Can not stop myself from eating

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Nov 20, 2011
I enjoy food. Italian and Japanese are my favorites, and garlic and tomato sauce make me sick (as does nori). But I still eat them. I also overeat and I do not know why. I don't think I'm necessarily an emotional eater, but I gain a lot of pleasure from really good food, including sweets (which also make me feel sick).

The foods I really like, including raw broccoli, cherry tomatoes, fresh greens in a huge salad, cooked cabbage and spinach with vinegar -- I can't have without becoming obstructed. I feel bitter that I can't eat the healthy foods that I like, so I go overboard on eating crud.

Does any one else have this problem? Where they know they should not be eating a certain food or a certain amount and that they'll regret it afterward but they still do it? I have a lot of shame and failure attached to eating as well. I will eat a bowl of spaghetti with marinara sauce and feel like a loser who gave in to her baser instincts.
I'm in the same position. I have been off the veggie lately and on the carbs. i think you just have to learn to incorporate veggies into sauces and dishes discreetly as to trick your body. if you chop it up fine enough i notice that my body doesn't even know it's in there!
Yes yes and yes. I am not allowed veg, period (except peeled potatoes, basically). Same for most fruits. And now I eat chocolate, candy, absolute garbage. I used to live on salad and homemade soup and was slim and fit. Now my skin is suffering from poor nutrition.

I am slowly turning this around -- lots of tilapia and salmon, beautiful homemade soups that are low on vegetables (I still cheat, such as making homemade tomato soup), coffee with no sweetener or cream. But I ate an entire package of chocolate mints today, so there is much progress yet to make. So absolutely ticked off at myself, but more ticked off at the situation.
And why am I cravng foods that I know will upset me - sweet mixed pickles, ice cream, chocolate(no am not preganant, not possible!!)

Of course, everything pretty much upsets my tummy right now anyway making it really hard to stick to food restrictions.
I totally hear what you mean. If I'm going to feel sick anyway, why not indulge in a food I'm actually in the mood of? Truthfully, I haven't yet come up with any answers on this yet. I guess a good place to start is to at least try to eat good protein so that your energy stays up. I find that on days when I eat too much sugar at the expense of protein, I feel too sluggish to function. Also, a great idea for soup lovers who find that small pieces are better, an immersion blender does the trick with soup...and if you still like some chunks, just don't blend it all the way. Makes it seem like you are eating veggies, but easier of the digestion for sure. Good luck and you should feel good soon!
If you like to eat it's impossible. I'm addicted to everything that's bad but instead of avoiding it I eat small portions to see what I can still tolerate. Chrons sucks but there's no other options.
Thank you so much for starting this thread!!!

I am exactly like you with eating...amount and bad food choices. The more I eat the worse I feel so the more I eat. Being on prednsione and eating the amount and types of food I am has me gaining weight by the minute. I don't suffer diarrhea so it doesn't just run through me. In fact, I become constipated from all the carbs and sugar and then hurt terriby, look pregnant and feel so ashamed of myself.

For me, I do think a lot of this has to be emotional but I just don't think there is any hope anyway. I just want to crawl in a hole and cry...with a bunch of cookies :-(

It helps to know I am not the only one struggling with this issue. Maybe if they are ever able to get me into remission things will feel less out of control and hopeless.
I know exactly what you mean. Between the meds we take increasing our appetites and not being able to eat so many of the healthier options, it becomes a pretty vicious cycle. The other thing is that carbs/sugars are addictive in nature, so that doesn't help. Finding good sources of protein and getting in some purées and juices is my goal, but I did also just eat some cookies and I'm already regretting it. Ugh!
but I did also just eat some cookies and I'm already regretting it. Ugh!

I just did the same thing with leftover pie...feel so ashamed and wishing it would make me sick enough to throw up but I know it won't... :-(
I get the same thing if i eat too much sugar/carbs i get constipated badly actually i'm constipated now so tyring to move my bowels
Thanks for your responses! I'm glad I'm not alone, but sorry everyone is going through this. I ate chocolate last night because I wanted it (and I think it is emotional comfort food) and I know I shouldn't have. It gave me terrible indigestion after a bad Crohn's day. I wish I could control myself, but like someone said, I think, "Well, I've had a horrible day, chocolate isn't going to make it any worse and I deserve it because my life sucks." It's a vicious cycle.
I need to keep a food journal to take with me next time i go to the doctor, but I have to restart it every day because I eat and eat and eat, and then I look at it and think that the doctors gonna tell me I'm obviously doing it to myself.
My tummy has been growing during the last months; you are not alone with this but…
Is this Crohn related?
It's Crohn's related for me. I frequently develop strictures so every time I eat, I have to pray that I don't end up in the ER. It is very wearing on the soul when food is connected to social activities and pleasure. It's not a matter of overeating, but feeling guilty when I eat like a normal person and have two pieces of pizza instead of one. I may not have phrased myself as well as I would have liked in my initial post, but instead of feeling guilty for splurging on junk food because it will go to our waistlines, Crohn's sufferers also have to feel guilty for possibly making themselves sick. I think this is a lot to bring to the "table" so to speak, every time you sit down to eat or grab a snack. I wondered if other people with IBD felt this complicated relationship with food and it looks like I'm not alone.
Sybil - you're definitely not alone in your complicated relationship with food. I can't count how many times I eat something I "shouldn't" and then get the "well, you just need to be more disciplined" response from whoever is around me when I don't feel well later. Sometimes you just gotta eat and it'd still be nice to have a little sympathy! (vent over...for now)
Yup Yup. I ate pizza for the first time in months last night for supper. I made it myself so there was only a small amount of cheese and my husband gave me such a lecture! Like seiously its the first meal I've eaten all week (I had bad nausea and no appetite from 6MP). Really, there is nothing more irritating than the diet police! Just shut up and be thankful you don't have CD! :p
My tummy has been growing during the last months; you are not alone with this but…
Is this Crohn related?

What are you suggesting it could be related to?

I clearly have this struggle and it is very much Crohn's related...if I eat something I know I shouldn't (ex. a piece of pie at thanksgiving) after being very, very good with eating only safe foods in safe portions then I suddenly have the urge to have more of whatever it is b/c I already messed up anyway, I could be causing myself pain and issues anyway with just one piece, I have restricted myself for so long so why not just have more pie, what does it matter now? So, it is Crohn's related but not just to the physical aspects of the disease but also the emotional aspects as well.
Does anyone have specific cravings like I love jerky and deli meats like salamis and prosciutto also crave sweets like theres no tommorow and breads I love all types of baked goods actually
Boza, I crave sweets a lot and I think (at least for me) that it has to do with fatigue. When I feel really tired and sick, I crave Coke because it settles my stomach and gives me energy.

Also, bread is one of my favorite foods. I would actually prefer a fresh piece of bread than a cookie.

I just got my Vitamix in the mail and I'm hoping it will let me eat a lot of the fruits and veggies I haven't been able to. Right now, I'm getting most of my vitamins by drinking Ensure and chewing Flintstones. Maybe these drinks and hot soups will be the guilt-free solution I'm looking for. I hope the smoothies don't irritate me and then I'll be complaining about not being able to stop drinking smoothies!!
Boza - Yep, sugar and breads big time! And being prone to constipation this doesn't help at all.
You should watch their other videos. They have one where they made a lasagna with 175 white castle burgers
If I eat totally organic and healthy and avoid a few specific foods, I go into remission. I was in remission for a solid 6 weeks and feeling amazing. I then went on a 10 day binge of absolute crap and this week has... sucked.

I suggest you all give this a read to help understand what some of us are fighting and this as well for another possible scenario. From the second link:

Die-off reactions. In fact, common sugar and carbohydrate cravings may be yeast organisms calling for dinner. This may sound odd. However, when ‘deprived’ of sugars or even other carbohydrates, the yeasts in the intestines and elsewhere begin to die, releasing toxic substances. These cause unpleasant ‘die off symptoms’ that can include nausea, anxiety, fatigue and many others. Eating sugars or even some starches ends these unpleasant symptoms, often quickly. Thus, feeding the problem has a temporary satisfying effect, causing an addictive behavior regarding sugars in the diet. This is a very common situation that most people do not understand at all.
I find the biggest problem is knowing what caused the pain? Supposedly it's what you eat today that bugs you tomorrow but I find if it bugs me I know within minutes, anyone else?
If I eat totally organic and healthy and avoid a few specific foods, I go into remission. I was in remission for a solid 6 weeks and feeling amazing. I then went on a 10 day binge of absolute crap and this week has... sucked.

I suggest you all give this a read to help understand what some of us are fighting and this as well for another possible scenario. From the second link:

Thank you so much for sharing about your own situation as well as the links. I haven't read them yet (trying to get the kiddos off to school) but just reading the part you pasted is so helpful! I can't wait to get the kids to school and get home to read the articles. Maybe they will offer some new options or at least understanding of what is going on past the emotional piece of eating.

I think sometimes people think it is just being weak or lazy to be in the situation I am in. I have always stayed active to keep at my healthy weight and have done so by being a distance runner. However, being hit with Crohn's now has put a bit of a halt on that, for now (and being able to turn to my running for the emotional outlet and support for dealing with lifes emotional pieces has not been an option for me...that has been terribly difficult) and suddenly this eating piece has become a stronger difficulty than it has ever been for me. Without the option to throw on my shoes and just walk out the door for a menatl-health run I am left at a bit of a loss.

Having support on this forum is just so wonderful and I hope one day when I am far enough into this journey I will be able to return the support to others who are as new as I am right now.
I think the problems described in this thread, such as cravings and bad eating habits are not related to Crohn.

I’ve had Crohn for more than 20 years, two surgeries, and I think Crohn REALLY complicates things.
I am a bit overweight now but I cannot blame Crohn for EVERYTHING that goes wrong in my life.

There is tons of overweight people who do not suffer from Crohn. Moreover there are many Crohn suffers who lose weigh because of the complications of the disease: vomiting, nausea, bad-absorption, diarrhea, etc. Some people with Crohn is very thin and uses Ensure to survive.

It is just my opinion as a patient.

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