Can you still flare while on Entocort

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May 18, 2011
:(Hi all.

I am not feeling the best as of right now

I have been on Entocort since May21 at 9mgs. And was still having some urgency so my family doctor changed changed my paxil to Effexor as it constipates, and I wasn't doing too too bad with the combination. As of Monday I started the generic form of Effexor as I ran out of Samples which were the Brand name, and I noticed a bit of gurgling didn't think anything of it. Yesterday had no BMs and now today I had 3 and my 4th one was soft that led to diarrhea sorry TMI. NO fever I've been checking often. I feel bloated like I will be going again.
I am wondering could I of been backed up or is it the generic Effexor or the Entocort that stopped working. I am at a lost and my family doctor and gi are both on vacation till August 12.
As this has happened I feel like it is a wake up call and maybe I will start the Imuran next time I talk to him
There are no guarantees that meds will help you obtain or remain in remission, so it is possible to be flaring while on Entocourt (or any drug). I am not sure where your from but is there a nurse practioner or something of the like you can speak to in the meantime? Or find out who your doctor gave his patient files to incase of emergency (like an on-call doctor or something) Since you are unsure of whats going on, try to keep a low residue diet and avoid stress when possible so you don't make anything worse. Were you in remission before or symptoms getting better?
I was on Effexor for awhile (the generic). It wasnt working so I read up on it and it seems there is somewhat of a difference between them. I dont know that 100% because I did the research on my own. I just spoke to my GI recently regarding being on different antidepressents and how they mess with your stomach and if that aggravates Crohns. He did not have a concrete answer because Crohns is so unpredictable.
Thanks everyone - I am also thinking it this the Effexor, my family doctor had mentioned that there is somewhat of a difference but I may not feel it as I am on such a low dose but this could be the reason I will try to keep an eye on it.
As for flaring I will have to see tomorrow if it continues to believe if it is one or not.. MY last apt with my Gi he believed I may have IBS-D and Crohns not a very good combination so that is why I approached my family doctor and asked for suggestives. My gi thought it wouldn't hurt to try, but its funny how a generic could do this.
No here in Canada we do not have any one that our doctors past off there files too, if it continues I will have to visit the ER or outpatient clinic.

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