The last 2 nights I had some intense pains. First night, I had bad burning in my throat very much like hearburn but only in my throat that radiated to my left shoulder and arm. It was horrible! I took zantac and some advil and it went away for a bit. But then it came back again last night. I took Zantac again followed by some advil and kept myself proped up. The pain in my throat started to go away, but right at that same time, I began to get the most awful body aches. literally every joint from my toes to my finger tips were so achy throughout my body. I had my fiance try to massage my back but my skin felt very senstive to the slightest touch. I was crying from the pain. I was so desperate to try anything I remembered that I had the clobetasol spray my dr had given me for scalp psoriasis. I sprayed in on my skin on the back of my neck as usual and a few minutes later the pain statred to subside. I dont know if it was because of the spray but i had to try something. It was the worse nights I had in a while. My body feels likes it been trying to recover from it all day. I am not on any medication. What was this exactly? I have randomly having intense pains in my fingers symetrically on both hand. Stiffnes and pain. Could this be rhumatoid arthritis symptoms I'm experiencing? or is this just another common symtom of crohn's that I am once again surprised with. 
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