Thank you all for the support
![Smile :) :)]()
We got to the school and the principal said she was busy, so could we arrange a meeting. I said that was fine, as long as it was today. She asked us to come back at 9:40. We went in and sat down and Devynn gave her the letter. She read it and asked what was going on. I pulled out my paper with as much as we could remember written down. We told her about the girl who called our house approx 30x on Mon. We told her about the other girl who looked ME.. an adult up and down and kissed her teeth at me. We told her about the one bully who asked the other one to kick Devynn in the face at dance class. We told her how Devynn has been going to the washroom to cry. How Devynn does not feel safe at school and that she doesn't feel like her voice is being heard by the teachers and principal. We showed her the page of symptoms and how her IBD is now being affected by all of this. Then I told her that if this is not dealt with today, I will be contacting the school superintendant and her boss. I told her I know all about Bill 14, the Anti bullying act of 2012 from the Legislative Assembly of Ontario (thank you again xmdmom) and that I will go above her head in a heartbeat if this does not stop today.
She has promised me that she will be calling the girls in and speaking with them separately, because when she has 5 or 6 of them in the room they just agree with each other (no we didn't do/say that etc). She is going to tell them that she can't make them all be friends, but that is stops today or there will be consequences. She said the other girls parents have been notified of what is and has been going on. She told Devynn she can come in and talk to her or her teacher any time and that if she feels unsafe, to stick close to a teacher until she can speak to someone.
I told her I want her to let these girls know that they are not to call our house or Devynn's cel phone. She said that when she has had them in for a meeting (all the girls) that she has had to end the meeting because Devynn was crying. She said Devynn's self esteem is very low because of all of this and asked if I would be interested in having her talk to the counselor. She said this lady would be there for Devynn alone. She would not be talking to the other girls to get their story, she is there for Devynn to talk to. She can talk to her about anything, and feel safe. She said as a principal she is not allowed to take sides, or believe one child over another. She has to remain impartial. I agreed and we filled out the paper work.
Our meeting lasted about an hour. She told Devynn to just relax and try not to stress out. She would talk to the girls and if there is ANY problems,, come to her right away. We sat in the office for a few min and Devynn started to cry. She did NOT want to go in. It was now 10:45 and I was picking her up at 1 for her doctors appt so I took her home. I went to work (left her with her brother) and then picked her back up for the doctor.
Our family doctor said he doesn't feel she has a virus, but he would order a whack of blood, urine and stool to rule everything out. He tested for all the inflammatory stuff, CRP, ESR, CBC, iron levels.. the fecal calprotectin has to be done at the hosp apparently or the lab would try to charge me big time. So we will be asking for that at the GI next Wed. Our family dr has documented everything and I gave him copies of the paper Devynn filled out, the list of her symptoms since this all started, the form for the social worker... he said I am right on the money. He doesn't feel she has a virus at all, he feels it is stress.
We went and had all the blood drawn (5 vials) and she was MAD at me! lol Its all my fault of course. I took her to the doctor after all.
So, I guess the next few days will tell. I told her not to worry and stress. If anything happens, she can go to the washroom and call me if she doesn't want to go talk to the teacher or principal.
She will see the GI next Wed and we should have all her blood results at that time.
Thank you all again, so much for the love and support. I honestly have no clue what I would do if I hadn't found this forum.
I am completely exhausted, and have my cake course tonight (that I secretly hope gets cancelled lol) so I am going to go have a coffee and sit down for a few min.
I will keep you posted on how the next few days/weeks go and the results of the blood work etc.
xo Samantha and Devynn xo