Child with UC

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Dec 28, 2011
Hi all, my 10 year old son has just been diagnoised with UC. He is on sulfasasaline but wont take his steriod enemas. He has a sore penis and red eyes, and feels short of breath. Is this normal. Im devestated. Poor wee man :frown:
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Looks like a side effect: I would take him into you pediatrician first to make sure it is not pneumonia first... Antibiotic might be needed. Hope he feels better.

Seek medical attention right away if any of these SEVERE side effects occur when using Sulfasalazine:
Severe allergic reactions (rash; hives; itching; difficulty breathing; tightness in the chest; swelling of the mouth, face, lips, or tongue); bloody diarrhea; bluish discoloration of the skin or nails; chest pain; dark urine; decreased urination; fever, chills, or sore throat; hearing loss; mental or mood changes; muscle pain; numbness or tingling in the fingers or toes; pale stools; persistent loss of appetite; pinpoint bruises; red, swollen, peeling, or blistered skin; seizures; severe or persistent dizziness, drowsiness, headache, or trouble sleeping; severe or persistent stomach pain; :heart:shortness of breath;:heart: trouble walking; unusual bruising or bleeding; unusual tiredness or weakness; unusually pale skin; yellowing of the eyes; yellowing of the skin along with dark urine, pale stools, or persistent loss of appetite.
Hi Alice and welcome! Eye issues can happen with IBD, but I am not sure about his other symptoms. Having shortness of breath is not something to treat lightly, so I would certainly phone the doctor about this. It's better safe than sorry!

I have taken many types of suppositories and enemas, and I know they are uncomfortable and just no fun. However, they are important in treating inflammation that is in the rectum. Please encourage your son to take his medicine. Hopefully, he won't have to taken them long term if he can nip the inflammation in the bud quickly.
My son had shortness of breath and irregular heart beat. We had everything checked out and they felt it was anxiety. It has gotten much better. The weird feelings he was getting with all the meds and stress of so many tests just created a lot of anxiety for him. It is worth getting checked out just for both of your peace of mind but I wouldn't worry about it. My son also get red irritated eyes. I have been meaning to go to an eye Dr. to get this checked out because it can be a complication of crohn's but I haven't had the time with all the other more pressing stuff we have been addressing. I will let you know if we hear anything definitive but I swear everyday it is something new with him. Ankle pain, mouth sores, headaches etc. It is getting better and we are getting stronger and adapting. Good luck to you and your son. ((((hugs))))) I know this is hard.
Sorry Alice should have mentioned with my other post when we saw the pediatric cardiologist he told us a few things to look for that would be red flags. 1 If the shortness of breath is longer than several minutes at a time. 2 If there is any fainting at all now or in the past. (Johnny fainted once during a blood test but dr. wasn't concerned) 3 Dizziness that made the room spin as opposed to a dizzy light headed feeling. Hope this helps!
Hi Tiffany and thanks for the hugs, very much appreciated. Eoin (my son) also complains of ankle pain, sore mouth, headaches and sorness in his privates. I was worried about Reiters syndrome? My dad has very bad rheumatoid arthritis too! poor lad, he's getting in on all sides. Hope Johnny is well xxx
Thank you all

Its SOOOO good not to feel alone with this, its so hard to take in. We have GI appoinment next week, so will discuss enemas then. He will NOT take them, we have tried everything!!! Im not sure what they are going to suggest next. Thanks for all your help xx