CHALLENGE: Take a walk each day

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Snapped a picture of the dog from our walk today! I'm not sure if that's his excited face or the sun is in his eyes lol

Ok, I'm joining in taking a walk each day. I need to go shopping later, but just thought I need milk...should walk and later go do bigger shopping. It's been great to read about all you even when crohns pain sets in, trying to at least walk a bit, so I will too. I keep saying I'll do pilates in the mornings, but this is a good way to start. Been down about a possible resection coming up, and I'm looking for a rental with my little girl which I'm finding so disheartening, and still on high dose of prednisone, with it's lovely side effects, so you guys inspired me. A walk a day will be good. Then the excersise...and quiting cigarettes, and cutting back on dairy over the next few months.... Ah, depressing. So off I go for a walk. Have a great day all. xo
@ Irene, hoping all goes well with the resection and rental. Unfortunately Crohn's is so up and down! @kwalker, great pic of your dog! I am impressed you are on no medication! What made them decide that was a good route to take? I always thought medication was important to keep the inflammation down, so you don't get many flares or complications.

It is going to be nice today, so hoping for a walk or two today. Yesterday went to the Nature center again and saw birds. Yeah!

Encouragement to everyone,
Thanks! He's a terrible walker to be honest lol. He just runs all over the place.

Sidenote: I took him for a walk this morning to wear in some new flip flops. Let's just say next time I'll start with smaller walks to get used to them. The support in flip flops suck!
flipflops not need to be really comfy,even if it is just your've all got plenty to think about without sore feet as well
Thanks! He's a terrible walker to be honest lol. He just runs all over the place.

Sidenote: I took him for a walk this morning to wear in some new flip flops. Let's just say next time I'll start with smaller walks to get used to them. The support in flip flops suck!

He looks like he has some doodle in him. Yup, flip flops don't work so well:ylol:
We just got back from ANOTHER walk! Lol. I'm at like 3 hours today! Its just too nice to sit inside. He's a pure bread miniature schnauzer.
Thank you Kit

Thank you, it is up and down, and I think medication side effects and general crohns unwellness has me depressed some days. But it wonderful to speak to others going through the same symptoms/emotions and I find it inspiring when I read...take a walk...or get fit 2012.
Yet to take my walk today but need to go drop applications in and a few things so I'll be up and about anyway.
Thanks for the encouragement, hope everyone has a great day. :)
We just got back from ANOTHER walk! Lol. I'm at like 3 hours today! Its just too nice to sit inside. He's a pure bread miniature schnauzer.
Hi from another mini Schnauzer owner. :applause:

White minis are uncommon here in Australia. I have a salt and pepper male (11 years old - you can just see him, very ungroomed at the time, in my AV) and have owned two before this one.

We have come back from our morning walk and will have another one tonight when it gets a bit cooler - it's going to be 28C here with a hot north wind and none of my minis have liked the heat. He'll just sleep off the rest of the day. :lol:
Susan that's awesome! Dash is crazy! He's going to be 2 in May and it seems like he's either sound asleep or running around like crazy lol. He's quite a character though and I think he's the perfect breed for me and my lifestyle. The white ones are pretty rare all over the globe and he is considered a European look because we didn't get his ears or tail cropped. Like you said, he loves his walks and runs around the whole time but towards the end I think the heat starts to get to him.

We are looking into getting another one, just can't decide if we want another mini or a giant.
I started cortisone injections into my left heel today, woohoo! The right foot is feeling much better after several injections and icing every night. Stupid plantar fasciitis. I can't wait to start walking again. I have an old chocolate lab that moseys more than walks, but at least we both get some fresh air. I even bought him and our departed border collie mix raincoats, and myself a rain poncho so we could walk in most weather. The only time we don't walk is if it is really cold. It's so beautiful right now with everything blooming, I can't wait to walk around my neighborhood and see everyone's yards!
Ouch! I couldn't imagine doing injections into the heel! My fiancee has plantar fascitis (sp?) Too so I have an idea of what you're going through. She now has custom insoles because she has really high arches but its good because she can change out the good soles and put them in any normal shoe where the crappy soles come out. Doesn't it make walking so much more enjoyable when you have a dog to join you?
Went for a 25 min walk yesterday and saw more flowers and some budding trees. It is was a really nice walk! My goal today is to make it out to the main street and look at the sheep. There are lots of babies out there!
Hi from a Lakeland Terrier owner!

Hey there! Our frisky dog breeds certainly keep us going, don't they? I have an 8-year old golden/red Lakeland Terrier male and I just finished grooming him. I loved the photo of your mini Schnauzer. It reminds me so much like my Lakie! Note to self: leave the facial hair on my dog longer next time, haha. I groomed him in a puppy cut which is cute (same length all over), but I really like how your buddy is groomed. Will try that next time...Riley's hair grows like crazy, so that will be in 3-4 weeks easily. I just love that Schnauzer/terrier enthusiasm, haha. They are such clowns! Makes me laugh when I'm exhausted or feel crummy and makes me get outside, even if it's just to take him to "go," and admire the sky and smell the breeze. We got him 4 years after I was diagnosed and everyone, including me, thought I was crazy, since 3 kids were at home. But, he is my shadow and my laughter and I have no regrets...He is probably really happy that I joined this forum and stopped venting to him :)
Aww! We were actually talking about trying to get him the "puppy package" on his face next time. We occasionally shave him ourselves but with the inside of his ears, his nails and getting the bottom of his paws we like to get it done properly once and awhile too. My fiancee's mom had a lakeland terrier that just passed away actually. She was only 11 and started having a lot of problems.. Boy, she was not a good dog though lol.. She was very protective over her food, toys, etc. and wouldn't hesitate to bite if you got too close for her.. I'll never forget the day she was sleeping on the couch and I went to pet her.. I thought I was going to lose my arm that day! lol

You're right though, Terriers just have something about them and they're great dogs. It's hilarious with Dash when we go on our walks. I think his favorite things, yet biggest fear is pine cones lol. When he sees them he runs in the opposite direction until he can gain the courage to pounce on it and rip it apart haha.

Kit.. You have sheep on the main street? That must be pretty cool. I live in a city so our "main street" would be the downtown area and it's a pretty sketchy area so we just try to avoid it mostly lol.
border terriers house keeper

:medal1::medal1::uk_flag:hi all, just off out with alfie for 2nd walk of the day.when you've got a dog you really have to make the effort for his mental and physical well being.but I've got to admit it's great to put your feet up with a cuppa and a good book afterwards,especially in bad weather.
@kwalker-main street may not have been a good term. It is not down the middle of our city. Our "Main Street" has all businesses down it. We live in a subdivision development and the end of it where a larger road is, there is a sheep farm. There are lots of babies right now and they are so cute! My husband and I walked out there last night and took pictures of them. He got some extra exercise because after we were almost there we found out the Compact Flash card in the camera didn't read right, so he ran home and back with a new one! He was happy because it meant he didn't have to run on the treadmill last night.

Have a great day everyone!
Hi all,

I have been trying to walk around more. I walked at my husband's office the other day. He works in a large long building so it is a trek from one end to another and even out to the parking lot! It was a gorgeous day.

Here are a couple sheep pictures from the farm near us:


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No hope of getting out at the moment due to study and the very random weather we are having. Sun followed by very heavy rain. Still I have been doing a little gardening at the weekends and on Saturday I bought and planted an apple tree which I love to bits...actually I am a bit obsessed and treating it like a child. Perhaps I think it will grow legs and walk Ha! Still it was a great way to burn some calories as our back garden is full of stones under that grass and took time to remove. Typical estate stuff! All good now though. Anyway as we have been doing pictures of late I will try to add my tree...who I have named Elsie-Kate....I seriously need help now :eek:

Elsie Kate.jpg
are you going to eat elsie kates progeny ? our 2yr old tree bore one "offspring" last year and my husband wanted a pie.Glad you are getting a wee bit exercise at least.Anything is better than nothing.I wait with anticipation for news of your happy event.
Omg I love this idea...I'm gonna walk today also :)....hopefully this will help my depression also. I will check in later!!!! Have fun walking everyone :)
are you going to eat elsie kates progeny ? our 2yr old tree bore one "offspring" last year and my husband wanted a pie.Glad you are getting a wee bit exercise at least.Anything is better than nothing.I wait with anticipation for news of your happy event.

Oh yes indeedy! God knows what I'll make with one apple but I'll make the most of it anyway:D
Omg I love this idea...I'm gonna walk today also :)....hopefully this will help my depression also. I will check in later!!!! Have fun walking everyone :)

Hey Mary, a friend of mine suffers from depression and walking seems to really make a difference to him. I bought him a radio/pedometer for his birthday last week to give him a boost and see how well he is doing. Hope you enjoy, happy walking!
Trying to get back into the running - haven't been at it for a couple of months. Went out this morning and ran for 1.6km (1 mile)
Hi walkers,

It has been a while since i posted. The weather hasn't been the best for walking outside, but have been trying to shop and walk around malls more. We are hoping to get out today, the weather is suppose to be very nice! I did get to spend some time with my sister visiting from California, which was nice. I am also going to try to gradually get back to work, starting with transitional work, so instead of doing physical therapy I will do some office work for a while.

@Mary, I am glad you found something that can motivate you and I hope it helps with the depression.
@hawkeye good job on the running!

Have a good day!

Same here! It's been cold, rainy and crappy outside lately :( It's actually around 20 degrees today so I'm hoping the sun will finish coming out and the rain will stop so I can go for a walk later today.

Aside from walking around campus and to the bus it's been awhile since I've been able to take the dog out for a nice walk
Weather disastrous here too one minute sun and next stormy and hailstones. Managed to get two fitness classes in yesterday though so that made up for it. Sore today mind you but then that means its working. Hoping your all good
Good Idea,
Because i havent been diagnosed as yet i wont join, although i will walk more.
find it helps my bones heaps.
inspirational :)
Good job Goldfish! I did a gentle yoga this am and hope for a walk later. Keep up the good work!

Good job Goldfish! I did a gentle yoga this am and hope for a walk later. Keep up the good work!


Ha ha am feeling the muscles ever since though.:ylol: I was lucky actually because I had a really mad dash to the loo earlier in the day and thought I was in for a run of bad luck. Fortunately it seemed to be a one off. Felt great doing the classes but I hope the pain eases soon....clearly I am unfit.
Glad you got to do the yoga. Great to do something isn't it?
Yeah Goldfish it is! I did take a walk last night with my husband. It was nice. It is suppose to be nice tomorrow too. I was forced into a walk this am. I am doing transitional work right now in a different building and I had to park pretty far away from the door I needed to go into this morning! It was only about a tenth of a mile, but I was running a little late, so it seemed longer! I hope your muscles feel better in a couple days.

I just got back from a nice walk (well, mosey) with my 14 year old labrador. It was 63F and lovely, the jasmine by my front porch is blooming and it looks and smells gorgeous outside. I am still struggling with the plantar fasciitis, but dagnabbit I am feeling my oats and want to get out and do something so badly. Thank you for creating this thread and giving me the inspiration to do so.
hi Lisa, I have a suggestion for your plantar fascitis, Find a specialized shoe store that has a Pedorthist. They can look at your foot and prescribe the best footwear for you. I think these sometimes are better that just getting orthotics for your shoe. It may or may not help, but is worth looking into. If you are getting physical therapy they may have a person/store they can recommend. We have Foot Solutions around here.

The weather has been beautiful here so I've been walking almost daily after work! I also bought a new bike so I've started biking to and from work every day. Its about a 5km bike ride each way so its not a bad exercise :)
I do! It took a few days to get used to the pedaling with my legs and the seat but now it feels great.
The weather has been beautiful here so I've been walking almost daily after work! I also bought a new bike so I've started biking to and from work every day. Its about a 5km bike ride each way so its not a bad exercise :)

That's great. I miss cycling so much but will get going in a couple of weeks when mu exams are over....and the weather improves....sore bum (for cycling reasons for a change) at the ready! :rof: