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Jan 16, 2012
Active crohn's for 23 years, a never ending cycle of remission and renewal, fianlly found a compassionate doctor down the road from our little town that will sign for medical access to grow and possess marijuana LEGALLY.

It has changed my life.

No doubt that stress, inflamation and diet are contribs to crohn's flares,
pot is not a miracle drug but one of a combo of things that can help get your life and health back on track.
Thank you for posting on the forum. We look forward to hearing more about you and your lifestyle. I know Bancroft, we had friends in the area, nice place!

My daughter did a study but has yet to get it back from the professors. She has pushed me to get it too but for now I am in the midst of a colonoscopy and changing Gi's. Avoiding stress at the moment. I know sativia is best to be vaporized. You have never been on any meds?

:bigwave: just saying hello to another Canadian.
Now on sulfasazaline, pain patches via 75mg fentynyl and have been on
every med know to man in past along with meds to counteract the effects of the prednes and other stuff that caused immediate cure but huge long term damages.
Have never had intersections, thank G_d.

thunder bay is beautiful country, love it up that way and used to terrorize the Moose in your area b4 crohns got me.

Get your GI to sign the medpot stuff, if your an old hippy as i consider myself, you know pot was not created just to give cops overtime.

Consent forms and info for doctors can be found at www dot medicalmarijuana dot ca
if i can be of further 'sist, let me know. No, do not supply it, don't sell it and only say its changed my health for the better. Its not just an evil weed designed to enrich lawyers and cops.

Good health and G_d Bless in 2012.
Consider/think about LDN which is a 'off label' old drug used in modified form with great result in crohns. You'll need a doc good wiith alternatives and a pharmacy that compounds vs pill pushing.

My GI wrote the book on Crohns prior to dying of it, and he was a huge
proponent of LDN.

Still remember, back in the mid 90's, did the scope in his office, called his nurse to clean up while he washed and ate lunch at his desk right after the blood and guts stuff. When i walked out of the bathroom to talk to him he gave me his private number (pre cell phone mania days) and told me my life just took a turn i would never forget.

Here was this guy in his 70's, an expert and teacher on GI and text editor,
suffered from it himself (one of first in canada to have an in office scope set up which did not need a trip to hospital btw) so far, he was the only one that truly understood because he had it too. He told me the mater would hit me later, to call then. He knew.

He died 4-5 years later of bowel cancer.

Gotta go cry now, he died happy on his sailboat in vancouver harbor surrounded by family and his son has since become a GI in Scarborough.
Hi Paladin and welcome!

I am glad you found that marijuana works for you and has helped you get your life back. I see you also take sulfasazaline, but are you currently taking LDN, as well? I find this alternate treatment option very interesting, and wouldn't hesitate to try it if needed one day myself.

Once again, welcome to the forum!
I almost got the script for LDN but our conversation changed and went another route. I know he would help me but very close nit clinic I am in, and all I need is for blood work to go off and my GP will drop me. Also in the midst of changing Gi's it is a big mess right now, awaiting my appt for a colonoscopy in two weeks and I will go from there. I am trying to avoid a 3rd resection. Last resort. Not from the hippy days but not far off ;) . Just behaving with my diet (mostly) and one flagyl a day whilst tapering off pred. There is talk about legalizing it but doctors can refuse you too.