So, after what I now know to be Crohn's disease due to a 5 month (and still on-going!) flare-up and multiple hospital appointments, I think I may have just found somewhere where people are on my wave length?
This isn't what I thought it was going to be... I'm an organised, motivated person and yet, these past 5 months I have zero motivation and feel like I am spiralling out of what I had been in control of; my life! Everyone says they understand what you're going through and others, more annoyingly, say "you look fine" and I don't know what I find more frustrating?
No one seems to get what Crohn's is and what it entails, instead just thinking i'm over dramatic and a phoney and to be quite honest, i'm getting fed up of pretending I'm alright to people; I just want to curl up in a ball and be on my own. This pain is inexplicable and I feel like no one other than fellow Crohnie's will ever really understand not only the physical pain, but the mental and emotional exhaustion that comes with it!
How do you all cope with this? (I find myself getting stressed with people when I explain what is going on inside me and them not understanding or more to the point, not wanting to understand and waving it off with a "you'll be fine" - leading to worsening flare-ups, i can't win haha!)
Give me some insight fellow Crohnie's, we're not phoneys!!
This isn't what I thought it was going to be... I'm an organised, motivated person and yet, these past 5 months I have zero motivation and feel like I am spiralling out of what I had been in control of; my life! Everyone says they understand what you're going through and others, more annoyingly, say "you look fine" and I don't know what I find more frustrating?
No one seems to get what Crohn's is and what it entails, instead just thinking i'm over dramatic and a phoney and to be quite honest, i'm getting fed up of pretending I'm alright to people; I just want to curl up in a ball and be on my own. This pain is inexplicable and I feel like no one other than fellow Crohnie's will ever really understand not only the physical pain, but the mental and emotional exhaustion that comes with it!
How do you all cope with this? (I find myself getting stressed with people when I explain what is going on inside me and them not understanding or more to the point, not wanting to understand and waving it off with a "you'll be fine" - leading to worsening flare-ups, i can't win haha!)
Give me some insight fellow Crohnie's, we're not phoneys!!