Coffee tolerance question

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Apr 17, 2014
Man, I love coffee, but can only drink it about 2 days in a row, then if I keep it up, i'm doubled over. anyone found a way around this? Not to be stupid, but it's so hard to give up.
How much are you drinking each day? Maybe you could decrease your intake and see if that helps?

Otherwise I would listen to your body, and try and cut it out, honestly.
I can't drink any caffeine so get used to other drinks, after a while you really aren't bothered
It may be something you can only have once in awhile.I have a coffee,maybe three times a week.Like Rygon,any caffeine affects me in the same way.I swear there are days all I have to do is smell fresh ground coffee and I'm running for the bathroom.

They are not the same...but I drink herbal teas.I drink Fennel quite a bit.I like the taste and it is used for reducing gas in the intestines.
My wife and I bought a Keurig coffee maker since I can only drink decaf and she still wants her caffeine. It is honestly the best investment we made. Yes, the kcups are more expensive but we only use maybe 2 per day maximum.
I like the Italian roast the best. Dark and bold. It makes me not miss the full leaded brand.
I have found that darker roast is better. Light roasted coffee seems to be more acidic and that leads to more problems.
Also, having stronger, better quality coffee made for example in espresso kettle, diluted with hot water like "Long black" or whatever you call it is better than regular drip brew in my opinion. More of the strong, good stuff, diluted to taste. Or just shots of espresso if you prefer! I drink coffee because there is caffeine and luckily few cups goes down easily. If I drink too much theres gonna be problems.
I don't do very well with coffee either. Wish I did, cause we've got a keurig machine too. But, I bring my tea with us even if my husband takes his coffee. Hope you can find a solution to help with your stomach...
I am a coffee nut and drink 2 huge cups every morning. I am fortunate that all it does is make me pee a lot. No crohns issue. I am sorry your having issues.
Oh, I just found this thread. Yeah, I do decaf, but of course there are no stimulants of caffeine. Just like the boost, but not the tummy upset
How much are you drinking each day? Maybe you could decrease your intake and see if that helps?

Otherwise I would listen to your body, and try and cut it out, honestly.

Im drinking about 1 cup, maybe like 2/3 of a cup. I'm fine if it's 2 days in a row AT MOST. Just feel so good initially, but the more days, the stomach ache begins.
I don't do very well with coffee either. Wish I did, cause we've got a keurig machine too. But, I bring my tea with us even if my husband takes his coffee. Hope you can find a solution to help with your stomach...

Yes, actually ive been drinking tea. its a bit of a help, I guess.
I second the idea of using a dark roast. It has less acidity and because of the stronger tste it's easier to thin out while still maintaining a decent flavour.

Another option is using chicory as a substitute or cutting the coffee with it, it is a very common alternative/additive, plus because it is high in inulin it tends to help digestive health.
It may be something you can only have once in awhile.I have a coffee,maybe three times a week.Like Rygon,any caffeine affects me in the same way.I swear there are days all I have to do is smell fresh ground coffee and I'm running for the bathroom.

They are not the same...but I drink herbal teas.I drink Fennel quite a bit.I like the taste and it is used for reducing gas in the intestines.

How do you drink the fennel, or rather, how do you make to tea? I've not heard of that.
I am lucky that I can tolerate the coffee very well. I also agree that dark roasting is likely to be better tolerated than the lighter blend. Its less acidic in general and has less caffeine in it.

Also, never drink it on an empty stomach. This is the only moment where coffee will bother me, when I drink it alone. I always have something consistent to not say starchy along with it otherwise my stomach growls.
My wife and I bought a Keurig coffee maker since I can only drink decaf and she still wants her caffeine. It is honestly the best investment we made. Yes, the kcups are more expensive but we only use maybe 2 per day maximum.
I like the Italian roast the best. Dark and bold. It makes me not miss the full leaded brand.

I use refillable cups, a whole bag of ground coffee = price as 12 k-cups
I can't do caffeine either and decaffeinated upsets me too. But a friend put me on to Redbush tea - naturally decaffeinated and I'm fine with that.
I can't drink any caffeine so get used to other drinks, after a while you really aren't bothered

You are sooo lucky. I think if I discipline myself to limit, I can have on rare occasion. Never had this problem in my 30's. ugh.
Red bush is an African red tea (normal tea is known as black tea). In the UK its found in every supermarket I've been to and is with the fruit teas/green teas
missed something, what is rooibos? new one to me. where do you purchase it?

Rooibos originates from South Africa and that's what it's called there. It's sometimes referred to as "red bush" or "red tea". It naturally has no caffeine in it, unlike other teas. You can buy it at most tea shops.
How do you drink the fennel, or rather, how do you make to tea? I've not heard of that.

You can buy fennel tea bags or the lose herb and use a tea basket or tea pot.I use both.You make it like a regular cup of black tea.If you use the lose herb just put a small amount in the tea basket and let it steep.
I second the idea of using a dark roast. It has less acidity and because of the stronger tste it's easier to thin out while still maintaining a decent flavour.

Another option is using chicory as a substitute or cutting the coffee with it, it is a very common alternative/additive, plus because it is high in inulin it tends to help digestive health.

I've not heard of chicory to drink- how do you like it? Do you treat like coffee (I'm a cream and sweetener fan- will that work with chicory?
Rooibos originates from South Africa and that's what it's called there. It's sometimes referred to as "red bush" or "red tea". It naturally has no caffeine in it, unlike other teas. You can buy it at most tea shops.

Does the red bush give you energy? I need a little boost from a few sources. If I take something repeatedly, it stops working.
Caffeine has never seemed to affect me (and I don't notice a difference in my energy levels from sugar, either) so unfortunately I can't really say. :( I don't think so, though. I tend to use it more because I find it calms me down.
I'm in the same boat as theOcean. I've had rooibos many time... Considering it has no caffeine, I would not think it would give energy per se either but I can't be sure. I know it has lots of great virtues but stimulating effect does not seem to be one of them...

Regarding Chicoree drink, you can have it with milk/cream and it will be just fine. It just does not taste like coffee though. I know I would probably drink it if coffee would not suit me though. I like the feeling of the warm/ bitter drink and this would be what is the closest to it imo.
I just have to say that you guys totally jinxed me!!!!

Anymore than 1 cup of coffee this past weekend and I started feeling the cramps. Its not caffeine because Pepsi and Green tea did not have that effect.

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