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Im at a point wher ii would like to try things out, such as illigal drugs but with chrones disease im a little unsure && wouldnt want to do anything ii regret.

I smoke the odd Joint occasionally but am still careful.

Sometimes ii feel chrones holds me back from doingg things but in a way its a good thing...

ii want to try things out but ii dont know what ii can try .. :S

Im going to westfest in Oct && would want something to give me a buzz so ii can stomp the whole night, so it kinda sucks sometimes!

Is anyone in the same situation as me..?

Fleur xX
Why are all your posts about wanting to experiment with drugs? Maybe you should get a hobby other then experimentation being young isn't an excuse for drug use. I'm just worried that you're not taking you disease seriously. Drug use is one thing that you should be sharing with your doctor because it could be effecting you meds or even destroying organs mixing drugs can be lethal So please stop
yeah, remeber Heath Ledger...died from mixing prescription drugs. I would think illegal and prescription together could be nasty too. Be careful! Tell your doctor what ever you take!
Fleur-Fleur-Fleur said:

Im at a point wher ii would like to try things out, such as illigal drugs but with chrones disease im a little unsure && wouldnt want to do anything ii regret.

I smoke the odd Joint occasionally but am still careful.

Sometimes ii feel chrones holds me back from doingg things but in a way its a good thing...

ii want to try things out but ii dont know what ii can try .. :S

Im going to westfest in Oct && would want something to give me a buzz so ii can stomp the whole night, so it kinda sucks sometimes!

Is anyone in the same situation as me..?

Fleur xX

Allright. So. People may have all the opinions they want about what im about to write. But thats what a forum is for? Right?


Being a very curious soul i have tried every drug that has come my way - pot, coke, acid, speed, benzo, mdma, opioides, you name it. This while being diagnosed with crohns. I have not experienced any ill effects on my general well-being (often quite the opposite).

But that was a few years ago!

That illegal drugs have worked for me in the past doesnt necessarilly mean that they work for you! I dont recommend illegal drugs to anyone. Be VERY careful with what you do!
I wouldn't call no apparent ill-effects "working for you"...who's to say it didn't cause damage you've yet to find out about yet?

I don't think illegal drugs work for anybody except dealers who get rich off them....and even then, doing 20 years in Chino isn't "working for them" either.

I respect that you have the audacity to express your past experimentation, and it sounds like you wouldn't have done it again, though.
BWS1982 said:
No offense, but I hope not.

Say no to the poison, get your kicks another way.

I agree with Benson I would much rather hear a young person with Crohns tell me that they were going skydiving at least that is living your life on your terms. Doing illegal drugs just numbs the senses that you were born with how many drug addicts have you seen that you could say "Man are they really living their life on their terms" none. They are usually living to get to the next high.
BWS1982 said:
I wouldn't call no apparent ill-effects "working for you"...who's to say it didn't cause damage you've yet to find out about yet?

I don't think illegal drugs work for anybody except dealers who get rich off them....and even then, doing 20 years in Chino isn't "working for them" either.

I respect that you have the audacity to express your past experimentation, and it sounds like you wouldn't have done it again, though.

What people tend to forget, is that there is positive sides with illegal drugs. Relief from whatever, expanding your mind to levels not possible any other way and so on. Ive had experiences on drugs wich i havent even been near in any other way (yes, ive tried skydiving once). The world and everything in it is not black or white.

While doing this a was never a "junkie" but had a steay full time job and at the same time finished up school. It never took over my life. I never wanted it to. All people dont end up in the gutter.

Of course its possible that these drugs have had effects on me im not currently aware of. Though i doubt it. And i was always very well read on the facts before i tried. Im do not regrett any of this. Trying is the only way of knowing. And trying gives you a greater understanding of the world and why pople do what they do.

Just my two cents.
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To each their own, I disagree with you, but still respect your perogative to do as you wish, and believe as you wish. I'm well aware of the purported "takes you to another realm" sales pitches, I got 'em in middle school and renounced them then and now.

To the original poster, you are sending a contradicting message it seems, you say on one hand "I researched all I did and was fine" and then subsequently state "but I dont recommend illegal drugs to anyone. Be VERY careful with what you do!"....I think the important thing is to steer the young person away from these risks, and nurture a better mindset in them.

You don't have to try something to become aware of it's that, I ask, have you ever tried suicide?

(that's my version of a dark analogy, I don't wish anyone to actually try it)
BWS1982 said:
To each their own, I disagree with you, but still respect your perogative to do as you wish, and believe as you wish. I'm well aware of the purported "takes you to another realm" sales pitches, I got 'em in middle school and renounced them then and now.

To the original poster, you are sending a contradicting message it seems, you say on one hand "I researched all I did and was fine" and then subsequently state "but I dont recommend illegal drugs to anyone. Be VERY careful with what you do!"....I think the important thing is to steer the young person away from these risks, and nurture a better mindset in them.

You don't have to try something to become aware of it's that, I ask, have you ever tried suicide?

(that's my version of a dark analogy, I don't wish anyone to actually try it)

I dont see how i send contradicting messages when i state that "it worked for me dosnt necessarrily mean that they for him/her." I believe that every person is responsible for their own actions and if they want to try illegal drugs thats entierly up to them. I was simply answering the original posters question. "Will illegal drugs make my crohns worse". Wich I did, based on my own experiences.

"The sales pitch" you got in middleschool were probably the same that i got. Eventhough we grew up in different nations on different continents. Whereas the salespitch made you sure not to try, they actually made me even more curious. Strange how people work in different ways, isnt it?

To personally become aware of the results of something for me requires that i try it head on. Personally! I understand that people behave and think differently, but that is me. You seem like a smart guy, but both you and i know that the suicide analogy is plain ridiculous =)

Another saying would be: Mr X reads everything there is to read about crohns. But will mr X ever really know what its actually like to have crohns?
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I'm with Hamp

i removed my reply because i feel this forum might not be the right place for this discussion.

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Everyone should do what they think is best for them - true.
If someone thinks that doing illegal drugs will be best for them, they are sadly and greatly misinformed. That's not opinion, that is fact. There is not ONE thing that can come out of using illegal drugs for fun that is a positive.

If Mr. X did a lot of research on Crohn's disease yet STILL wanted try get it or "try" it - I would consider Mr. X an IDIOT.

There's my illegal drug analogy for the day.
My Butt Hurts said:
Everyone should do what they think is best for them - true.
If someone thinks that doing illegal drugs will be best for them, they are sadly and greatly misinformed. That's not opinion, that is fact. There is not ONE thing that can come out of using illegal drugs for fun that is a positive.

If Mr. X did a lot of research on Crohn's disease yet STILL wanted try get it or "try" it - I would consider Mr. X an IDIOT.

There's my illegal drug analogy for the day.

But the world isnt that black or white!!! Of course things considered bad have might have something positive in them! Why do millions of people consume illegal drugs? To write all these people off as "sadly and greatly misinformed" is really a hobby-jesus thing to say. Of course you can have good experiences of illegal drugs. AND bad! Im not denying that for a second!

That was absolutely one of the most arrogant things i have read on this forum. Please be a little more open minded.
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A lot of people do illegal drugs to feel a "high". Something that they can't feel or produce on their own without the drug. My question is why do people seek these false and synthetic feelings? If we aren't able to produce these feelings on our own, were we ever meant to feel them?

The feeling that one gets from doing cocaine comes from a synthetic production of dopamine in the brain. The cocaine enters and causes the body to produce almost 150% more dopamine than it can itself. Is this good for the body? Cocaine also hinders blood flow. Since when is cutting off the blood flow a good idea? Inhibiting blood flow can not only cause brain damage and defects, but also heart issues. Cocaine causes your dendrites to become bigger and denser the more you use it. This means that synaptic connectivity will increase. An increase in this synaptic activity will cause the body to work harder to get cocaine and also place a greater focus on obtaining cocaine.

My last question is, is creating these false feelings of happiness really worth it? Why not create your own happiness without the use of drugs? Why not get your rush elsewhere? Why do some people find it necessary to rely on drugs to become comfortable or happy in certain situations of their lives? Isn't that lying to themselves and everyone else?

Personally I think that calling MBH arrogant was way outta line... but that's my opinion. Everyone has their own opinion, and they are allowed to... but why does her opinion make her arrogant? I think that people who feel like they have lost an arguement feel the need to pull out the cheap shots and start name calling. For some reason the non-drug users are always called prude, arrogant, or close-minded... and that simply isn't true.
I understand where everyone is coming from but most of you are looking at it as a treatment issue for crohns that was not the original question My concern is that all of fleur fleur fleur's questions revolve around the use of illegal drugs not the control of the disease Can they take illegal drugs and be okay maybe but unfortunately most people don't know exactely what they are taking should I be a parent and advice that they don't use drugs??? YES!!!! because if it was my child on here asking if I thought it was okay to use I would expect another parent to do the same I am looking out for their health and I agree there are other ways to "live life to the fullest" I think most I'm not saying everyone use drugs to forget something or to numb the pain of reality and that is very unhealthy.
I am a pretty laid back open minded person, but I can't justify using illegal drugs recreationally. Want to try crystals or accupunture? Go ahead! I hope it works! Fleur isn't trying to use these drugs to help soothes his Crohn's symptoms, he wants to get a buzz so he can "stomp all night". Maybe an afternoon nap and a couple of late night cups of coffee (which could also effect the intestines) would be a more logical choice.
Just because millions of people may use illegal drugs doesn't make it smart or right. Too many people commit crimes, have unprotected sex, speed while driving, I could go on and on, it doesn't make it okay just because people do it.
katiesue1506 said:
A lot of people do illegal drugs to feel a "high". Something that they can't feel or produce on their own without the drug. My question is why do people seek these false and synthetic feelings? If we aren't able to produce these feelings on our own, were we ever meant to feel them?

The feeling that one gets from doing cocaine comes from a synthetic production of dopamine in the brain. The cocaine enters and causes the body to produce almost 150% more dopamine than it can itself. Is this good for the body? Cocaine also hinders blood flow. Since when is cutting off the blood flow a good idea? Inhibiting blood flow can not only cause brain damage and defects, but also heart issues. Cocaine causes your dendrites to become bigger and denser the more you use it. This means that synaptic connectivity will increase. An increase in this synaptic activity will cause the body to work harder to get cocaine and also place a greater focus on obtaining cocaine.

My last question is, is creating these false feelings of happiness really worth it? Why not create your own happiness without the use of drugs? Why not get your rush elsewhere? Why do some people find it necessary to rely on drugs to become comfortable or happy in certain situations of their lives? Isn't that lying to themselves and everyone else?

Personally I think that calling MBH arrogant was way outta line... but that's my opinion. Everyone has their own opinion, and they are allowed to... but why does her opinion make her arrogant? I think that people who feel like they have lost an arguement feel the need to pull out the cheap shots and start name calling. For some reason the non-drug users are always called prude, arrogant, or close-minded... and that simply isn't true.

Come on! Get into the match! This is a forum, right? I still think it was a very arrogant thing to say. And i dont thing calling statements that people make for arrogant is namecalling. Arrogant is a s far as i know merely an adjective wich describe a certain characteristic.

It seemed to me that MBH spoke out about something that he/she doesnt know very much about (please prove me wrong!) and that writing peoples decisions off as wrong without knowing anything about their personal reasons for it is something that i react very strongly about.

And i dont agree that using drugs is an escape from reality or some "synthetich feeling". My own experience is that to use drugs indeed is a very real experience and a way of digging into reality rather than fleeing from it.

There is more to the world than people think. Open your eyes and see it.
kimberlie said:
With or without crohns illegal drugs are bad for you. I think everyone can agree on that. I have had a friend over dose the first time trying a drug, and know of plenty of people who wound up in jail, or a very bad habit that ruined there lives. I had a friend who stopped using cocaine and died a few years later of a heart attack at 36. Result of what the drugs did to him years before. There is a reason why alot of these things are illegal.

I agree that they are bad in certain way. I strongly disagree that that is the whole story. There is positive things coming out of illegal drugs. Everything is not that black or white. The world and everything in it is "grey". Things are not entierly "bad/evil" or "good". That might be a difficult and scary thing to admit, but i believe its the truth.

That certain drugs are illegal have of course more reasons than possibly beeing dangerous for your bady and others. Those reasons can be political and economical, cultural or traditional/historical.

Example: In Singapore (among other South East asian states), the selling of marijhuana leads to a mandatory death sentence. In The Netherlands, on the other hand, the selling of marijhuana is legal and readily available in so called coffeshops. Weird, isnt it? And yes ive been to both these countries and seen it with my own eyes.
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kimberlie said:
I am not talking about pot, dont have an issue with that. Tell me what is positive about coke? Heroin? And I can tell you at least 3 tragic stories about each with people I know. I spent close to 15 years behind a bar. I can go toe to toe with you with personal examples. Dont really want to, I think I have made my point. Noone can tell someone what to do. I am just saying be careful.

Im not saying that you must have positive experiences of drugs. Im saying that I'VE had and know other people who have had. Thus making the phrase "all illegal drugs are plain bad" wrong in my opinion. Just using and not misusing excessivly does not necessarilliy mean that a person ends up in the gutter. Me and many of my friends have had a lot of truly great times with - for example - cocaine. How did they end up? Well, everything from architecture students to be in prison. Weird, isnt it?

And im saying "be careful" aswell! Absolutely! It has always worked for ME. And i have never regretted doing these things. Those experiences thaught me lessons about the world and how it works. And why people do the things they do. Lessons that I PERSONALLY think i wouldnt have been able to learn in any other way. But thats just me.

And that was the answer i gave the original poster.

I think ur missing the point im trying to make here. What im really trying to say is that there are no certain absolute truths in this world. Things are not entierly bad or good.

PS Im sorry if my sentences and grammar are incorrect in some places - english is not my first language. DS
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Sorry, but I still find my analogy to be perfectly legitimate and applicable, if one tries suicide, of course "it may work out well for them, because THEY did all the research, and they felt it was best for THEM, they found "the good" in it, they don't regret it" you see my point, or not?

Yes, the world is gray, with not too much black or white to speak of. There are certain guarantees in life, but not many. Two are you are given a life, and that that life will end. What you do in the mean time is up to you and your choice. Yes, there's many risks such as pollution and car accidents and cancer etc... why roll the dice more times than you have to by snorting or shooting up some substance that in countless studies has time and time again been proven to be destructive and unhealthy. I really don't think it's relevent that you don't regret experimenting with drugs, nor is it relevent that you had "good times" with them.

I honestly can't believe you're defending drug usage (abuse?) with such zeal and fervor, and I staunchly disagree that you have to try something to renounce and disapprove of it. My girlfriend knows intimately how horrid Crohns Disease is, but I wouldn't require her to have it to know it's something she'd never wish to experience, a first hand experience is not required for deeming something as VERY undesirable...again, I point to the validity of the suicide analogy. Sure, my girlfriend doesn't have Crohns so she can't know what I feel inside, but just like a witness to a violent and fatal car accident, you can be aware of the general idea on such experiences enough to not want any part of it.

So there are many people who chose to do drugs and lived to tell of how they saw a black and white movie in neon coloring, or spoke with the spirit of Bob Marley...then there are many people who DIDN'T live to tell they wished they'd never tried the damned stuff. So obviously it's an issue of chance, you want to play Russian Roullette with your body, the most important thing you can ever own, great, go ahead. But I'm quite positive that this "good" you speak of POSSIBLY coming from drugs has a price, whether immediately obvious, or later obvious, or, even if nothing happened, the price is that you're putting yourself in danger each time, gambling with something so carelessly it begs the question: If you treasure seeing this world in another light, with more "clarity" than before, then how come you're willing to sacrifice not only this oppurtunity, but your place in this world itself?

Are you going to support this "experimentation through curiosity" until you do regret it? Is it "until it hurts me, it's harmless" ?
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Woooow, this is gettin' fun now, isn't it?
I'm okay with being called arrogant, as a synonym for that is proud.
I have NOTHING to prove to you Hamp, (or was it Hemp? Can't remember.) and there is NO way you have any possible way of judging how much I know or don't know about ANYthing.
One example, if you really need it, is that my brother used illegal drugs for a very long time. Now he is basically a 42 year old loser.
Another example is that I see firsthand the effects that drugs have on families. I work in an inner-city school and have had crack babies in my classroom. I see the abuse and neglect that kids have to deal with from parents who are users. Some of it is just beyond imagination. Please don't try to judge my knowledge of anything. I freely admit when I don't know something, and this is not the case here.
I surely don't intend to keep responding to this post, although it has been enjoyable - it seems as though drugs have clouded your ability to listen to and accept reason.

Here's a funny - Kimberlie, I thought your previous statement said that you spent 15 years behind bars, not 15 years behind A bar. Ha ha! I couldn't figure out what sweet little Kim had done for that long sentence! Bartender - not inmate. Got it.
HA! I went to England for a class trip - you went to jail!
NOW who's peeing their pants??????


Okay - this is fun now.
I call for a Crohn's Forum camping trip summer of '09!
I could totally sit around the campfire with Pen and Kimberlie, and a lot of others!
Where are we going to meet??
(I can think of 2 people we're NOT inviting.)
Holy cow. I ididn't realize how far over Ontario went. I knew that it was right above us (NYS) so I thought we could go camping around........ oh, New York. Minnesota is quite a drive! How about Ohio? You could cross in the East, and it's closer to Kim. Or - Niagara Falls has campgrounds! Who wouldn't travel to see a wonder of the world? Maybe our European buddies would come for that! (I hate driving more than 20 minutes. Arrgh.) Isla - you up for camping?? Katiesue? BWS? KEV?!?!?
I'll share a tent with Drew!!
(Wait - let me run that by my husband.)

Okay - I'm back.
Drew will have to find his own tent, apparently - but I'll still be lookin' for his visor.
Wow I can't believe I haven't followed this thread much.

I think it would be a great idea to have a camp out. Maybe I'll bring my guitar. But I think I'll need to get a hotel room. I don't do well in small confined spaces.
Exactly. I'm fine with the fire, I love fire lol, but I will take my bed over the ground any day. Plus I don't have one of those sleeping bag things.
Well all the Canadians can carpool with me if they meet me in Indy... :)

Oh and I went to a jail on a class field trip too. Got locked in the cell and everything... I thought it was cool. We also went to court one time and listened to trials.
Ill just write a quick clarifying response - a longer one will follow later tonight.

I NEVER meant to PROMOTE drugs! If anyone of you got that impression then thats a misunderstanding.

What i did was: I tried to answer the original posters question (will drugs make my crohns worse?) based on my own experiences. And my own experiences were that they did not seem to cause ME PERSONALLY any harm and that i had good experiences and learned some lessons that I PERSONALLY wouldnt have learnt in any other way. And that I PERSONALLY did not regret doing those things.

Is that promoting drugs? No, not in my opinion. In my opinion i was merely telling my personal experiences. And my opinion, adn everyone elses, were asked for. This is a forum, right?

I HOPE that everyone understands my original intent, and that they respect my opinion - as I respect theirs - on this very "hot" subject.

Note to self: North Americans and Europeans seem to have very different opinions and points of views on this subject.

Until later.

Yeah my girlfriends dad invited me to go fishing but I think that's just a scheme to kill I used to catch crawyfsh in the canals of New Orleans and one day I watched the police force shoot nutrea. That was funny. That and cycling is as wild as I have ever gotten.
The biggest problem I find discussing this type of thing on our forum is that young kids may see one of these posts and start doing drugs so that hopefully it helps them with their Crohn's. I don't want to feel like I'm responsible for someone's death or and accidents that may occur due to the taking of drugs.
Ok you were right for directing me to this thread because everyone will jump on me as well - because I have to agree with Hamp on this one guys. Kim stated "With or without crohns illegal drugs are bad for you. I think everyone can agree on that." then goes on to say "I am not talking about pot, don't have an issue with that." But pot IS illegal in most countries so no I don't think everyone can agree that all illegal drugs are bad. You think pot is ok, and I think I can surmise that Benson does not agree. Does that make Kim automatically bad because she supports pot inhalation? No and it doesn't mean she is advocating drug use as Hamp has been accused of.

Cocaine is STILL used today in medicine people. It is used topically in eye surgery. I guess we should hunt down those doctors because drugs are bad? X was used for a long time for psychological purposes but was banned once ABUSERS gave it a bad name. Nothing can be good for you when abused but just because a government says something is bad doesn't mean we should blindly follow suit. Psychotropic mushrooms are illegal but yet are still used in spiritual trips by various indigenous peoples - guess we better round those people up too label them druggies and drug advocates and throw them all in jail?

I am surprised, as it seems Hamp was too, the black and white nature a lot of these posts tend to take. Not only are they mostly black and white the comparison is aardvarks and umbrellas. I have done several illegal drugs - I can say without a doubt it is nothing like having Crohns. Some I liked and others I did not. Did they hurt me? I can say without a doubt they did not. I can also say that I have done a lot more damaging LEGAL drugs.

When I smoked cigarettes people said it was bad for me, but never did they call me a drug advocate or stupid or a junkie. Yet if I say I have taken x, liked x, and would probably take it again - I would get a word beat down that would in no way shape or form hit on real facts about the drug. People love to judge others on what little they know about the "facts." I have done X and I say that it did me no harm therefore I must be a drug advocate? But if I say I am a smoker - I wouldn't see people jumping down my throat about advocating smoking to a kid - because it isn't advocating. Condoning or admitting to doing an act does not mean you are automatically an advocate for it.

But using ALL ILLEGAL DRUGS ARE BAD is NOT a fact and not a reason to absent mindedly tell people they are wrong or horrible for indicating the upside to illegal drugs. There was an upside to every drug I have ever taken, illegal or not - and every drug has a downside, illegal or not. I just don't understand what the legal standing of a drug has to do with with it's pros and cons as a substance?

And just to clear up the "kid" issue - my mother, when I was a teenager, said she knew that I would try and experiment with drugs and that she did this as well. But she also told me that I would soon figure out that they are overrated much like sex is to a newly devirginized person. Sex addiction can be just as detrimental to a person as an addiction to painkillers, as is food addiction, as ANY addiction. Addiction is never good - but think twice before blaming a drug for an addicts addiction.

I am Isla Scotts, a recovering addict of tobacco, and I approve this message.
>brought to you by the Planet Niki<

P.S. -To the original poster. I say do not ever introduce a drug into your body without full knowledge and consent of all possible side effects. A lot of substances, illegal or not, has the potential for death due to allergy, misdosing, or misuse. Just like the long warning label on a simple substance like aspirin the warnings can grow bigger with unresearched drugs. Also be aware that any street drugs has the potential to be another substance entirely or have other ingredients that you may be unaware of. An organization that has been around for years and is trying to help bring more safety to recreational rave / dance drug use is It has information on drugs and common "mixes" of street drugs. I advocate knowledge and personal choice - so use them to the best of your ability. Inform yourself and if you choose to use any drug at all that means you agree to all the possible side effects - so do not take it lightly.
Isla said:
I advocate knowledge and personal choice

Six words that sums up my stance on this subject brilliantly.

Thank you for an interesting, well written and wise post Isla!

To Jeff D. - Youre right that this subject might be one to discuss on other forums. But now the question is obviously up and I am not aware of any "unspoken rules" of what and what not to discuss here. Might be material for another thread? Or does anyone know?
Sooooo.... what about our camping trip??

(And no one thought I was clever to call Hamp "Hemp"? Get it? Hemp? Marijuana?? Tap, tap, tap..... is this thing on?)

Hamp - your 'quick clarifying response' reply was very nice. I'm sorry for my rude comment to you about your clouded brain.
My Butt Hurts said:
Sooooo.... what about our camping trip??

(And no one thought I was clever to call Hamp "Hemp"? Get it? Hemp? Marijuana?? Tap, tap, tap..... is this thing on?)

Hamp - your 'quick clarifying response' reply was very nice. I'm sorry for my rude comment to you about your clouded brain.

I would like to direct an apology to you for - in the heat of debating - labelling one of your statements as "arrogant". Wich - ironically - is an arrogant thing to do. I do hope you accept this apology and that we are left with no hard feelings between us.

And oh yes, I get the pot connection with my nickname :) Though that was never intended. My name is Hampus Alexander and Hamp is what friends and family call me. Very swedish name indeed, Hampus.

And my clouded brain :D just got me into med-school, so in five years time I will hopefully be an brilliant doctor (dont worry, I wont advocate illegal drugs to my patients) who will find the damn cure for this disease. Though i hope the forum will live on so we can continue our debates :cool:

/Hampus Alexander
Darnit, I missed the blasted Hemp reference. And Hamp... ummm I have never heard your name before in my life though curiously it doesn't sound Swedish to me. (I live in a town in America that has very strong Swedish roots.)

Does anyone else think Hamp's avatar looks like a young Max Headroom?

>BTW I refuse to sleep wear dogs pee, snakes burrow, and grass grows<
Pen said:
Well Hampus your gonna be a doctor, what kind of medicine do you want to practice? I am glad for one that you are deciding to stay here. How long have you had crohns and what kind of meds are you on??? I apologize for my behaviour, it is just hard to be objective to a question that is contraversial. Good thing you are accepting us, butt heads an all. :smile: This forum really is a good place to be!

Got my first symptoms in the summer of 1998 and was diagnosed autumn 1999. Ten long years that is. Tried all the meds - brand names might differ between US and EU - Sulfasalazine, Prednisone, Imurel (european name for Imuran?), Entocort and a long list of non prescription remedies - fish oil, homeopathic medicines, this diet, that diet adn so on. Desperately tried em all and nothing worked really well.

Until I tried Infliximab. And my god, what a miracle drug that was and still is for me! Im apparently one of the lucky persons that really responds to Remicade. Woke up the day after my first infusion and felt like a energetic, healthy person again. And have ever since. With the exception of very mild flare-ups come week eight or so.
That was three years ago. Im aware of the fact that Remicade might lose its efficency after some time and so I cherish every day I get. At least it buys me some time until the next miracle drug/cure hits the market. And then theres always Humira.

Got my latest infusion yesterday and as I write this I couldnt feel better. I am a very lucky person to be living in Sweden where healthcare and medicine is totally free of charge. And so is University (Ill pay it all back later when i pay 50 percent income tax :D)

How about yourself Pen? How long have you had crohns? Are you also on Remicade?

To kimberlie - absolutely no hard feelings! And I look forward to future debates on other topics :wink:
Isla said:
Darnit, I missed the blasted Hemp reference. And Hamp... ummm I have never heard your name before in my life though curiously it doesn't sound Swedish to me. (I live in a town in America that has very strong Swedish roots.)

Does anyone else think Hamp's avatar looks like a young Max Headroom?

>BTW I refuse to sleep wear dogs pee, snakes burrow, and grass grows<

Its not a very common name in Sweden either. Strong swedish roots you say? I guess Minnesota or Illinois. Close? And who is Max Headroom?

And btw Pen, i like you signature!
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You guessed it! Illinois hehehe. And Max Headroom is a beloved animated character (he isn't real) here is a pic of him:


He first appeared in a music video then came about a tv series that featured him.
Aww, Hamp has a face. Who can stay mad at that?
Looks like the camping trip is cancelled. Not enough interest.
(And by the way I happen to LIKE sleeping in mud and dog pee.)
I DO like how I changed the drug subject for a while with that suggestion. Talk about a hijack!

Just for the record, I have no problem numbing the eye with cocaine if it is done in a doctor's office, I can't even blame those in pain for smoking pot. I hope I never have to do it. It was the partying with drugs just for fun and to "fit in" that I didn't agree with.

Where the HECK did Fleur go anyways???

Oh, and I don't sleep in dog pee either. We have a camper with a fridge, heater and a potty. I like the campfires though!
Isla said:
You guessed it! Illinois hehehe. And Max Headroom is a beloved animated character (he isn't real) here is a pic of him:

He first appeared in a music video then came about a tv series that featured him.

Haha, youre funny Isla! And I can absolutly come to terms with beeing a Max Headroom look-a-like. He seems to be a cool guy.

Been to Chicago and absolutely LOVED the city! Are you from there?
I couldn't help but to take the bait -

Fleur is OBVIOUSLY out partying and using the loads of drugs we advocates suggested they do ;) Us current and past recreational drug users united. So sorry MBH you weren't invited. Unfortunately all the possible side of effects of the mountains of pills that were located in the middle of the dance floor hit poor Fleur all at once. It was tragic but then the drugs took over and Fleur's lifeless body morphed into a fairy right before my eyes and flitted away.

>Isla turns on her heel and wonders off toward the sound of rhythmic bass pulsating; the flashing lights of glow sticks seemingly floating through the air reflecting off her drug convoluted face<

HAHAHAH sorry... just really REALLY could not resist! Hey when opportunity knocks, you just have to answer!

Hamp said:
Haha, youre funny Isla! And I can absolutly come to terms with beeing a Max Headroom look-a-like. He seems to be a cool guy.

Been to Chicago and absolutely LOVED the city! Are you from there?

I live fairly close to it, but do not live in Chicago nor one of it's suburbs. Though I am not a huge fan of Chicago at all. The most beautiful big city I have ever seen and had the pleasure of living smack dab in the middle of was Denver, Colorado. It is like Chicago but smells nice, is pristinely clean, has friendlier people, less crime, better views, and has been planned out with much more forethought than Chicago!
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Isla - I never said that I had never used illegal drugs recreationally.
Maybe you SHOULD have invited me.
Maybe not....
My Butt Hurts said:
Isla - I never said that I had never used illegal drugs recreationally.
Maybe you SHOULD have invited me.
Maybe not....

You bring some pills for the pile and I will get you an invite!!! :lol:
Oooo yay! Anything for an invite!
I have all my old prescriptions in my hall closet.
Sulfasalazine, asacol, metro, cipro, librax (that one may actually have some street value). NO idea why I keep them. Maybe it's time for a good clean-out of the closet.
I find it a little odd that this heated literary debacle came to light because of a suspected spam drone as Drew stated in Fleur's other thread....who knows if it's even a real person, but to be safe, I've been going along as if it was....

Anyways, I still stand strongly in my position, but agree with the others no hard feelings great grandparents were from Sweden on my mom's side, last name Janak...leaving me mathematically, with 12.5% Swedish blood, along with a smattering of other Euro geneologies, mostly Northern Europe.

As to the topic of drug advocation vs. personal usage, I still stand again where I stood before...look at it this way, if the question was "has anyone had an abortion and been okay, did it work out for you?" then someone replies with "I had one, don't regret it, and it worked out great for me, as I did my research" this person may not be pushing someone to have an abortion, but they are saying they feel there's nothing wrong with them with these chosen words. Very different than being a strong advocate of abortion, but you still APPEAR to be "pro-abortion" as you were fine with it and have no regrets...

Take smokers, now, you have 2 types, the type who regret it, like Kev, who tell everyone they meet "nasty habit, never get started" and you have Dennis Leary-types, who state they which they could get a tracheotomy so that they could put 6 lit cigerettes in their newly created orifice to smoke even MORE....BIG difference in mindsets. I took Hamps original view somewhere in the middle, and I didn't see a clear cut "don't do it" because he stated he has no regrets, and this is also why I claimed it was contradicting to read his words.

Now this original poster does NOT seem like they are willing to do research (if they're even real), based off my own opinion (but not proven)...they appeared to be a young impressionable, decadent teen who just wanted a hint of permission to go out and abuse dangerous mystery-substances. Does the style of writing they demonstrate indicate they think things through very thoroughly??...

And the reason for the nature of my postings was because I thought it best to tell this person absolutely not, if they were told "yes, do whatever you want just research it" how are we to verify they're going to do an iota of reasearch? I felt it safest to give a blanket "do NOT do them", and to be honest, I'm still against drug usage whether it's illegal or's legal status has no bearing on my stance if it's unhealthy, take tabacco for instance, I'm against it. Take alcohol...again, against it...both legal, and both can do harm (alcohol in moderation, like 3 glasses of red wine/week, isn't really bad, but not many people keep it to that, I'm against the beer bong slacker-type). I'm not too fond of the fact that many Rx drugs are harmful, but the whole "benefits outweigh the risks" is there and it's taken to relieve a problem, not create a high. If I had it my way, I'd not take any Rx, but I don't have that luxury. We are ingesting so many substances whether we have Crohns or not, I simply wish to limit them as best I can, but I'm not naive enough to think that works for everybody, to each their own.

I also have to state that "apparent harm" and "actual harm" are two different things. One can do drugs, SEE no effects, ever, or notice any affects....but that doesn't mean there were no ill effects at all. It simply means no effects were apparent. Could it take a little off the longevity of your heart or liver or some other organ that wouldn't be apparent for a couple decades? Possibly, and due to the "possibly" that is involved, I have chosen my stance. I'd just rather avoid as much risk to all the negative odds that I can, unless "the benefits outweight the risks" which I don't class recreational drugs as falling into. I loathe greatly the fact that I know what Imuran can do to me and yearn for the moment I no longer have to take it.

To the X, cocaine, etc... medical usage, I would like to point out that putting cocaine on the eye for clinical purposes during procedures is far different from snorting it to the point that you have an altered state of mind. To me, that's like stating we rub 91% isopropyl alcohol on lacerations and scrapes, so it's gotta be okay to drink some...I'd just as soon stay the hell away from all this, and recommend the same to some acne-laden adolescent who is at a greater risk of going overboard than a middle aged person who can access solid research to mitigate risks (I don't believe you can "eliminate", so I say "mitigate")...I realize they're people who can look up how much is a good limit, make sure they're stuff is pure/clean, and do it only occasionally, but lets face it, it's not too easy to just "try" this stuff, and leave it at that.

Perhaps this is a touchy subject to me, I was an outcast of sorts in high school because I had no desire to delve into the drug-escapades my peers said would make me "cool". I did my own thing and was subjugated to a lonely circle of a few good friends because of it (but they were/are good friends), and left a forgettable legacy as a result. Without going into more of that, I'm also very upset that I have known a few people who got mixed up with this stuff (one I found out about in March or April, had died a couple years before, she was 19), and Heath Ledger was one of my favorite actors of all time, Rx drug mishap killed him in his prime. Rx, legal, or illegal, I feel these substances are fires we are playing with, and I hate rolling the dice each time I do. I feel like there's six chambers in "life's revolver"and I'm loading a bullet into one each time I mess with a risk in life, whether it's my Imuran, it's driving in traffic, or walking down the street, and just having Crohns...I want to limit those "bullets", if that makes sense. I have other aspects to my life that I use as "highs", hell, you guys ever heard of "runner's high" with endorphins? Now, that I advocate.
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BWS1982 said:
I find it a little odd that this heated literary debacle came to light because of a suspected spam drone as Drew stated in Fleur's other thread....who knows if it's even a real person, but to be safe, I've been going along as if it was....

Anyways, I still stand strongly in my position, but agree with the others no hard feelings great grandparents were from Sweden on my mom's side, last name Janak...leaving me mathematically, with 12.5% Swedish blood, along with a smattering of other Euro geneologies, mostly Northern Europe.

As to the topic of drug advocation vs. personal usage, I still stand again where I stood before...look at it this way, if the question was "has anyone had an abortion and been okay, did it work out for you?" then someone replies with "I had one, don't regret it, and it worked out great for me, as I did my research" this person may not be pushing someone to have an abortion, but they are saying they feel there's nothing wrong with them with these chosen words. Very different than being a strong advocate of abortion, but you still APPEAR to be "pro-abortion" as you were fine with it and have no regrets...

Take smokers, now, you have 2 types, the type who regret it, like Kev, who tell everyone they meet "nasty habit, never get started" and you have Dennis Leary-types, who state they which they could get a tracheotomy so that they could put 6 lit cigerettes in their newly created orifice to smoke even MORE....BIG difference in mindsets. I took Hamps original view somewhere in the middle, and I didn't see a clear cut "don't do it" because he stated he has no regrets, and this is also why I claimed it was contradicting to read his words.

Now this original poster does NOT seem like they are willing to do research (if they're even real), based off my own opinion (but not proven)...they appeared to be a young impressionable, decadent teen who just wanted a hint of permission to go out and abuse dangerous mystery-substances. Does the style of writing they demonstrate indicate they think things through very thoroughly??...

And the reason for the nature of my postings was because I thought it best to tell this person absolutely not, if they were told "yes, do whatever you want just research it" how are we to verify they're going to do an iota of reasearch? I felt it safest to give a blanket "do NOT do them", and to be honest, I'm still against drug usage whether it's illegal or's legal status has no bearing on my stance if it's unhealthy, take tabacco for instance, I'm against it. Take alcohol...again, against it...both legal, and both can do harm (alcohol in moderation, like 3 glasses of red wine/week, isn't really bad, but not many people keep it to that, I'm against the beer bong slacker-type). I'm not too fond of the fact that many Rx drugs are harmful, but the whole "benefits outweigh the risks" is there and it's taken to relieve a problem, not create a high. If I had it my way, I'd not take any Rx, but I don't have that luxury. We are ingesting so many substances whether we have Crohns or not, I simply wish to limit them as best I can, but I'm not naive enough to think that works for everybody, to each their own.

I also have to state that "apparent harm" and "actual harm" are two different things. One can do drugs, SEE no effects, ever, or notice any affects....but that doesn't mean there were no ill effects at all. It simply means no effects were apparent. Could it take a little off the longevity of your heart or liver or some other organ that wouldn't be apparent for a couple decades? Possibly, and due to the "possibly" that is involved, I have chosen my stance. I'd just rather avoid as much risk to all the negative odds that I can, unless "the benefits outweight the risks" which I don't class recreational drugs as falling into. I loathe greatly the fact that I know what Imuran can do to me and yearn for the moment I no longer have to take it.

To the X, cocaine, etc... medical usage, I would like to point out that putting cocaine on the eye for clinical purposes during procedures is far different from snorting it to the point that you have an altered state of mind. To me, that's like stating we rub 91% isopropyl alcohol on lacerations and scrapes, so it's gotta be okay to drink some...I'd just as soon stay the hell away from all this, and recommend the same to some acne-laden adolescent who is at a greater risk of going overboard than a middle aged person who can access solid research to mitigate risks (I don't believe you can "eliminate", so I say "mitigate")...I realize they're people who can look up how much is a good limit, make sure they're stuff is pure/clean, and do it only occasionally, but lets face it, it's not too easy to just "try" this stuff, and leave it at that.

Perhaps this is a touchy subject to me, I was an outcast of sorts in high school because I had no desire to delve into the drug-escapades my peers said would make me "cool". I did my own thing and was subjugated to a lonely circle of a few good friends because of it (but they were/are good friends), and left a forgettable legacy as a result. Without going into more of that, I'm also very upset that I have known a few people who got mixed up with this stuff (one I found out about in March or April, had died a couple years before, she was 19), and Heath Ledger was one of my favorite actors of all time, Rx drug mishap killed him in his prime. Rx, legal, or illegal, I feel these substances are fires we are playing with, and I hate rolling the dice each time I do. I feel like there's six chambers in "life's revolver"and I'm loading a bullet into one each time I mess with a risk in life, whether it's my Imuran, it's driving in traffic, or walking down the street, and just having Crohns...I want to limit those "bullets", if that makes sense. I have other aspects to my life that I use as "highs", hell, you guys ever heard of "runner's high" with endorphins? Now, that I advocate.

First of all, thank you for a very well written post! I believe you express your thoughts and opinions very well in text. Ever though about freelance-writing? Maybe you already are?

Second, I feel that we obviously have different stances on risktaking and experimenting with this kind of stuff. I was always a kid (still am?) that paid attention to what others had to say about risky things, but paradoxally their opinions never influenced my behaviour in the end. I needed to experiment. Still do. Thats the way i learn. If that includes possible harm to my body, then so be it.

in retrospect, I know that my original post was a bit vague as far as me advocating or not advocating illegal drugs to the original poster. And I feel that i should have made it more clear that I was indeed not.

But. If I knew a bit more about fleur-fleur-fleur and I had a chance to sit down and talk face to face with him/her about this subject. I would say something like: "If you REALLY feel that you HAVE to try, then read up and be careful". Because thats my stance. If people want to do something, its not my business to stop them from doing it. Advise, on the other hand, is something that i can give them.

Runners high is something i havent had in a loooong time. Pre-crohns. Maybe not even then? As a kid a was on a constant energy high. Interestingly enough though, a friend challenged me to run the Stockholm Marathon wich is held in may of 2009. So I might just be discovering new highs in the near future :D
Isla said:
I live fairly close to it, but do not live in Chicago nor one of it's suburbs. Though I am not a huge fan of Chicago at all. The most beautiful big city I have ever seen and had the pleasure of living smack dab in the middle of was Denver, Colorado. It is like Chicago but smells nice, is pristinely clean, has friendlier people, less crime, better views, and has been planned out with much more forethought than Chicago!

Then i have to go to Denver Colorado :D

Favourite city in US was New York though. But its impossible not to absolutely fall in love with that city!
Pen said:
Hey Hamp.. So glad Remicade is working for you because I have been hearing mostly good stuff others on it. I was on Remicade but became highly allergic and went into my lymphatic nerves and up to my jaw. I am now on Humira 4t month injection yesterday. Doing alot better each shot, sometimes I flare but right now tapering off 15mg of prednisone, wicked stuff that is... I have had crohns symptoms for 30 years and dx 16 years out of those 30 years. So I also had 2 resections and avoiding a 3rd. GI is pushing that though away, he say the more the surergies the quicker it comes back. I have been on all the meds you mentioned and also Methotrexate, everything you can imagine.

Off topic where I living it is prodominately, Swedes, dutch and other countries in your area, nice people but I havent lived here long. Plus this is the first summer, I dont have major problems, like Kidney stones, obstructions and trying to stay healthy. My shots of Humira just got bumped up to Weekly so I will try that for a month and if it doesnt work, not sure exactly where to turn because LDN means t off all drugs, and I cant go 3 days without drugs or I flare! BTW I am Canadian and have a wonderful insurance plan through my husbands company, so I dont pay a thing...however my daughter is in University (Carleton U) in Ottawa, chemistry major,,, need I say more LOL.

Prednisone is indeed wicked stuff! Did all kinds of things to me. Except made me feel better :D 30 years is such a long time! Medicine must have taken some big leaps since back then? So Humira is working better and better for you? is that right? I hope you continue to feel better. As said before, at least buy some time until the next miracle drug is on the market.

And I wish your daughter good luck at uni!
Likewise Hamp, I can sort of see where you're coming from, I'm not gleeming example of perfection and do-good myself, and did some youthful shoplifting and whatnot....which I regret, never got caught though, kind of a clever lad I was, but still naive.

Yes, do lots of writing, have a semi-fictional autobiography (that doesn't sound like it's accurate and it's not, it's like a Catcher in the Rye with no drug usage, and a completely new storyline, just retains a sense of isolation and lonliness, as it follows a young man through life's trials) that is only about 10% done, haven't touched it in a bit, and mostly otherwise, it's relegated to poetry, lots of poetry (my girlfriend likes it :D)

I have to finally ask, what does "clap your hands and say YEAH!" mean?

Come to think about it, my great grandmother's maiden name was "Oddesey" (I'm pretty sure it's spelled wrong, but that's phoenetically how it's pronounced), so "Janak" might not be Swedish, it was her married name, first name was Elsie. Lived to be 93 I believe, great woman.
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I think I should also mention, especially about pot, is that you don't know what it actually is. People will lace the stuff with the craziest stuff they can find that could really, I'm looking for a choice word here, mess you up. You think you are taking one drug but in fact you are taking something else. That is one of the worst risks about taking illegal drugs. I know a kid who smoked some of what he thought was pot but was really pot laced with other things and he got so freaked out. He ran into a car and was in the hospital for three weeks. He could barely walk after that happened and I don't want anyone to have to go through what this kid went through. I love everyone to much to say hey it's okay to do something that could kill them. If you will do something make sure you know what it is and where they got it from. Anything from the islands could possibly kill you.

How about that camp trip/hotel trip. I like fire and am somewhat of a pyro. I'll bring my guitar and we can jam all night

No hard feelings to anyone. I just wanted to warn others about this potentially harmful aspect of drug use.
BWS1982 said:
I have to finally ask, what does "clap your hands and say YEAH!" mean?

There's an indie band named Clap Your Hands Say Yeah. Maybe that's it?
hmm, I mean I'd have known if his sig said "clap your hands __I-N-G-O..._I-N-G-O..and Bingo was his Name-O!"
BWS1982 said:
Likewise Hamp, I can sort of see where you're coming from, I'm not gleeming example of perfection and do-good myself, and did some youthful shoplifting and whatnot....which I regret, never got caught though, kind of a clever lad I was, but still naive.

Yes, do lots of writing, have a semi-fictional autobiography (that doesn't sound like it's accurate and it's not, it's like a Catcher in the Rye with no drug usage, and a completely new storyline, just retains a sense of isolation and lonliness, as it follows a young man through life's trials) that is only about 10% done, haven't touched it in a bit, and mostly otherwise, it's relegated to poetry, lots of poetry (my girlfriend likes it :D)

I have to finally ask, what does "clap your hands and say YEAH!" mean?

Come to think about it, my great grandmother's maiden name was "Oddesey" (I'm pretty sure it's spelled wrong, but that's phoenetically how it's pronounced), so "Janak" might not be Swedish, it was her married name, first name was Elsie. Lived to be 93 I believe, great woman.

Cool that you write poetry! And I wish you all the good luck with you book. Just got into poetry aswell and bought "Robert Frost's Poems" just the other day. First time i try english language poetry.

"Clap your hand say yeah!" is, just as Op.28/18 says, and indie band. Listened to them alot in the fall of 2006 when i created my account here, and the signature just stuck.

Awesome name for an awesome band. They have an album with the same name that I recommend everyone to listen to.

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