Can anyone else NOT make it through a meal? Lol

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Jun 16, 2010
Is this a "normal" thing? Having 1-2 bites of a meal and being in instant pain and have to make a bathroom run? What's with that? Lol.
No pain is "normal" is something to bring to the attention of your doctor or medical team.
Sorry you are having such a problem,there may be a medication that might help you
Check in with your doc sooner than later.
Feel better soon
I have pain pretty much every time almost instantly after I eat. I'm in a known flare. But yes call your gi bc it sounds like you're in the flare train with me
I am the same way, unfortunately all my GI said was to go to the ER. I haven't gone yet, but I may be pretty soon here, anything I eat or drink sends me straight to the restroom.
Lots of times when I'm having a meal I have to stop eating to "go" i never really get pain, I just get the "urge" and know I have to go, it's rather annoying and can be a real appetite killer for sure not to mention the usual embarrassment factor that always goes along with having bowel issues.

Pain varies for each, I've never gotten terrible stomach pains with having IBD and IBS as well, but the pains I get are in how the urges in my rectum feel and when my flare is bad the pain mirrors that, when I'm not flaring then it's not painful.
I've had this after surgery and, philosophically, anyone who is a parent has probably noticed that babies do this all the time (and are famous for it) it could well be a natural thing.

It's not possible that it's the food that has just gone in, but it is might be due to the pressure changes and peristalsis that it causes further down.

Sorry, this probably doesn't help. :(
Often I cannot finish the meal, I wait and sometimes I can get the rest down. I start out enjoying the first bites, but then I am full and break out in sweats. It can be very frustrating to eat even my favorite foods. Its often that I feel hungry yet full at the same time.
My gastro explained why you get the urge to go to the loo after a few mouthfuls of food.

Food stimulates movement in the gut - peristalsis. - in most people the gut tends to slow down, in people with IBD this doesn't happen - one of the red flags for IBD.

Eating and drinking stimulates the gastro colic reflex. Explains why when you eat people with IBD often feel the need to go to the toilet straight after or during eating. It's not what you've just eaten coming out its the reflex releasing stool stored in your large bowel.
This has literally just happened to me! I made something to eat fairly plain just some chicken with veg and rice and it was lovely. Less than half way through I started sweating and had to rush off to the bathroom and now I've come back downstairs the food went into the bin. Now I've got a pain in my left side and it's awful. I just want to go to bed!
Even with my CD in remission (though IBS is still being an issue for me) I still on occasion have to stop eating to use the toilet due to an urge to "go" and although I could probably hold it back until I'm done eating (it varies as to when the urge might hit, it could be after a few bites or when I only have a few bits left) but with my constipation issues due to IBS I don't like to "hold" it in cuz it just makes it harder to pass stools the next time the urge comes about.

Having to "go" while eating sure is an appetite killer though, for me at least, I rarely will finish eating what's left on my plate unless it happens when I just start to eat after a bite or 2.

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