Choice of metothrexate or infliximab for our 15 year old

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Oct 11, 2013
Our 15 yr old son has had OFG for some years now, and has now been diagnosed with crohns. He has been on 6mp for his OFG with god success but obviously it hasn't been enough to keep Crohns at bay. The consultant has outlined a choice of treatments available.
1. steroids and Methothrexate or
2. Infliximab
We are worried about side effects or possible links to cancer.
Looking for advise.
I heard an expert lecture on crohn's treatment. He said methotrexate is the preferred drug in the immunosuppressive category for young males. He didn't elaborate on why. I am curious to know the answer myself and couldn't find anything on it.

So, for whatever that is worth, I figured id pitch in.
My son is on both Remicade and MTX. Remicade came first right after diagnosis and it was awesome from the first infusion it alleviated his symptoms but after the loading doses he had problems making it 8 weeks til the next one. So we tweaked the schedule, upped the dose of Remi then added MTX.

Always hard decisions.

All if us worry about the risks. It is much easier though when you see the med working and your kid able to get back to just being a teen.

Whatever your decision I hope your son reaches remission quickly.
Is it going to be a short course of pred with the MTX? Are they considering a short course of pred with the Remicade as well? I'm only asking because it can take 6 weeks for the MTX to reach therapeutic levels or start working but it can also take Remicade some time to work as well. A lot of members do get response right away but it isn't always the case.

Also we have a parents section you may want to visit. We have a great thread with lots of research info in there that you may want to browse as well. My mobile won't allow me to post the links but when I get to my laptop I'll be sure to post them.
Was a decision made between the two choices forthboy? Both choices have undesirable side effects and both can be linked to cancer but the possibility of remission far outweighs the potential risks. Good luck to you and your son. :) Keep us posted.
I wouldn't say there was much to choose between them. The only thing I have noticed from reading threads here is that Remicade seems to work quicker than other meds if the body can tolerate it.
Was a decision made between the two choices forthboy? Both choices have undesirable side effects and both can be linked to cancer but the possibility of remission far outweighs the potential risks. Good luck to you and your son. :) Keep us posted.

Yes. We have all decided that infliximab would be the best option. First course next wed but looking forward to commencing and getting better. He is in good hands.
I've been on both Infliximab and Methotrexate and they both worked well for me at different times. I was 15 when I started infliximab, like your son. It put me in remission for the first time, until I had to discontinue it due to a rash. Crohn's-wise, however, it was wonderful. I hope it works well for your son. :)