I am not feeling the best as of right now
I have been on Entocort since May21 at 9mgs. And was still having some urgency so my family doctor changed changed my paxil to Effexor as it constipates, and I wasn't doing too too bad with the combination. As of Monday I started the generic form of Effexor as I ran out of Samples which were the Brand name, and I noticed a bit of gurgling didn't think anything of it. Yesterday had no BMs and now today I had 3 and my 4th one was soft that led to diarrhea sorry TMI. NO fever I've been checking often. I feel bloated like I will be going again.
I am wondering could I of been backed up or is it the generic Effexor or the Entocort that stopped working. I am at a lost and my family doctor and gi are both on vacation till August 12.
As this has happened I feel like it is a wake up call and maybe I will start the Imuran next time I talk to him