Colonoscopy. Need advice please.

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Feb 17, 2013
I have had several colonoscopies over the years, I have been sedated etc but tomorow I'm having a propofol colonoscopy. My consultant says its general anaesthetic. Has anyone had this done? Or anyone have more advice. Thank you.
Hey Crohns11
I had a scope with propofol done last week. It was a light sedation, and I came out of it very fast. I remember the anasthesist standing just above my head and to the left and he was putting it in very slowly. My only complaint was the burning feeling as it went up my vein. other than that it went well.
Thank you everyone, thank you kero, I was completely knocked out, it was like a general anaesthetic. Everything went well. Just waiting for results of biopsies.
My last colonoscopy was with propofol and I was completely out. My recover once waking up was VERY fast and with no complications. It's a great way to go in my opinion.
It's the only way I will be scoped now. Super fast recovery time and no "hangover" when you come to.