into it. I hope Devynn can feel it :) I won't stop, for her.
Great information from Kimberly! You folks are awesome! How about taking a tape recorder to your meeting? Then if no one does anything, you have positive documentation of the whole ordeal. Especially if they think you might be wanting to take legal action if they don't.
Thank you Kimberly :)

Carol, I could try the tape recorder. In Canada you can't record someones voice without their permission. But I could tell her I'm going to, and if she says no I will have to turn it off.

Mylittlesunshine, Thank you. I'm hoping to get it straightened out right now.

Niks, I sure will. We are leaving as soon as she's ready.

We will be leaving in a few min. Devynn is just getting ready and then I want to write a few more things down. If the principal is not there, or can't fit us in I'm bringing Devynn back home. If she is there but can't or won't see us. I am telling her I am going home to contact the secretary of the schools and find out who her boss is. She's so nervous. But I told her I am there, and she has nothing to worry about. She feels her voice is not being heard. I told her that piece of paper she filled out, hold a LOT of weight! I also told her she has a LOT of mommies on this board who are behind us and would come and fight with us if they could.
They should not "take time" to address at the District level. I ran into this one time with my non-ibd kid and the response was swift. Call the principal AND the superintendents office. :ymad:

Love to Devynn.

Somewhere above someone posted to involve the school councelor. I Really agree with including he/she. I hope Devynn can calm her nervousness...another trigger. Sounds like the one girl picked Devynn to bully and the other 'followers' are being diligent soldiers. I'd want the councelor to find out why these girls are doing this. Then the principal put the fear of God in them that bad things will happen to them if they don't stop immediately. Your daughter will most likely never want them as friends but they should be able to coexist without bothering her.
O was bullied in 4th grade. A girl decided she hated O and started an "I Hate O Club". She recruited every girl in the class but one. Everyday at lunch they would write something they hated about O in a little book. I found out weeks later by accident (found something O wrote to a friend in email). She told me she just wandered the playground during recess crying. Even walked into the classroom crying and not one adult noticed. That made me sick.

I went in about it and the notebook disappeared and I basically got no where with school pychologist and administration. I had to go to the mom of the leader.

Today the leader of the I Hate O club is her best friend. They even went to school today dressed alike.

My point...kids do have the ability to change, and forgive and that there is hope!

Praying for you all today!
Hi, my thoughts are with you guys. Keep us posted, if you don't succeed we can always email bomb the principal from all corners of the globe!
I just want to send you both hugs:ghug: I Think the others on here have said it all . I have tears in my eyes reading Devynn's letter. I really hope you can get it sorted. It is so hard watching our children go through IBD without having to worry about bullying too.

Thinking of you both xx
I don't know what time it is in your neck of the woods but i really hope things went as well as they could big hugs to you and Devynn xx
All the best to Devynn. Life is tough as a grade schooler with IBD. In away, the idea of it gets better was somewhat true for me when I got to college.

But the grade school thing is tough. Arghh, so many emotions and painful memories.

.. All I can say is modern society simply cannot handle people with IBD, especially in grade school. I'm glad I made it out alive.
That's pretty bad. Sometimes I wonder what happened with common decency these days. Yes, it's not like kids were all saints in the past, but hey bullying other kids for months to the point that they fill out forms like this is awful.
Maree, things went well I think. I am going to update in the next post. Thank you :)

Julie, I think things went well. I am about to update in the next post.

Kathy, I think things went well. I am about to update in the next post. Devynn will be seeing the school counselor who is only in on Tuesdays. I didn't even think we HAD a school counselor!

crohnsinct, I'm so sorry O went through that :( I'm glad they are friends now.

johnwc, thank you :) I think things went well. I am about to update in the next post.

Jacqui, I think things went well.. I will update in the next post.

CDJ thank you so much. It is so hard to watch our kids suffer, and this is just so unnecessary :(

Sophie, yes I think things went well. The meeting lasted longer than I expected and then I had to go to work. Just about to update.

Prospectorsquartet, thank you. I'm glad you made it out alive too!! :)

Mehita, good I think :) Just about to update.
alex_chris, I think its so much *easier* for kids to bully now, with facebook, the internet, cel phones etc. But kids have changed.. they seem a lot meaner and so much more saucy with adults.
Thank you all for the support :)
We got to the school and the principal said she was busy, so could we arrange a meeting. I said that was fine, as long as it was today. She asked us to come back at 9:40. We went in and sat down and Devynn gave her the letter. She read it and asked what was going on. I pulled out my paper with as much as we could remember written down. We told her about the girl who called our house approx 30x on Mon. We told her about the other girl who looked ME.. an adult up and down and kissed her teeth at me. We told her about the one bully who asked the other one to kick Devynn in the face at dance class. We told her how Devynn has been going to the washroom to cry. How Devynn does not feel safe at school and that she doesn't feel like her voice is being heard by the teachers and principal. We showed her the page of symptoms and how her IBD is now being affected by all of this. Then I told her that if this is not dealt with today, I will be contacting the school superintendant and her boss. I told her I know all about Bill 14, the Anti bullying act of 2012 from the Legislative Assembly of Ontario (thank you again xmdmom) and that I will go above her head in a heartbeat if this does not stop today.
She has promised me that she will be calling the girls in and speaking with them separately, because when she has 5 or 6 of them in the room they just agree with each other (no we didn't do/say that etc). She is going to tell them that she can't make them all be friends, but that is stops today or there will be consequences. She said the other girls parents have been notified of what is and has been going on. She told Devynn she can come in and talk to her or her teacher any time and that if she feels unsafe, to stick close to a teacher until she can speak to someone.
I told her I want her to let these girls know that they are not to call our house or Devynn's cel phone. She said that when she has had them in for a meeting (all the girls) that she has had to end the meeting because Devynn was crying. She said Devynn's self esteem is very low because of all of this and asked if I would be interested in having her talk to the counselor. She said this lady would be there for Devynn alone. She would not be talking to the other girls to get their story, she is there for Devynn to talk to. She can talk to her about anything, and feel safe. She said as a principal she is not allowed to take sides, or believe one child over another. She has to remain impartial. I agreed and we filled out the paper work.
Our meeting lasted about an hour. She told Devynn to just relax and try not to stress out. She would talk to the girls and if there is ANY problems,, come to her right away. We sat in the office for a few min and Devynn started to cry. She did NOT want to go in. It was now 10:45 and I was picking her up at 1 for her doctors appt so I took her home. I went to work (left her with her brother) and then picked her back up for the doctor.
Our family doctor said he doesn't feel she has a virus, but he would order a whack of blood, urine and stool to rule everything out. He tested for all the inflammatory stuff, CRP, ESR, CBC, iron levels.. the fecal calprotectin has to be done at the hosp apparently or the lab would try to charge me big time. So we will be asking for that at the GI next Wed. Our family dr has documented everything and I gave him copies of the paper Devynn filled out, the list of her symptoms since this all started, the form for the social worker... he said I am right on the money. He doesn't feel she has a virus at all, he feels it is stress.
We went and had all the blood drawn (5 vials) and she was MAD at me! lol Its all my fault of course. I took her to the doctor after all.
So, I guess the next few days will tell. I told her not to worry and stress. If anything happens, she can go to the washroom and call me if she doesn't want to go talk to the teacher or principal.
She will see the GI next Wed and we should have all her blood results at that time.
Thank you all again, so much for the love and support. I honestly have no clue what I would do if I hadn't found this forum.
I am completely exhausted, and have my cake course tonight (that I secretly hope gets cancelled lol) so I am going to go have a coffee and sit down for a few min.
I will keep you posted on how the next few days/weeks go and the results of the blood work etc.
xo Samantha and Devynn xo
Thanks for the update, Samantha. I am going to pray blessings on all those involved so that everyone can find the healing that they need and start feeling and behaving as the whole people that they can be. I think it is beautiful how Devynn doesn't hold these things against them - her loving spirit will help more than anything else. I know that this can be worked out.

Everyone: pray blessings on the bullies and Devynn and Samantha and all the teachers and admin, etc. I am looking forward to hearing the good things that can come of this. I'm glad that Devynn is getting help. I can't wait till it has all come to pass and that it is behind her. She'll be much stronger and more sympathetic for it all. Encourage her not to let bitterness creep in! She's a beautiful girl and will always be!
Im so glad that the principle heard you out and an action plan is in place i hope these cruel girls get a short sharp shock that what they have been doing is NOT acceptable!! i hope Devynn feels safer and more confident in knowing the teachers are there for her and the counsellor and you of course will help herbuild her self esteem back up! Poor girl xx
Thanks for updating I have been secretly checking all day (I'm supposed to be working).
If I were going through all the stress you have I'd want cake class canceled because I would eat the whole dang thing - (It would make me feel better even if it was only a sugar high).
I just want to send her some strong supportive friends who will look those other girls in the face and tell them to knock it off!
Wish we could show Devynn a crystal ball and show her that she is a strong, beautiful girl and no one else can define who she is and she has an incredible future to look forward to full of wonderful friends who care about her.
Thank you Carol, she really is a good girl. Not sure if I mentioned but last week one of the biggest bullies (not size wise, just MEAN) had no lunch. What did my girl do?? Share her lunch! She was "Starving to death" by 3:30 :)

Thank you Sophie, I hope so too!

Jmrogers4, thank you :) your post made me cry :*) A good cry though. To know so many people are pulling for her!
Hopefully now she feels like she is being heard and supported her confidence and self esteem will start to pick up. Poor little thing, she really has been through it.

Hopefully some of these girls will stop being sheep and following the ringleader (there always is one! Generally they are too scared that it will be their turn next if they don't join in!)

I still think it is mainly jealousy, Devynn is so gorgeous!

IS there a sport or activity she can add that would not involve any of the "mean" girls? to boost her confidence.
My heart is breaking for your sweet Devynn. She is such a pretty girl and seems so kindhearted.

I hope the principal takes care of this now and things turn around quickly for her. :ghug:
I do agree that its jealousy, but it all hurts the same. Sounds like you are on the right track. I'm sure Devynn knows, but its true that most of the girls are following suit out of cowardness...so she shouldn't let her own self esteem be damaged. She's sweet and they are cowards. Maybe if she approached it like that she'd not feel so bad about herself. Tell her to not give the mean words power...I know that's hard! Here's the crystal ball: The bully type of girls just end up being bully adults that no one likes...and they usually don't like themselves either.
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Im SO GLAD there's a plan!!!! Once the mean girls know it won't be stood for and Dev will tell I bet they'll find a new target. Love her sweet little heart - and yours!

It's a horrific way to learn to stand up for yourself but Im proud of her for not backing down.

Ill watching for the results and praying she feels empowered and BETTER by the minute!

Big KY love to you both-

Thank you Niks, I sure hope so! :) I think its true that they don't want to be next.

my little penguin, she takes swimming once a week :)

Thank you Tink, I hope so too. I want to see her happy again.

Brain'smom, thank you. I have told her that. I think she really does feel bad for them in a way. She said she knows when they move to middle school, the mean girls will have a hard time.

Thank you Kimberly :)

Thank you Mistybear :)

Julie, thank you :) I am so proud of her. She's a tough cookie!
Big hugs to you and Devynn!! We had to switch schools too, girls can be so mean. We have to drive 25 miles to school now but i don't regret 1 mile of it. Her stress level has went down 80%! When we started the new school I let them know up front, no scenes to go to the bathroom. Also, those parents of the bullies are usually just as bad. Those bullies could never go thru what our kids go thru. Ughhh I just wish I could comfort you and give good advise but I'm lost for words. We need Dr Phil!!!! I will pray my heart out for you both tonight.
Leahsmom, thank you. I'm sorry you have had to go through this too.

I am truly sorry that your daughter is having to go through all this, and while I understand the desire to switch schools, your daughter shouldn't have to.

The mom who kissed her teeth at you? I know she wouldn't do that to me because I would look at her and very calmly and quietly ask whether I was going to need to take legal action against her personally, for encouraging, if not instigating, her daughter's illegal bullying of my daughter? I would also advise her that criminal action can be taken against those who instigate others to commit illegal acts, and assure her that I would be visiting the local prosecutor's office to file my complaint. Unless, of course, she could provide me with a very good reason why I shouldn't.

If that wasn't enough to obtain the desired results, then I would obtain her name and address, and have my attorney draft a letter to her (and her husband) advising them of the seriousness of the situation, and potential for legal action, and send a copy to the school board as well. I might then file a complaint with the prosecutor or police department.

It wouldn't exactly be the first time I have done so, and it's always produced the desired results.

All my best to you and your daughter. :)
I can understand the approach that your school is taking in wanting to deal with the issues with the kids and parents involved but it does get to a point where all the children in the class are aware of what is going on.

Recently when there was an issue with my oldests son's year 8 class, I noticed our school took a different approach, following the meeting with the children involved 4 ringleaders) and their parents, where formal disciplinary procedures we're instigated.

The Deputy Principle called a meeting of all Yr 8 students all 125 of them and without naming names of the kids involved, reminded them they all have a responsible to create an environment where bullying and disrespectful behavior is not acceptable. That these things only occur when the student body allows them to occur, by going along with peer group pressure, failing to call unacceptable behavior and, not reporting incidents when they occurr. There we're then punishments handed out to the entire year level.

I'm on parent's committee and we've been asked to call a meeting of Yr 8 parents to reiterate to parents that they need to talk to their children about not passively sitting back and accepting other students treating each other and staff with disrespect.
Ya Noy, we are not switching schools. This is her last year in her school as she moves on to middle school next year. A couple of these girls will go to a different school because of where they live. It was actually one of the children who kissed her teeth at me! If it was an adult, I don't think I would have kept walking ;)

Maree, you are so right and most of the kids DO know what is going on. I think maybe a few of the girls are a bit put off because a few of the boys have been telling Devynn just to ignore the mean girls and stick by them. I wish our school handled things the way your school does. Devynn has always stood up for other kids who are being bullied. She has stood up for a boy in her class with autism, since 1st grade. Not so much anymore because he will now stand up for himself, but she still watches out for him. She (as well as the bullies if you can believe it) is on the schools anti bullying committee. She does not like bullying in any form.
Ya Noy, we are not switching schools. This is her last year in her school as she moves on to middle school next year. A couple of these girls will go to a different school because of where they live. It was actually one of the children who kissed her teeth at me! If it was an adult, I don't think I would have kept walking ;)

Maree, you are so right and most of the kids DO know what is going on. I think maybe a few of the girls are a bit put off because a few of the boys have been telling Devynn just to ignore the mean girls and stick by them. I wish our school handled things the way your school does. Devynn has always stood up for other kids who are being bullied. She has stood up for a boy in her class with autism, since 1st grade. Not so much anymore because he will now stand up for himself, but she still watches out for him. She (as well as the bullies if you can believe it) is on the schools anti bullying committee. She does not like bullying in any form.

I'm so glad some of the other kids in the class are decent enough to stand up and support Devynn. We call that "street justice" in certain places :ybiggrin:. Hope she is feeling better as a result.

I must have misunderstood, sorry. No child should be subjected to that type of traumatization. Your daughter has enough on her plate without adding bullying to it.

I sincerely hope everything works out for the both of you. :)
I seriously can not believe the kids these days. I was picking up O's friend (who happens to have Downs syndrome and had to move buses because kids were tormenting her) from a bus stop the other day. I am not normally there. Anyway, a different middle school bus stopped and I was just standing there and this girl starting in on my through the window. Then 3 or 4 of them joined in. I couldn't help myself. I just said, "seriously? you are starting with me? an adult? what is your problem?" I swear if it weren't for the fact that I had to wait for O's friend I would have followed that darn bus and the kid home and spoken to her parent. Unfortunately, like some one here eluded to...a lot of times they are learning his behavior somewhere.

Also, one thing that has helped my girls is having activities outside of school with kids they can bond with. Some counselor/psychologist/speaker type said that was the best thing you could do for your kids. Because in school you are in one day and out the next and you often don't know why. Could be as simple as the wrong haircut...but the kids outside school have no idea what happened and they like you for you and what you have in common so it is an escape from the craziness at school and you still feel value to a group. Anyway, that has been swim team and youth group for my girls. Their best friends are from swimming.

How is Devynn doing? I swear, that picture of her with her hair down on your posts always makes me smile...even before all this! She just has this fun, carefree look to her and looks like someone you would want to be around. Please don't ever take that picture down because it makes me happy.
hi devynsmom,

My heart goes out to you and your daughter. I was bullied in grade school as well. The kicker was it was a Catholic grade school. So whenever I reported the bullies to a teacher or the principal, I WAS THE ONE who got into trouble. It got worse once I was diagnosed with Crohn's in 6th grade.

There were strict bathroom rules back then. In 8th grade, the bully click, 2 of the leaders, were into putting makeup on instead of using the bathroom so some of the teachers wouldn't let the students use the restroom. I got a note from the GI stating that I have IBD and can NOT wait. Then the bullying got worse, especially the prank calls saying I was teacher's pet and stuck up. I couldn't wait to go to high school as the click wasn't going where I was going.

In high school, it was an all girl private Catholic school. My classmates were very supportive as well as the teachers and principal and VP. I knew that if I chose public school, I wouldn't survive. At least at Villa, the staff was very understanding and caring.

Whenever I get stuff in the mail from my grade school asking for $$, I write back to NEVER CONTACT me again. I mean, after all the abuse I had to put up with--pushing, shoving, verbal abuse, mental abuse, etc. these girls and boys never ever got in trouble. It was always blame the victim (this was back in the 1980s).

In high school, there was a zero tolerance policy for bullying. I really thought that after Columbine, all of the schools would take on the no bullying policy and suspend the culprits if they even physically harmed a student. NOONE has the right to touch anybody. I really hope that your daughter can get through the rest of the year stress free. I hope the bullies get suspended if they try anything again. hugs to you and your daughter. :)
Ya noy, no problem :) Thank you, I hope it works out too. It WILL work out, but I just hope its now lol

crohnsinct, OMG! Yes unfortunately some of these kids with the big attitudes are that way because that is all they know, which is so sad. I'm sorry O's friend is having problems :( Devynn takes swimming and dance. But one of the girls who is sometimes a problem is in her dance class. I think we will look for something else to join.
She called home today at lunch and said she was sick. I asked if there was a problem and she said no. She's fine now, has been since we got in. She lied around for about an hour and then seemed to perk up. She has been having 6-7 bm a day, so she's prob stressed and worn out. I am hoping tomorrow will be better. Thank you about the pic :) She is fun and carefree. She loves to sing and dance and smile.

Gutlesswonder86, thank you. I'm so sorry for what you went through :( That's awful.

If you are considering switching her out of dance, would you consider martial arts? I am a black belt and I have taught students who are beginners. The skill level increases almost as fast as the self-confidence. And with a girl that pretty...it wouldn't hurt to know a few moves.

Sorry to read this so late but just wanted to tell you I cried at the beginning and cheered you and Devynn and all the forum friends by the end. I know this must have been so difficult to deal with for both of you, and hope more than anything that this will be a new beginning for Devynn at school. Every time I see her picture it is like seeing a little ray of sunshine! A hug to you both!
Kimberly, I was actually thinking martial arts. I think it would boost her self esteem and confidence. I am going to look into it and talk to her about it.

awmom, thank you :) I hope things brighten up soon. She came home again today with a stomach ache, but was fine in about an hour.
Oh Samantha...:ghug:...my heart goes out to you both. :heart:

I am so sorry I am late to this. :( What your dear girl has had to endure is beyond awful and how heartbreaking for you to have to see it.
I am so pleased to read that the meeting went well, well done Mum! I can see your love and conviction and know that you will ensure they stand by their word. :)

We went through a similar situation as Maree with our school, Year 8 too, and the school did the same thing. The perpetrators were spoken to individually and then the Year as a whole. It then carried through to the rest of the school, it is a K-12 school,...their rights and responsibilities in regard to bullying and the expectations of the school and the community as whole when it came their behaviour and actions.
Bullying is not tolerated at the school but it seems that these added reminders are required at times. :(

Devynn is certainly in good hands with you by her side and I know she will overcome this, bless her. I hope more than anything that the bullying now stops and her disease settles along with it.

Thinking of you both, :hug:

Dusty. xxx
Thank you Dusty :) I'm sorry Maree had problems too. It seems like so many kids have problems with bullys. I'm glad the outcome was good with Maree. I like the way your school handed it.
I hope the bullying stops now too. I want her disease to settle so she stops hurting.
Mylittlesunshine, thank you for asking :) She seems to be doing well. She said everything was fine today. My best friend works in the lunchroom in the school and she said Devynn seemed happy at school. She told her if there are ANY problems, just to come find her.

Farmwife, thank you :) She seems to be doing well :) I guess time will tell really.
Onwards and Upwards dearest Devynn! We are all thinking of you and are so very proud of your strength, compassion and determination to overcome. :ghug:

And Samantha, you are not only a Mum but a wonderful support and role model for Devynn. As they say...the apple never falls far from the tree...kudos to you. :heart:

Dusty. xxx
Thank you Dusty :*) You made me cry!! lol Its been a very emotional day for me. My son has been giving me a hard time and it all came to a head today. I have been on the verge of crying all day. But atleast these are happy tears :)
Glad to hear Devynn is happy at school. Getting it out in the open had to be a relief for her. I hope things continue to get better and better. You're a good mom. You having her back in a big way is awesome. For now we'll all postpone our flights up there to 'kick some butts!' ;)
Thank you Kathy :) She had a really good day Monday and Tues. She missed school yesterday because she had an appt with her GI. She's back today, with no protesting before school :D I take THAT as a good sign because for the last 2 mos she has told me every day that she didn't want to go.
Fabulous news!! Standing up to bullies is definitely the way forward!! Way to go Devynn :dance::dance::dance::dance::dance::dance:

Hi Samantha and Devynn
I am really late to this and I am so sorry that this has happened. As I was reading the thread the air was very blue in my house and the cushion is falling apart!
Once again, your gorgeous girl just shines through - she is amazing. Her courage to stand up for herself whilst being bullied is inspirational and she gave her lunch away! You should be so proud - not just of her but also of yourself. I cannot imagine what it is like for you watching what your girl is going through.
Glad to see that the last few days have been better.
Lots of hugs :ghug::hug:
Niks, thank you! :) So far so good :) She had two good days in a row.

Carol, thank you :) I am so incredibly proud of her! When she told me she gave half of her lunch away, I asked why and she said "she was hungry". I told her I understood, but was curious why she didn't tell the girl to talk to the secretary, principal or lunch teacher. She said she didn't want to talk to them because she's been in the office too much lately. I told her I was proud of her, and that she has such a big heart. I have to admit though, if it was me.. I would not have offered up my lunch I don't think. It's amazing how these kids can teach us so much. As much as she was hurt by this girl, she couldn't stand the thought of her being hungry. She is a good, sweet girl :)
((((hugs))) right back! :)
Edited to clarify, she gave the girl who has been bullying her half of her lunch. She said she split it evenly :)
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I'm with you there about giving my lunch away but then maybe we are jaded adults and need to be taught some humility? Sometimes it is good to let rip though.....

👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏 for Devynn
Ha! I draw the line at lunch. Not so much that I don't care about people but I am a sweat hog and love my food. I would give her a few bucks to buy lunch:lol2: Pretty sure my three sweat hog daughters would do the same!
:) Mark, I just went back and read what I wrote. She didn't give her whole lunch away, she split it evenly with the mean girl. Still MUCH more than I would have done ;)
You surely have a treasure on your hands there Samantha. :rosette1:

I think with all our kids endure they develop a deep and innate sense of understanding and compassion that leaves the rest of us in awe. :)

Kudos to your girl for having the ability to rise above it all. Well done Devynn...


Dusty. xxx
maybe this will teach the bully a lesson that your daughter isn't her enemy but a very kind young lady who's willing to be there for her in times of need. Your little girl is very brave for dealing with Crohn's & then reaching out to this girl and sharing her lunch, kudos!!

Samantha, your daughter is so sweet. She has learned so much in her life already :)
hugs to you both.
GutlessWonder86, thank you :) Maybe it will teach the bullies a lesson. Things seem to be going well. She is actually making plans right now to go and do a French project with one of the girls who used to be one of her best friends, but turned into one of the biggest bullies.

Julie, thank you :) I hope she continues to be the wonderful person she is.

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