Chicken pox antibodies

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Jul 31, 2013
Stockport, UK
We are considering Azathioprine for my son. He had bloods done last week and they included a test for immunity to chicken pox. He had a really nasty dose of chicken pox when he was 2 years old (he's 15 now) - diagnosed by a doctor - however his test has just come back showing 'no antibodies detected'. I'm really confused by this. Infection is supposed to lead to lifelong immunity. Don't know whether to ask for a retest or just go and get him vaccinated. Any explanations/suggestions welcome. Thank you.
I think everyone's immune system is different .
The important thing is whether or not he is showing antibodies .
Did the doc day there was A high rate if false negatives on this test?
Did the doc want you to get another vaccine?
THe IBD nurse sent the results. She's suggested discussing possible vaccination with GP or GI. Just not clear why he didn't develop an immune response as his symptoms were really bad and he was absolutely covered in spots!
THe IBD nurse sent the results. She's suggested discussing possible vaccination with GP or GI. Just not clear why he didn't develop an immune response as his symptoms were really bad and he was absolutely covered in spots!
Maybe this explains it:

US studies conducted from 1995 to 1999 found that 4.5 to 13% of people diagnosed with chickenpox reported that they’d had the condition before.

Other US studies have found that, after having chickenpox, some people don’t develop the antibodies needed to protect them against reinfection. For example:

From a report in 1996: tests on adults who reported having chickenpox showed that 97 to 99% of them had developed antibodies.
From a report in 2007: tests showed that, after having chickenpox, 75% of children aged one to four had developed immunity, compared with 100% of adults aged 20 to 29.
Experts therefore agree that if you’ve already had chickenpox, it’s very likely that you will have developed antibodies.

Think we'll get him vaccinated!
I would vaccinate as well. What I've also learned is that not everyone develops antibodies from the vaccines as well. I recently learned that my son did not develop full antibodies to mumps even though he had his MMR vaccines as a child. Unfortunately, I learned this after my son had already started remicade so we can't vaccinate him now.

I would ask if there is a waiting period after the chicken pox vaccine and when it would be safe to start aza.
My daughter has low IgG and we recently had to re-vax for dTp and Pneumovax. Her labs showed she didn't build antibodies (or lost them over time). Did your son have other antibody labs run?
They didn't check any other antibodies but he's due to get his DTP and MenC boosters next month. Am going to call GP tomorrow to sort out chicken pox vaccination.
I have no explanation, but I can share that even though we did the Hep B immunization series when my son was an infant, he has no antibodies now. He got a booster a few months ago, but we haven't checked to see if it worked. Approximately 10% of the population simply doesn't develop antibodies to Hep B. Maybe there is something similar for chicken pox?
I had chicken pox and when I was trying to get pregnant my ob/gyn had me tested and I showed no antibodies but I always figured that was because my case was so mild.
My dd also had chicken pox and then showed no antibodies. I'm so glad they checked before she started remicade so she could get vaxed!

My personal theory is that the varicella virus going around now is not as strong as it used to be (or something like that......). This would agree with the study cited above.
The vaccines don't always work. You need a response, if that is broken, seriously consider looking at bone marrow transplants
Immune deficiency had crossed my mind although prior to his Crohn's diagnosis he could never have been described as a sickly child. The nurse did suggest we may want to see an immunologist. A couple of years ago he had a lot of tests for various 'weird and wonderful' infections. The majority came back negative, including toxoplasmosis, which I remember the paediatrician being very surprised about at the time. Unfortunately I didn't copy all his test results at that point so don't have them to refer back to. Definitely something we will be discussing at his next appointment. Thanks for all your comments.
Advice re DTP and MenC and AZA. I have just learnt Azathioprine has to be out of the system for at least 6 months before any live vaccines so don't start Aza if you going to have the DTP etc. We have to wait until after April.No live vaccines allowed on Aza. Check how long after chickenpox one he can start Aza
That tells us just how dangerous it can be if the doctor doesn't pay attention before zapping you with a vaccination...
The Td/IPV booster doesn't contain live vaccine as far as I'm aware. Think we definitely need to look into the possibility of immune deficiency at our next GI appointment having read another thread on here. Don't want him to be given an immune suppressant if he's already immune deficient!
J will be having it but whether he raises any antibodies is another matter!! I'm thinking that's something they might be able to test at next appointment.

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