Canker sore question??

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Mar 16, 2012
United States
canker sore question??

I am still in the midst of trying to find out what is wrong with me. I have been in pain with my intestines for a month now straight. Doctor thinks ibs, but no tests were done, which is why I am seeing the GI doc tomorrow.

Anyhow, I developed a canker sore this week and was wondering since I am having all this intestinal pian, does having a canker sore signify crohns since it came while during this episode of pain? Now I am worried!
If you are worried I would suggest mentioning it to your doc tomorrow, but it could be any number of things.. stress, being run down, bad timing... etc. Try not to think about it too much!
I had a time with a Crohn's flare where I could hardly get a canker sore cleared before the next would start. I was never sure if it was just the Crohn's that caused it, or gastritis.
Crohn's can affect your mouth also in the form of canker sores. I put hydrogen peroxide on mine.