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Nov 28, 2009
Lately I have been constipated when usually I go about 2 times a day. The other day I didnt' go at all. Does this ever happen to anyone.
I usually go every morning, within 30min of getting up. Sometimes I skip a day on occasion. I'm not sure why. But I'll make up for it the next day. Skipping a day doesn't mean you're constipated either. 3-4 days is when its time to be concerned.

I find the days I may miss are when I may sleep in, like on a Saturday for example.
Yep, yep. Constipation is "officially" after about 3 days of being unable to go. But the build up to those 3 days can be pretty uncomfortable too.

I can go about 4-5 days without going and then when I can go, I can visit the bathroom up to 8 times in the same day. But it really does vary with everyone.

I'd keep a check on what happens when you can go, if the poop is thinner than usual, any blood, etc.

Hope it eases up for you soon.

Yup, when I flared badly constipation was my problem as opposed to D. I don't often get D and usually feel a bit blocked up even though I go every morning.
I didn't realize that constipation can be a major symptom as opposed to D. That is my problem as well and it so hard to comprehend. I have been taking Miralax daily and it is so much easier to go daily but I still feel discomfort in my lower abdomen most of the day. I also feel a bunch of sharp pains in my upper abdomen sometimes caused by eating or drinking other time just because or movement. Thanks for sharing! It is nice to know i am not allow with constipation, I kept thinking my doc was crazy to keep thinking Crohns.
Constipation is a problem for me on a regular basis. Besides not being able to go for a couple of days, constipation is also described as difficulty passing the stool, hard stools and/or sense of not feeling empty. Which for me is difficulty and straining to pass the stool and not feeling "empty" after having a BM. I sometimes think that feeling is worse than not being able to go. I usually have a bm each morning, but it's never an easy task or relieving one when done. Definitely sucks!

I always thought the same thing as you MissMel, that my doctor was crazy telling me I had Crohn's because I never had the "usual" symptoms.
I have been known to not have a BM for up to 10 days. Normally it is only 4-5 days but 10 is the longest. Actually the 4-5 days cause me more pain than the 10 day stretch. But when it starts moving, look out. Good thing we have 2 bathrooms in the house for just the 2 of us. Otherwise Janis would find me sitting on her lap.
Yep Im the same dayng1016 I pretty much have trouble everyday with my BM being hard and have to strain to go and it hurts soooo much. I take a syrup every night just to help otherwise I wouldn't go for days! I did have the big D when I was flaring really bad but once it settled down I got the big C instead. I seem to go between tho cause if something upsets my stomach Im racing to the toilet with D, but otherwise its extremely hard to go to the toilet.
I have found repeatedly that two types of Peppers cause quick bowel movements, and I am sure that I am not going to be the only person that reacts this way.

Cayenne Pepper and Crushed Red Pepper will always send me to the bathroom within twelve hours. For whatever reason, these two things when put on food will promote a bowel movement.

If you have constipation problems I am pretty sure this will get you going, and it does not take very much to do it.

Contrarily, if you have loose stool, you will want to avoid these two foods.

yeah i've been constipated more since getting treatment. before i would go once or twice a day... but the constipation i get, doesn't cause any discomfort, i just wanna go daily instead of every 2-3 days.

i think aside from treatment, it's because i don't eat as much fibre as i used to. oh well, what am i saying, it's really also because of my stricture. that causes constipation too.

green tea or peppers or raisin bran (or all of the above lol) usually get her done.... but i don't bother. *shrugs* i know it'll happen and i can live with it as long as i don't get discomfort i'm fine.