C does listen to my constant research garble!

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Apr 26, 2012
The delivery guy dropped off our supplies the other morning and C was stacking the formula boxes when the guy asked politely what the formula was for. Before I could answer C explained that he had Crohn's disease and the formula was supplementing his nutrition. The delivery guy explained his son was recently dx'ed and he thought that may be the reason.

He started asking questions about dx, location, severity, treatment etc and again before I could answer C was spewing info about his illness and treatment options and reasoning along with studies that I have been rattling off to what I thought had been deaf ears for ages. I was so impressed and flabbergasted that I think I just stood there with my mouth open.

The guy mentioned his son's joint pain and C started talking about EIMs and how some run concurrently with active flares and others independently. He said the best thing you can do for joint pain is get him to a rheumatologist, GIs are great with the gut but rheumatologists are much more thorough about joint pain.

I think I heard quotes from at least 4 of the parents here and several studies come out of C's mouth. He really has been listening as I drone on daily about all facets of this disease.

So maybe he just has selective hearing since his room is still a mess and I''ve told him a thousand times to clean it up just this last week!:ybatty:
:lol: C just gave us ALL hope that our kids are listening despite their indifference to their own situation. :kiss:
Hmm sounds like a teenage boy with selective hearing, my sons seem to suffer from that as well. That is fantastic and what a proud mama moment. Makes your heart melt.
That's so great!!! And, totally agree re the selective hearing! S has surprised me at apptmts with some of his questions and use of correct terminology too... but... hanging up his clothes! :yfaint:

Tesscorm, I just keep thinking what if he is found unconscious under a pile of his own clean and dirty clothes in his dorm room. I mean, there is nothing in his demeanor or behaviour that suggests he will better understand the purpose of a clothes hanger when he is out on his own! There is a strong possibility that he will go missing in the maze of clothes, empty cans, shoes, games and books that are scattered throughout his room.

I worry about a CD flare when he is off at college but I worry even more that the college will evict him from the dorms due to having to condemn his room due to scattered, draped, piled, haphazardly thrown, mess he will accumulate!
After the first couple of visits to S's dorm, I very intentionally turned a blind eye (and avoided his bedroom completely)!! And, to make things worse, they had a kitchen too!! You've just got to accept all you can do it 'tell' them and then they're on their own! :lol: (I don't even want to think about the condition of the bathroom!!! :eek:)

Stephen's solution for next year... :lol: He wants ONLY ONE plate, ONE glass, ONE bowl - says if he knows he only has ONE, he'll have to wash it! :yfaint: I suppose there's some logic in that! :lol: His back-up plan... he and his roommates will not take any plates and will just buy paper plates from Costco. I did ask/remind him that they'd still have to wash glasses, cutlery, pots/pans, etc so what difference would a plate make??? But... they'll figure it out.

I have no idea how laundry was done at the dorm... S came home missing parts of his linen sets (ie no top sheet) but had parts of other linen sets, not sure what clothing was missing but know he came home with stuff he didn't leave with... :lol: I didn't even ask... I just washed, ironed and left in his room. He said he NEVER had to separate colours... umm, yeah and that's why everything you own is now grey! :)

OMG, I won't let myself get going... I could vent about this forever! :D
Haha that is exactly how I envision it with C! I'm wondering if he will ever even wash clothes. I know he wants a dorm suite too but I can only imagine what his bathroom and kitchen will look like.

His sister was a slob too and the first year she had an apt and I just had to close my eyes. I have noted that it has gotten so much better the last two years and she is now closer to a neat freak at her apt. sadly it doesn't parlay to home visits...what is up with that?!?

I like S's plate idea, I may send C with one pot, one pan, a stirring spoon, a sleeve of styrofoam cups, paper plates,and some plastic cutlery!
Fwiw most dorm rooms have housekeeping - so they typically don't clean the bedrooms but most clean the bathrooms once a week
Probably to keep the kiddos alive
Yes, you're right MLP... I didn't see evidence of it :lol: but do remember S mentioning that they did have to 'clean up' for housekeeping.

At the beginning of the year, I remember one visit when hubby and I wanted to, at least, clean the dishes/pots/etc. (it was awful!!!) but S telling us it was okay because there were some girls on their floor that would do dishes for $5 for 5 minutes... S said that he and his roommates pitched in $5 bucks each and would hire them once in a while!! Smart girls!! :D

I think I have a new plan to try to keep things neat at home (I'm well beyond yelling, threatening, crying, leaving,... :eek:), so now I'm going to fine them! :lol: Sort of like a 'swear jar', if anyone leaves anything lying around, they'll have to put $1 in the 'mess' jar ($5 for hubby because he should know better!) ;)... at the end of the month, whoever has contributed the least, gets to take the money! I figure I'll have enough to go visit Dusty in about 2 months! :lol: But, seriously... hoping it'll motivate them both ways - not to pay money and to be the smallest contributor to 'win' the money! :lol:
OMG! My girls must be boys because things are pretty much the same around here and my college girl just shared the same one plate, cup, fork knife theory and the paper plate theory. They must all learn that in some college living 101course they have to take. I am going to share with her that dishwashing job trick!

Man Clash I am in awe of you. O barely admits she has Crohns let alone understanding any fact about it or research etc.
When my brother and I were in college, he lived in a fraternity and I was living at home. I offered to do laundry on a few occasions for the frat house as long as I got to keep any money that was left in pockets. Usually ended up with about $200. They would totally forget about putting money in pockets or thought they spent it. Mom would help and we would always have a nice day out with lunch and shopping after our efforts. We didn't iron just washed and folded.
I like the $5 dollar trick and I really like the mess jar. I don't know how many times I say the living room is not a locker room and to pick up your sports equipment. May have to use that one.
CIC, he may be open to strangers about his illness but can be so tight lipped and flippant when it comes to discussions about it with me. Yesterday, he played Xbox all day on his day off and by evening the corner of his eye was bright red, looks like his episcleritis to me so I mention it and he totally brushes it off and becomes indignant, "Mom, you are jinxing me, it's nothing but video games." So now I wait to see if other symptoms follow or that it was a fluke. But umm how am I jinxing him by asking about his episcleritis?
I often just get the sigh and roll of the eyes... :lol:

Jacqui - your locker room comment is sooo true!! OMG, I don't know how many times I've told S the entire house is not his 'extended' bedroom closet!!

I'm just glad I'm not the only one fighting this battle! :hug:
Way to go C! So impressed!

So my older daughter who is a sophomore at college and lives in a suite said she and her friends tried using paper plates instead of doing the dishes but then they had to take out the trash too often:lol:
I understand the "mom don't bother me thing"
When DS was tiny he would always breakout in hives which meant he would have to stop playing ... By the time he was almost three he would sternly tell me to "not look about it"
He didn't want me to know about the hives .

No one wants to be sick and our kiddos know they have a hard time "hiding the sick" from mom
I understand the "mom don't bother me thing"
When DS was tiny he would always breakout in hives which meant he would have to stop playing ... By the time he was almost three he would sternly tell me to "not look about it"
He didn't want me to know about the hives .

No one wants to be sick and our kiddos know they have a hard time "hiding the sick" from mom

Lol mlp, I've seen Grace limp into the room and once she realizes I'm watching walk as straight as a board, then back to a limp once out of the room.
I don't know whether to feel proud or sad for her.
Clash, You can be so proud of you!! You've done what a Mom of a child with crohns should do; be their advocate all while teaching them to take care of themselves one day. I bet you were so proud. And I bet at that moment he was sharing his info... he was thinking, "My mom is awesome". :)

As for the room.... probably a wife someday will have to cure him. Until then... shutting the door is only thing that works for my college kid!! :)
Streuth!!! WTG Clash, kudos to you for cracking the code! :dusty:

BUT…I have much more faith in C that he does indeed continue to heed what you say when it comes to his room. :nonono: I can just hear you saying to him…

Clash: Now C, you should know by now that your health is the most important thing.
C: Yes Muuuuuuuuuum.
Clash: I mean it C. Nothing and I mean nothing (hands on hips and finger pointing) is more important.
C: Okay Mum! I hear you. Sheesh.
Clash: Well be sure you do or you will have me to deal with!
C: Aright already Mum!

So with that in mind he happily lives in squalor because his room is NOT the most important thing! :rof:

Well done Mum and C! :medal1:

Dusty. :kiss:

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