Haven't posted here in months. . . . daughter's been doing so well! Recently she developed an abcess and there was some question as to whether it was a "gyn thing" or a "crohn's thing". Peri-rectal abcess, and actually 2 by CT scan. She was in extreme pain, transferred to a children's hospital, followed there by the GI surgeons and the GI medical team just discharged Tuesday. At that time they felt one abcess was gone, the other was smaller. Today she said she felt like it was getting bigger, but not more painful. Tonight, it burst, tons of pus, a little blood.
What now? Do we call the doc in the morning? (Why do these kinds of things always happen at night?!?!) One of the docs had recommended sitz baths "to make it come to a head", and it sounds like that happened and more. Just don't want her to get into trouble over the weekend. Our ER experiences have been less than stellar lately, and I'd like to avoid that. Sometimes it is just so hard to know WHICH doc to call, and when! Primary care? GI surgical clinic? Regular pedi GI doc?
What now? Do we call the doc in the morning? (Why do these kinds of things always happen at night?!?!) One of the docs had recommended sitz baths "to make it come to a head", and it sounds like that happened and more. Just don't want her to get into trouble over the weekend. Our ER experiences have been less than stellar lately, and I'd like to avoid that. Sometimes it is just so hard to know WHICH doc to call, and when! Primary care? GI surgical clinic? Regular pedi GI doc?