Cleansing Pre- Surgery

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Dec 11, 2011
Hi Everyone!

A little back up info- My Fiance was diagnosed in October of last year.....put on 40 mg pred taper with 6MP. In December we ended up in the ER and stayed in the hospital for a week. He has multiple abscesses, fistula, and a stricture in the terminal illium. We were sent home with a JP drain to drain the abscess and surgery was scheduled a little further out to give time for the inflammation to go down. Stopped the 6MP after hospital and continued 15 mg pred and cipro.

OK- His surgery is scheduled for tomorrow. We did pre-care yesterday. The surgery will be case scenario is a resection, worst case illeostomy (sp?)

My question is this. We were given bowel cleansing instructions for today as follows: liquid diet all day today, 1:00 PM take 4 Ducolax tablets with 2 glasses of water, 3:00 PM mix a 238gm bottle of Miralax with 64 oz Gatorade and drink 8 oz every 15 minutes until gone. It is now 7:30 PM. He has used the bathroom once, and it was a fairly regular BM. He also feels pressue in his stomach, like he can feel all of the liquid he's been drinking....similar to how it feels when he starts to have "contractions" (what he calls them) from a blockage.

Should we be concerned? We were expecting this to be similar to the prep he had to do prior to his colonoscopy where he was pretty much chained to the toilet and exxpelling green water there towards the end (sorry)

Also, he did have 3 BM's this morning before starting the cleanse...

We're fairly new to all of this and are afraid of them pushing back the's been craazy stressful for both of us (him especially)
This all happened so quickly after he was diagnosed, it's been such a roller coaster and now we've made all kind of arrangements for the next 10 days while we'll be in the hospital and really he just wants to have this surgery and be DONE!

What do you guys think? Is there a delay with these laxatives? Could we have done something wrong?

Thank you in advance!!
It sounds like you've done everything right, I would call the surgeon ASAP-I have done several of these cleanses when I have my bowel biopsied and he should definitely be having diarrhea by now-that's the idea of the cleanse, to only end up with water coming out, not to get graphic but just so you know what's expected. My instructions have always said to call the doctor if nothing happens. Hang in there, and keep us posted!
Shoot. Ok, Well....we have no contact information for the surgeon after hours but I suppose we can try and contact the GI Surgery Resident (it's a teching hospital- UNC)

Do you think they'll push back the surgery?? We're supposed to be there at 7:30 tomorrow morning.
Hmm...his abdomen is looking VERY distended...not just where the abscess and drain are, but all over....I've paged the GI doctor on call and am supposed to call back in 30 mins if we don't get a call back. Man, of all the nights for this to happen! Grr..
Oh gosh! I hope it works out okay. Like prep isn't awful enough. Keep us updated. Hope the surgery goes well too.
Thanks, we just talked to the GI surgery resident & she said if he doesn't start emptying out by midnight we are to come into the we'll keep our fingers crossed for some urgent trips to the bathroom soon! Poor guy. He's such a champ with all of this....and it's such a rotten process. I'll let you guys know what happens. Thanks for the support!
Oh, I'm so sorry he's suffering! Not sure if they'll put it off-seems like he really needs it, poor guy. The prep is always the worst, in my opinion. Sending healing thoughts your way-just keep hanging on!:hug:
Hey all, just thought I'd update-
Elijah finally started emptying out at 11:30 last night! Just in time to not have to go to the er!

He's still having a little bit of solids pass. Hopefully that will be ok.

Well, we're up and he's about to go take his second antibacterial shower. We have to be at the hospital at 7:30.

Wish us luck! Thanks again :)
AndreaS, pleased things finally worked for him. My last surgery I told the surgeon that most scope preps I cant tolerate as in I throw them up & he simply got a nurse to administer an enema. All done & ready for surgery in 30mins.
Thanks for taking the time to update us right before leaving. So glad it worked in the end! Wishing him the best possible outcome with his surgery. Please keep us updated on his progress.
Oh I am so sorry he went through so much with his prep. I know all too well how that can be. I used to be able to do them ok (not fun but I got through it)...but since my strictures its terrible. I feel like its all getting stuck and slow to come down. SO I just read what Grant posted about an enema. I wonder why I am never given that option? I am facing a possible surgery soon and if so it will be my entire colon so why do I have to empty it? I wonder if I will have this prep? Or if I can just not eat and do an enema? Isn't it terrible that I am facing an entire colon being taken out and all I am thinking about right now is the stupid prep? Well, that and the bag. That I am trying to put out of my mind. Oh it is all just so overwhelming. Would like to hear a post to hear how his final outcome was after surgery. Hope all is much better!
Hi everyone!

Surgery went extremely well. He ended up with a resection, no illeostomy!
He's in a decent amount of pain & still totally zonked out from the anesthesia and of course the lovely morphine drip.

He declined the epidural. All in all I'd say the surgery lasted about 3 hours. They said we'll be staying here for a full week but I'm guessing we'll be out sooner- he's pretty tough and very healthy other than the crohns.

We were both so relieved when he started to empty out last night! We were terrified that this would somehow delay surgery. We got up this morning and his JP drain was full of pus. Not sure what that was all about but the surgeon wasn't concerned.

I've taken off work to be with him for his whole recovery. We've stayed at UNC for an extended period before and we had our own room. Turns out this time he is in a double room and I was so worried they wouldn't let me stay with him....but his roommate is a kind Spanish man who says I can stay.

I'm so relieved to be at this point, it has been a long four months! Our doctor said that after surgery he may be able to go without meds until something else comes up! That would make him very happy.

Hopefully tomorrow some of the drug haze will have worn off and I'll have my witty man back!
Any advice for his recovery?

Now to settle in for a long night in the recliner....
:) thanks again everyone!
I recommend taking as much pain meds as he needs. Pain that is untreated can actually inhibit healing according to my surgeon. I tried to be tough but was I sorry!

Sleep tight Andrea-you have had a rough 24 hours, in addition to what you both have been through for four months. Remember to take care of yourself, too. Sending healing thoughts and best wishes for a speedy recovery :)
It's normal, it's just his digestive system waking up from the anethesia. It happened to me, and yes it hurts but it'll stop soon :)
Thanks for checking in. So glad to hear it went well. I got the hiccups coming out of my colonoscopy and they told me it was the anesthesia. Maybe something similar? Hope it goes away soon. Keep takin' it one day at a time.
Hello again! Just wanted to update and let everyone know we were released yesterday. Only 4 days in the hospital when they had origionally told us 7-10! I guess it helps that they took much less intestine than they thought they were going to have the CT scans they were unable to distinguish individual intestines and thought that a huge mass of them had grown together and were fusing to his abdominal wall- It turns out that it was just so much inflammation from the section of TI that had folded over and grown together that it was pushing all the other instestines together but they had not started adhering to one another.

Elijah is sore, of course...but he has been able to walk since the day after his surgery and has eaten since 2 days after his surgery. He had his first BM yesterday and they let us go home! The wound looks great- about 5 inches of vertical cut stapled together below his belly button. We are on a 6 week taper of 10mg Prednisone and other than that, no meds other than tylenol for pain. He's still had some occasional hiccuping, but nothing constant, which is good because it hurts like he-- when he does!

So we're home, enjoying a fire in the fireplace, watching movies and hanging out on the couch :) It felt SO good to sleep in our own bed last night. I feel so fortunate that this turned out to be such an easy process....we were really expecting the worse!

Thanks again everyone for all the help!
I'm glad he's doing so well! It took me a lot longer to get out of the hospital with the last surgery, so he should be getting better in no time! :) I do have a question though..Does he have to run to the bathroom a lot? I'm bout to get ressectioned and so I've been asking everyone who has gone through similar things.

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