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Jan 2, 2016
I was diagnosed with crohn's disease about 25 years ago. I was sick for about a month thinking it was the flu. My doc admitted me into the hospital where they thought I would die because I was so dehydrated but I pulled thru. I'd never heard of crohn's before and was told a lot of miss - information, but it was a long time ago. After a few years of flare-ups, I went 10 years of no problems. Then I started getting sick all the time. I started taking Remicade and did well but due to government bungles, had to stop. Because of the constant flare-ups, my g.e recommended I get an ilieostomy. For most people, it's a life saver, for me it was a disaster. I haven't been able to work since. I'm in constant pain and have to go to the hospital on a regular basis due to scar tissue. My bowel closes off at the stoma and I have to wait for hours for it to untwist. Also, I had never noticed a problem with bandages before. On my arm or leg it wasn't an issue. But after the surgery, I found out I was allergic to adhesive. The skin under the flange is always raw and when I have to change it, the skin pulls off and it's so painful I leave it longer than I should between changes.
I'm sorry this is rambling and sounds like I'm looking for pity, but I just want other people to know, who are considering this, it's probably a good thing to do but check to be sure you aren't allergic to adhesive and you have a good surgeon. Mine was supposed to be good, but he had me on the table for 10 hours instead of the 5 it should have been and my stoma is flush with my stomach so I'm forced to sleep sitting up or it leaks, which has caused arthritis in my spine. I don't want to scare anyone from having the surgery, but I want people to know some of risks they don't think to warn you about. Thanks for reading.
Wow what an awful time you have had. Im so sorry you have to suffer like this. Yes my temp ileostomy was a life saver n i had no real trouble with mine. Maybe your surgeon has made a mess of things as im pretty sure your bowel shouldnt be twisting. Im wondering if you may have a case of negligence here. I know the allergy cant be helped but the rest !!!. I'd be tempted to see if the stoma could be re-done so it is not so flush. Do you use convexed wafers? If not they may help. If you have a stoma nurse speak to her about your problems(if you havent already) she may be able to help better than docs can. Best wishes and keep us updated plz. Hope you can can get something done to help you💕
Wow what an awful time you have had. Im so sorry you have to suffer like this. Yes my temp ileostomy was a life saver n i had no real trouble with mine. Maybe your surgeon has made a mess of things as im pretty sure your bowel shouldnt be twisting. Im wondering if you may have a case of negligence here. I know the allergy cant be helped but the rest !!!. I'd be tempted to see if the stoma could be re-done so it is not so flush. Do you use convexed wafers? If not they may help. If you have a stoma nurse speak to her about your problems(if you havent already) she may be able to help better than docs can. Best wishes and keep us updated plz. Hope you can can get something done to help you💕
It was my bowel getting twisted which caused me to have a resection.
I dont want to do surgery yet i said i will wait for as long as i can but that thought did cross my mind allot as i think it will help for a while
It was my bowel getting twisted which caused me to have a resection.

Thanks, I have seen a few e.t. nurses and I'm also working with a company to see what is available that will help the best. My fingers are crossed they come up with something new and they're always making new products so I'm trying everything.
Thanks for the good wishes and the same for you! 🌞
Keep your chin up miss take. Try all you can. Get as many free samples as you can to to try. Best wishes hope things improve for you quickly 💕