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Nov 5, 2012
Hi all,
I am due to have a colonoscopy soon, I have asked my Dr if I can be asleep for it. and she has said no.
What are my options here? Is it possible?
I had a flexi when I was awake and I found it traumatic and extremely painful. Not sure I can go through that again :/
You can usually at least get sedation which means you are sleepy and might not remember much.
But they usually need you to be responsive in case they need you to turn around.
If the doctor wouldn't give me any sedation I would not let them do it. I couldn't imagine going through a colonoscopy wide awake.
Enough that I don't care what they are doing and not in pain. Had my last colonoscopy ever this past December and they sedated me more then I have at other scopes because they did some deep biopsies. I slept the 2 hour ride home and never remembered the ride.
Hi there.

I just had a colonoscopy this past Friday and I was given what they call conscious sedation. It is like a twilight sleep. It really worked well for me. They gave me a mixture of fentanyl and versed. I did not remember a thing about the procedure so it worked well. I would NEVER do one awake! NEVER. They don't usually put you completely to sleep for this, usually just sedation. Did your doctor offer sedation at least?
She said we would discuss it.
After the last test I has done I think I was in so much pain (due to it being a perianal flare) and felt so out of control that I'm now terrified. It caused me to have anxiety attacks and I was sick from the shock of it.
I'm hoping to not really know what's going on during it. :/
I would just tell her that you need sedation at least so that you do not know what is happening and you do not feel anything. Explain to her how traumatic the sigmoid you had was for you and that you are not going to be put through that type of pain again. I am sure they will give you sedation of some sort. They usually do for a full colonoscopy. I mean I also have the bladder IC issue and I gotta say, they usually to those bladder scopes without ANY sedation. For some it is usually ok, but for me, or any person with IC it is extremely painful. The first one I had I just about passed out it was so painful. Well when the next uro I saw said he wanted to do the scope on my bladder, I said No way, it hurt like hell. He asked me if I was sedated. I said No, they would not sedate me. He said they were idiots, that you always offer sedation to a person who has an already inflamed or painful bladder! So I guess it depends on the doctor. After that, I make sure if I ever have to have any types of scopes again, I will insist on being sedated. You should too. You should not have to suffer through that.

She said we would discuss it.
After the last test I has done I think I was in so much pain (due to it being a perianal flare) and felt so out of control that I'm now terrified. It caused me to have anxiety attacks and I was sick from the shock of it.
I'm hoping to not really know what's going on during it. :/
Thanks so much. I know you are right. I need to just tell her how I feel and not give consent if I am not allowed it.
I hope it goes okay, I might send a letter/email so I can get my point across. My dr can be quite intimidating. Xx
I agree with everyone else. I would refuse to do one awake. If they wouldn't sedate me, I'd either find another doctor or refuse to do it. If a sigmoid was painful, I can guarantee a full colonoscopy would be worse. I would talk to your doctor, tell her you do not want to be awake, if she still refuses, honestly I would be finding someone else to do it.

I can understand how you feel with the doctor being intimidating. My last dr was good but he was kind of the same way, and since I'm already very shy, that wasn't very helpful lol. I've only met my current doctor once but I'll be seeing him again tomorrow. So far I like him and he seemed pretty easy to talk to. I think a letter is a good idea. It's easier to be more open and better spoken since you have time to think about what to say and not have to be intimidated and rushed. Ask her how she would feel having a scope shoved up her butt while she was wide awake? Lol!
haha exactly! or if it was being done to her child!
i think you are all right, i need to stand my ground and be confident without being intimidated!
thank you all so much! xxx
For the first 7 years of my Crohn's I had 5 colonoscopies, all without sedation. It is one bitch of a hurtful procedure. I moved and my new GI for the next one told me I could get sedated and just sleep through it. Boy did I feel the hate for my previous GIs...

I will definitely never ever consent to a colonoscopy again without being put to sleep first. I am no pussy and can endure pain, but unnecessar pain, seriously?
So the sedation pretty much put you to sleep?

Yes. Basically they put an IV in your arm and put you to sleep with some drug. You count backwards from 10, next thing you know 15 minutes have passed and everything is over. Interestingly enough you can getup easily, dress and leave - it's not like some serious general anesthetic.
For each colonoscopy and endoscopy I've had, I was put into conscious sedation with fentanyl and Versed. As far as I know, I was knocked out because I recall getting sleepy and then waking up, but nothing in between. In reality, you are sedated to the point of not caring, but awake enough to respond to the doctor because they will ask you questions or to move around a little bit, etc., during the procedure. The Versed makes you forget everything.

I woke up a little bit in the middle of one, but the anesthetist recognized this and knocked me out again. They were removing a polyp and I recall cramping up and moaning a little bit, so they gave more drugs. I don't remember anything before or after that point.

It's a pretty cool thing they have discovered to work when you think about what is going on. Propofol is another that is commonly used in combination with Versed...sometimes Benadryl as well. There are a lot of options. Definitely pursue this!
Don't ever let any doctor intimidate you. Always remember, he/she is being paid for their services. You are in control at all times and call ALL the shots in terms of what you will or will Not allow. I agree with you, just tell her point blank what you want. She may be intimidating, but you can be just as intimidating too... Don't worry, you will do fine. Just tell her you want to be sedated or you will Not go through the procedure. I am sure she will comply, she wants to get paid after all...

QUOTE=GEC;630705]Thanks so much. I know you are right. I need to just tell her how I feel and not give consent if I am not allowed it.
I hope it goes okay, I might send a letter/email so I can get my point across. My dr can be quite intimidating. Xx[/QUOTE]
I agree with Ihurt. If you are intimidated by your doctor, that is not a good relationship. You need to find another GI. I have had 4 colonoscopies with biopsies in the last 2.5 years. I have been sedated each time. I have never felt pain during a colonoscopy, and the only things I remember about each one is being wheeled into the procedure room, then some unknown time later, a person waking me up telling me to pass gas. As for sedation vs. non-sedation, it may be a Europe vs. U.S. thing. I don't know. Where do you live?
Hi guys! I'm off to speak to my Dr today about everything. Including whether I can be asleep for the colonoscopy. I am very nervous! My dad is coming with me for support but I'm not looking forward to any confrontation. X
Thanks so much :) it went okay. I didnt flake out and kept my cool and just said everything right. And it'll be done under heavy sedation. Phew. I am relieved. Xxx

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