Boy oh boy Clash...I have missed so much!

I am so very sorry to hear of all that C has been going through, how awful for you both...:ghug:
Both of my kids had the vomiting thing and loss of appetite with their TI Crohn's.
Harking back to the measurement of pain. Crohn's kids surely do have a very high pain threshold. It was the thing that really broke my heart when Sarah was diagnosed...the realisation of just how much pain she must have been in and how that pain had become a way life for her. She had a ruptured bowel and still she didn't get any higher than a 7, I was gutted.
I found after that I tended to marry both what she saying with non verbal signs to try and get a truer picture of what we were dealing with.
These are the descriptors I use to assess pain:
0-1 No pain
2-3 Mild pain
4-5 Discomforting - moderate pain
6-7 Distressing - severe pain
8-9 Intense - very severe pain
10 Unbearable pain
But perhaps our kids can relate better to this?...
Thinking of you guys, :heart:
Dusty. xxx