Colonoscopy advice please

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Sep 26, 2012
Hi all, I'm from the uk. Iv been through hell since december but doctors were looking at the wrong problems. Turns out I have 2 different issues. I have bile reflux but also a stool test has shown a very positive for inflammation in the gut so he's quite sure that I has IBD. I'm waiting on my appointment for colonoscopy and got my prep. I'm so scared of the whole thing. The prep looks terrible, its 2 sachets does any1 have any advice on things to do on prep day? Also how bad is it getting a colonoscopy. I'm so scared of sedation but know that I will b getting him heavily sedated. I had an endoscopy done and just took the throat spray cause I was that scared. When I had an operation to have my gallbladder removed I was put to sleep, when they gave me the stuff I started to panic and tears streamed down my face. Every since iv been scared of being put to sleep or sedation. They will be taking a few biopsies too.
I think it's normal to feel nervous. I found the prep the worst bit but just make sure you have lots of nice things to drink and stock up on wipes. Have you been given picolax? If so it doesn't taste nice jus to warn you so maybe mix it with some orange squash so it doesn't taste to bad. Make sure you drink loads during the day so yu don't get dehydrated.
I was sedated for the colonoscopy and I really don't remember all of what happened in there as the sedation worked really well. The procedure shouldn't feel uncomfortable if all the sedation is working and there aren't strictures. When they take biopsies it just feels like someone pinging an elastic band in your stomach it's a weird sensation but doesnt hurt.
Hope it all goes well for you and try not to stress about it to much because you will build it up to be a lot worse in your head (I do this myself). X
Yeah it's picolax, I didn't no I could mix it with orange juice so il keep that in mind. I dread the prep but the sedations what scares me the most, hopefully it's not as bad as I think. I'm such a worrier so yeah I really do need to try not to stress too much. Thanks for ur reply xx
Hi Catherine, the prep isnt bad at all the only bad thing about it is that you will get a sore bum hole! lol but dont worry it will be fine i had my colonoscopy done 2 weeks ago at peterborough hospital the staff were great they sit with you all the way through and theres nothing to be scared of i chose not to be sedated for the procedure and opted for gas and air instead there was no pain just discomfort and a bloated feeling it lasted about 35 minutes and was able to go home 20 mins later the biopsies dont hurt at all you carnt feel a thing just feels like a little tug inside your stomach, i also had the endoscopy i found that worse than the colonscopy so im sure everything will be fine :) please let us know how it goes and the outcome :ysmile:
I forgot about after the colonoscopy bloated stomach and lots of farting lol and I was in room with a few other people who all had one, lots of interesting noises and apologies coming from everyone lol.
If I can get gas and air il maybe take that instead. When I had the endoscopy I managed with just throat spray and done well, so I'm glad u said the colonoscopy is easier. This forum has been a great help so far. Great to have support xx
I agree Catherine I had it done yesterday,I was scared,but it was a breeze,not probs at all,I did not watch TV monitor,but chatted to the Gastro who was doing it,and the nurse who sat beside me all the time,I had sedation,but whatever it was,did not make me sleepy or anything,infact I kept asking when I was going to sort of nod off.Before I knew it ,it was all over,I was having a cup of tea,biscuits,dressed and home.
Really do not get scared,it really sounds more scary than what it is,going to the dentist and an endoscopy,I think are worse,and endoscopes to be honest are not that bad at all.
Hope this honest answer helps.
hey catherine,
did you get the app yet. one thing ill advise is to eat lightly a few days b4 the scope. that way theres less to come out! lol yuk...i didnt know that and had a terrible prep day. i went to the loo at least 30 times.
also i didnt take the sedation and i was perfectly fine. it didnt hurt and all i felt was gas as they inflate the bowel as they go around. cool to watch.
was up and dressed straight after and had the best ever cup of tea and toast straight after aswel instead of waiting till the sedation wears of.
good luck
Hey, I had my colonoscopy yesterday, thanks for asking. The prep day went fine, wasn't too difficult, I hadn't ate much the 2 days leading up to it. I still am diagnosed as it looked normal, they took about 10 random biopsies. Unfortunately I never had a great experience. I had sedation and painkillers but they didn't work and I cried in Pain half way through. At one point I was clinging onto the bed rails. They were going to stop but I didn't want to stop after going through all that. They gave me more sedation which did help, I remember being mesmerized by the screen lol. Though there was a struggle getting the scope round the corner so the doctor had to press real hard on my belly. Was kept in recovery for a while due to blood pressure and pulse rate but was ok eventually, just a bit traumatized and upset. Quite sore today and getting episodes of feeling sick and hot flushes, bit upset still about the whole thing. Will see my consultant in 8 weeks which is ages but hopefully something shows in biopsy. I know I have IBD. Just need to prove it, all I have is very high faecal high calprotectin and all the symptoms xx
Sorry to hear your scope was so difficult. Toward the end of my joyous experiences with them I started growing immune to the sedation (versed). The last full scope I had I was literally fighting with the Dr. yelling at him and asking him why I was still awake? He didn't like me very much. Asked me if I wanted to stop the procedure and I told him yes. I hope your Dr. has answers for you when you next see him/her.
That's awful, my doctors were quite good, offered to stop but I was half way through so just grabbed the bed and cried as they continued. They did end up giving me extra sedation. Said il probably need knocked out next time. Iv had my results and they are normal so I'm quite upset by that. See my doctor in January x
Hello Catherine

I can sympathise with your colonoscopy experience. The last one I had wouldn't go round the bend and in the end we gave up. I try and avoid sedation because I like to see what the doctor sees.

Eight weeks to see your consultant sounds a long time.

The tests I'm now struggling with are the endoscopies. I tried the "don't give me any sedation" approach, but once was enough. Even the thought of the burnt banana flavoured spray and the gag turns my stomach so you did well not to be sedated. (I've got my fifth one in a couple of weeks time and hopefully that will be it for a few months).

Regards, Nigel
Hi Catherine,
Greetings from the other side of the world on the west side of the United States. I live in Spokane, Washington. For the past 2 years I've too been suffering with an illness that has continued to debilitate me to the point of not being able to care for my children. I'm finally headed into the right direction with a neurologist and saw the gastroenterologist today who ordered me an upper and lower colonscopy for TOMMOROW! I am SCARED TO DEATH. I am only 24 years old with 2 kids with autism. Thank goodness my husband is being super supportive. So far I've mixed the nasty stuff in half in 2 32oz bottles of gatorade. I just finished the dark blue one. I swear to GOD i will never drink that stuff again. I almost cried from the unbearable pain it put me in. I just sat on the toilet forever waiting for it to be over with. I am going to finish my next bottle in another hour that way i can give my body an hour of rest time because this prep has been pretty grueling. My doctor is also doing biopsies like yours and I'm quite nervous. She was going to keep me half awake/half asleep but I told her I'd rather be put completely asleep than to just maybe (feel them probe around in me). Anyways tomorrow is the big day. Just got to get through this last bottle... of grueling pain and diarrheahh.. than 10:15 i check in. I'll let you know it goes. You should add me to your friends so we can keep each other updated on how our colonoscopy's goes. =] Btw how is the weather in the UK? It's cold and snowy here...
I remember when I took my prep (by the way, definitely the worst part!) I had 2 bottles to drink as well. I just remember psyching myself out by saying, "When I get this down, I'm going to win a million dollars! Ha! I mixed mine with 7up. Other than the prep and the cleansing part, a colonoscopy is a breeze!

i am the same get myself in such a tiss so they let my mum come in till i am sedated, then send her out, she is there for when i wake up.

Just remember they do this everyday all day and wouldnt put u in any risk.

Stacey x
There's been colon cancer in my family, so To be in the safe side, go in for a colonoscopy every other year. Gone through it now 4times.

I'm more afraid of sedation than I am of the procedure, so I just don't let them give me any. I've been practicing relaxation and self-hypnosis techniques for a very long time, and just put in my headphones, crank up the music and block everything else out. Yeah, usually still more or less aware of what's going on, but actually, the last time I was pretty tired to begin with, and slept through most of the procedure.

Gas X both before and after seems to help with the gas pains, and after the procedure, don't be so embarassed that you try to hold back as that only makes it worse. If you're into yoga, then do cat-cow, cobra, and downward facing dog, both before and after. Boat position is also good, if you can tolerate it.
I've just come back from my colonoscopy earlier today at Guys Hospital in London and didn't have any problems at all. I was given a cocktail of drugs, which I looked up on Wikipedia - Fentanyl (a powerful synthetic opiate analgesic similar to but more potent than morphine), Midazolam (a water-soluble, short-acting benzodiazepine central nervous system depressant and Buscopan (a medicine which is used to relieve spasms of the gastrointestinal tract).

You'd think with that little lot it would knock you out cold but they must just give you enough to relax the colon but keep the brain alert. I watched the whole thing on a large colour screen and could ask what the various "angry bits" were. Except there weren't any! There is no sign of any active Crohn's disease right up to the anastomosis (where my small and large intestines were joined). I was hoping for this result but to actually witness it is a great Christmas present. Next check-up in 6 months. As ever I recorded the experience -