Before I get too beat up, I wasn't advocating smoking.. just that some folks tend to forget (or deliberately overlook) that smokers are people too. And I'm not on a 'smokers have rights' kick here. Most smokers, like myself, don't want to smoke. I am going into a stop smoking program (not the best timing, with everything else that's going on right now) next week... hope to be off, or weaning off, in a month. (unless my GI vetoes it, in my case, it might just make my health worse, IBD wise.. And, that is legitimate, and a very real concern).
Like, folks, there was a time when alcohol was considered the work of the devil, and prohibition came about... which led to the blooming of organized crime. I think its insane that an establishment CAN'T legally be a 'smokers only' affair. I know WHY they won't allow it... they'd drive all the non smoking places out of business or seriously hurt them. I know/knew a lot of folks in the bar/tavern business. I would go into one of these places (pre-illness) maybe 1 or 2 nights a month. It was always jammed. Now, post illness, post smoking ban, they are virtually empty. Places where it was standing room only, three rows deep at the bar, are 1/3 - 1/2 empty.. empty chairs, empty tables, 1/2 staff, closing earlier, etc..
Say you're a non smoker, working a bar, etc., where 50 - 70% of your wages comes from tips. Someone says.. Ok, lets ban smoking in bars and taverns. It sounds like a great idea, you won't have to breath in 2nd hand smoke. Stale beer, or b/o, well.. that stays with the territory. But at least no 2nd hand smoke.. Then your tips drop by 30% or more, then they cut back your hours.. or even have to reduce staff and let you go. Suddenly, it doesn't seem that its really that big a deal whether folks could smoke around the joint or not. Those are now the good old days. People behind these brilliant moves don't look or don't care about the impact. I dont' smoke any less due to the laws, I just do not go to bars or taverns.. I stay home n smoke. It isnt' decreasing the folks who do, it's just driving them underground, removing their contribution from the local tavern economy... There will still be as many people getting health issues from it. The benefits of stopping public smoking were grossly exxagerated, and the health risks of 2nd hand smoke hyped beyond reality, and the losses/costs of putting these laws in place were downplayed or underestimated. You know we have 34 police officers dedicated to patroling places for smoking. The cost of that, what these cops could do if they were deployed against real crime, makes me sick. Again, I'm not advocating smoking, just saying that the 'politically' correct folks don't know the truth, and the laws being put into place are bogus. That's all, ok?