Chest Pain please help

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Oct 5, 2012
I've got trapped wind and it is causing me some really bad pain in my chest, now if i lay on my side it seems to help but even still I feel constantly short of breath which is horrible and making me really on edge any advice??

-had crohns for 7years now and this has only started recently :( -
Hello dannyboy,
Any kind of chest pain should be immediately investigated.
It would be advisable to seek help at the nearest emergency or at least call a doctor
to check you out.
Heart attacks can be very insidious in onset.
Feel better soon
Hugs and best wishes
Hello dannyboy,
Any kind of chest pain should be immediately investigated.
It would be advisable to seek help at the nearest emergency or at least call a doctor
to check you out.
Heart attacks can be very insidious in onset.
Feel better soon
Hugs and best wishes

Thankfully I know its not a heart attack or anything that bad.
I have spoken to my nurse about this problem briefly but she is now on holiday also embarrassingly I know its trapped wind.
I've had this pain before but its never lasted this long, this time I've had it for 3 days now.
Good to hear you spoke with your nurse but I think a GI opinion might be better.
Have you tried a glass of warm water, or peppermint..?
Are you able to take a short walk to try and move the presumed gas?
It must be hard to suffer it .
Feel better soon
I've got trapped wind and it is causing me some really bad pain in my chest, now if i lay on my side it seems to help but even still I feel constantly short of breath which is horrible and making me really on edge any advice??

-had crohns for 7years now and this has only started recently :( -

I have the same thing. I have had it for months already. If yours has gone away - please tell me how you did it.
I remember the pain very well...

I had it couple of weeks ago for a whole week and a half. Pain was bad to eat or even drink most of the time. pain was in centre of chest and also in my top back.

Food and drink was fine in my mouth and going down throat but as soon as it hit the bit after that I was in bad pain.

I started on Omperazole (which took a week to work), was on peptac liquid - to the point that I was not just taking it after meals (cause the pain I hated to eat) I ended up just taking gulps at one point! (not recommended!). I survived drinking strawberry milkshake. Then I had a drink of milk of magnesia about a week and a half later, then it suddenly just disappeared...

Well... came back couple weeks later (here and now) and trapped gas is in my stomach but im sleeping slightly sat up for the time being and taking busopan. Still taking the Omperazole which I do think helps a lot. Also trying to move around more after meals a opposed to sitting down.
My son has CD and gets this quite often also. This is what helps him.....we put a heating pad NOT on his chest or belly but against his lower back and he sits or lays in a position that is most bearable. I have no clue why this helps his gas come out but after about 10-15 mins it really does start to pass.

I hope you feel better soon, this is very uncomfortable to go through and this is the only thing that helps him release that trapped gas.

Best wishes :ghug:
Just thought I would mention this exercise that would help you:

Pawanmuktasana, a yoga asana, is also sometimes known as the Wind Relieving Pose, as it helps to push excess gas through the belly in order to expel it. Start by lying on your back on a yoga mat. Slowly bring your left knee to your chest and gasp your knee with both hands, pulling it towards yourself. Hold for five seconds and release, then repeat with the right leg. Next, bring both legs to your chest and wrap your arms around them to pull them close to your body. This will help put pressure on your belly to move the gas through your system.

Also try over the counter Gas X chewable tablets.
Have you ever had a panick attack? That is what mine feel like. Short of breath and chest pain. Just a thought.