I find it a little odd that this heated literary debacle came to light because of a suspected spam drone as Drew stated in Fleur's other thread....who knows if it's even a real person, but to be safe, I've been going along as if it was....
Anyways, I still stand strongly in my position, but agree with the others no hard feelings meant...my great grandparents were from Sweden on my mom's side, last name Janak...leaving me mathematically, with 12.5% Swedish blood, along with a smattering of other Euro geneologies, mostly Northern Europe.
As to the topic of drug advocation vs. personal usage, I still stand again where I stood before...look at it this way, if the question was "has anyone had an abortion and been okay, did it work out for you?" then someone replies with "I had one, don't regret it, and it worked out great for me, as I did my research"....now this person may not be pushing someone to have an abortion, but they are saying they feel there's nothing wrong with them with these chosen words. Very different than being a strong advocate of abortion, but you still APPEAR to be "pro-abortion" as you were fine with it and have no regrets...
Take smokers, now, you have 2 types, the type who regret it, like Kev, who tell everyone they meet "nasty habit, never get started" and you have Dennis Leary-types, who state they which they could get a tracheotomy so that they could put 6 lit cigerettes in their newly created orifice to smoke even MORE....BIG difference in mindsets. I took Hamps original view somewhere in the middle, and I didn't see a clear cut "don't do it" because he stated he has no regrets, and this is also why I claimed it was contradicting to read his words.
Now this original poster does NOT seem like they are willing to do research (if they're even real), based off my own opinion (but not proven)...they appeared to be a young impressionable, decadent teen who just wanted a hint of permission to go out and abuse dangerous mystery-substances. Does the style of writing they demonstrate indicate they think things through very thoroughly??...
And the reason for the nature of my postings was because I thought it best to tell this person absolutely not, if they were told "yes, do whatever you want just research it" how are we to verify they're going to do an iota of reasearch? I felt it safest to give a blanket "do NOT do them", and to be honest, I'm still against drug usage whether it's illegal or legal...it's legal status has no bearing on my stance if it's unhealthy, take tabacco for instance, I'm against it. Take alcohol...again, against it...both legal, and both can do harm (alcohol in moderation, like 3 glasses of red wine/week, isn't really bad, but not many people keep it to that, I'm against the beer bong slacker-type). I'm not too fond of the fact that many Rx drugs are harmful, but the whole "benefits outweigh the risks" is there and it's taken to relieve a problem, not create a high. If I had it my way, I'd not take any Rx, but I don't have that luxury. We are ingesting so many substances whether we have Crohns or not, I simply wish to limit them as best I can, but I'm not naive enough to think that works for everybody, to each their own.
I also have to state that "apparent harm" and "actual harm" are two different things. One can do drugs, SEE no effects, ever, or notice any affects....but that doesn't mean there were no ill effects at all. It simply means no effects were apparent. Could it take a little off the longevity of your heart or liver or some other organ that wouldn't be apparent for a couple decades? Possibly, and due to the "possibly" that is involved, I have chosen my stance. I'd just rather avoid as much risk to all the negative odds that I can, unless "the benefits outweight the risks" which I don't class recreational drugs as falling into. I loathe greatly the fact that I know what Imuran can do to me and yearn for the moment I no longer have to take it.
To the X, cocaine, etc... medical usage, I would like to point out that putting cocaine on the eye for clinical purposes during procedures is far different from snorting it to the point that you have an altered state of mind. To me, that's like stating we rub 91% isopropyl alcohol on lacerations and scrapes, so it's gotta be okay to drink some...I'd just as soon stay the hell away from all this, and recommend the same to some acne-laden adolescent who is at a greater risk of going overboard than a middle aged person who can access solid research to mitigate risks (I don't believe you can "eliminate", so I say "mitigate")...I realize they're people who can look up how much is a good limit, make sure they're stuff is pure/clean, and do it only occasionally, but lets face it, it's not too easy to just "try" this stuff, and leave it at that.
Perhaps this is a touchy subject to me, I was an outcast of sorts in high school because I had no desire to delve into the drug-escapades my peers said would make me "cool". I did my own thing and was subjugated to a lonely circle of a few good friends because of it (but they were/are good friends), and left a forgettable legacy as a result. Without going into more of that, I'm also very upset that I have known a few people who got mixed up with this stuff (one I found out about in March or April, had died a couple years before, she was 19), and Heath Ledger was one of my favorite actors of all time, Rx drug mishap killed him in his prime. Rx, legal, or illegal, I feel these substances are fires we are playing with, and I hate rolling the dice each time I do. I feel like there's six chambers in "life's revolver"and I'm loading a bullet into one each time I mess with a risk in life, whether it's my Imuran, it's driving in traffic, or walking down the street, and just having Crohns...I want to limit those "bullets", if that makes sense. I have other aspects to my life that I use as "highs", hell, you guys ever heard of "runner's high" with endorphins? Now, that I advocate.