oo:Hi roundtuit & co
I have just been diagnosed with c diff infection, and you totally have my empathy !!! I know I'm posting a little late as you state that your on the mend which I'm very happy for you and it gives me some hope as right now iv never felt so low and exhausted!!!
I was rushed into hospital as an emergency admission just over three weeks ago with reactive arthritis in my knee!!! ( I'd never had it before, but hey yet another extra intestinal manifestation of crohns !! ) stayed in a week, begged to come home as whilst I was in and placed on iv antibiotics I started to flare!!! Or so I thought !!!
After a lot of begging they discharged me and since being home I have not stopped going to the toilet night and day!!!! I don't want to ruin anyones day by giving you the gory details !!! But it has not been pleasant!!!
I contacted my specialist nurse who at first kept saying it was probably a flare, but since coming home I can't even sip water !!!! Let alone anything solid !!!! Iv lost a stone in two weeks !!! And everyday it's just relentless.
Finally a stool sample was sent off and my specialist nurse called to say iv got a c diff infection!!!! I googles my symptoms prior to all of this taking place and I knew in my mind I had c diff !!!
Riacake is right in what she is stating, bearing in mind I'm in the uk but I'm assuming that as far as c diff is concerned it's all the same. Iv been told no visitors, only those that need to be here, separate bathrooms but unfortunately we live in an apartment so iv got to bleach the loo every time I use it, separate towels etc etc.iv been informed that it is infectious until it clears up !!!
Right now guys I'm at my lowest point with this disease, I'm normally very optomistic type of person but over the last few months iv had a lot happen with my crohns, I started azathiaprine in june for three weeks, had a really bad reaction to it, ending in me taking seven weeks off work, returned for three ended up back off work rolling around in pain with what they thought was my gall bladder, scan done nothing wrong there but no explanation what it was???? I think it must have been a blockage/sricture. Gi wouldn't let me return to work as my bloods were all over the shop and wanted me to rest. Then just over three weeks ago bam !!! My knee inflammation and now c diff !!!! Oh and iv had an MRI scan done but don't know the results as such as an appt is being made for me to the gi and a surgeon !!! So god knows what's happening next !!!!!!!
God !! I'm soo sorry for my little post that has now gone epic !!!! And not just about c diff !!!! Sorry guys !!!!!
I'm sincerely glad your on the right track and it's giving me some hope xx