Calling Colostomates

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Jan 22, 2011
Hi there. I have had an temp ileostomy for 4 years now & due to perianal disease it looks like im going to be permanently sticking with the bag. My surgeon has discussed changing to a colostomy(as long as my colon is ok) as Ive been told they are easier to manage? Are they? I find I go to the toilet loads with the ileostomy which is a pain. He has also talked to me about removing my rectum which is inflammed at present but Ive looked into this and it just looks horrific dont know if I can put myself through it just yet I have 2 young children to look after.Also im scared of trying to get rid of a few problems and creating loads more. I would love to hear peoples personal experiences with both issue's im struggling with what to do for best. God bless us all!! Amy x
Hi Aimy,
My ileostomy is permanent. My rectum has been removed. At the time (over 24 years ago) I had really bad perianal disease. It was left open and packed. The first week or so was the worst. It took time to heal fully but it filled in fairly fast.

Keep on top of the pain. Keep the doctors informed.

Sending you my support.
Hi Amylou! I have a colostomy. I guess the food breaks down and has a chance to go through the entire digestive system so my bowels are normal and firm but sometimes it can get messy. Ive woke up just a couple times and looked down and my bag looked like it was about to explode. Lol I never had an ielostomy or known somebody with one but from what I've read and others stories food doesnt go thru the entire digestive system and perhaps thsts why the output is so liquidity. I'll tell you what thou. Even thou its super easy emptying and changing bags the smell is horrid. Lol. I always try to use a single bathroom in oublic and i bring my own lil spray to cover the smell. Also what's worked for me is on a new bag put some good smelling oils all in the inside of the bag so the output slides right out and smell nit that bad. Lol. Good luck hope my info helped alil. :)
Try a bit of Vaseline under your nose to block the smell.

Sorry, that should read Vicks vapor rub.
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