Cramping...Is this a side effect?

Crohn's Disease Forum

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Jun 25, 2013
Hi guys,

I've had a quick look through the forum and cant see the answer to this anywhere, but sorry if I have duplicated something!

Since I upped my aza dose to 100mg, I have been getting the most horrendous cramps in my feet, lower legs and hands. It is just the strangest feeling ever! I'm sitting on my couch right now, not even doing anything with my feet but my right foot keeps going all deformed and twisted looking and going into cramp! I keep getting up to walk it off but it keeps coming back, and travelling up my leg.

My hands do it too! Like now when I'm typing, or if I'm texting. Any kind of pressure whatsoever just sends them crazy!

Its not a massive problem in the scheme of things, just wondering if its important and I should let my consultant know?

Thanks :D

I have similar things on 6 MP, but it is usually if I haven't drank enough water. We have to drink TONS of water on these meds. Increase hydration and let your Dr. Know what is going on with you.
Ah that could be why, I'm not the greatest at drinking water! I'll drink a load over the weekend n see if it helps thanks :)
Now you mention it, I get quite a lot of cramp too - but mainly in my feet and legs. It happened the most when I was on Prednisone, though - could barely move for cramp then!!!
Hope you find some relief :)
It could very well be the potassium - I occasionally get cramps in the arches of my feet and from my research, low potassium is a factor. I think bananas are a good source of potassium
Dried apricots are actually higher in potassium then bananas. I too get these cramps, but always have even before my Crohn's. my dad and grandmother also suffer from these cramps too which leads me to think genetics. Does anyone else get cramps at night in your family? :)