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Crohn's Disease Forum

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i am 26yrs old and i have a 3yr old daughter who has a genetic disorder called 15q11.2 microdeletion. shes missing a part of chromosome 15 and as a result of that she has a seizure disorder, severe anxiety, adhd, an arachanoid cyst in her brain, acid reflux, congenital ptosis of the eye(which shes had surgery on twice so far), an eating disorder that causes her to have chronic constipation, sensory processing disorder, sensory overload disorder, developmental delays, and ptsd when it comes to doctors and hospitals. about a year ago my fiance of 5 1/2 yrs was diagnosed with diverticulitis. he was hospitalized for a week because he had an abscess in his stomach that was extremely close to bursting open. he also has anxiety, depression, add, ocd and about 2weeks ago he was diagnosed with ulcerative colitis and has since been doing blood tests and getting no results from his doctor. i was diagnosed with ocd, severe anxiety, bipolar depression, rapid changing bipolar disorder, chronic headaches and migraines, chronic constipation, chronic urinary tract infections, muscle spasms that affect my back, knees and hips, cirrhosis of the liver, adhd, and ptsd. i have way way more on my plate than i can handle. i am extremely stressed out with everything thats going on. i have no family to help me and no friends either. my fiances family are all either way too busy or just cant afford to help us. he cant work because of his UC and my daughter gets disability but its nowhere near enough to cover our bills and necessities. im trying to find a job but nobody will hire me because of my bipolar disorder and my fiance needs me at home to help him and to take care of our daughter as he is not physically able to watch her. hes in constant pain and discomfort and can hardly make it to the bathroom let alone chase a 3yr old around all day. i just dont know what to do. his doctors just keep doing bloodwork on him and wont do any other tests. the meds they give him dont do anything and everytime he makes an appointment to see his doctor the office either doesnt put his appointment in their system or his doctor has some stupid excuse as to why he cant see him. the emergency rooms dont do anything for him except put him in more pain. its an endless cycle of nothingness. we are forced to do our own research online to try to find relief and more info on his conditions and all that does is worsen both of our anxieties and cause me extreme emotional distress to where im almost having panic attacks. we just need answers. i dont know how much more i can handle. im exhausted emotionally, physically and mentally. i wish we had some help.:(:(:(