Crohnies with Diabetes Support Group

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I admire your dedication Louann. I may be there sooner than later but for now I try to stick to the low res diet.
Best holidays to you and yours.
Hey everybody,
I've been on the forums for a few months now for Crohn's, but I just now stumbled across this support group. My story is pretty simple...
In May of 2008 I was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes at the age of 24. Not too big of a deal. I was put on a pump right away and learned it pretty quick and had my number looking pretty good. My brother, who is 3 years older than me, was diagnosed with type 1 when he was 5. So I have been around it and the life style it comes with all my life.

Six months later I was diagnosed with mild UC. I didn't have any symptoms, just a little bit of blood in my stool and I was loosing weight like crazy. Doc started a few oral meds. (don't remember which ones) About six months later I started having bloody stool again. Changed GI docs between this time. I didn't care for the first one. In that first six months my UC went from mild to a point where almost all of my colon was ruined. My doc started me on remicade. Well, apparently I am allergic to it. After every infusion I would end up in the hopsital for a week. After putting up with his for about six months, I decided to leave that doc and all the local docs in town and head to Emory in Atlanta. There, I was told by my new GI that after all that I had been trough, surgery my be the best option.

So in January of 2010 I had my entire colon removed and two more surgeries to creat a j-pouch. So this puts us at August of 2010. I was struggeling with recovering from my surgeries and living a normal life. I decided to leave my work place, due to loads of stress, and was able to claim disability until I was fully recovered.

In January of 2012 I started working again and have been doing really good since. I had a "pouchostomy" in april of 2013 and my pouch was starting to look kinda bad. My doc ran typical UC/Crohn's blood work and said that it's not showing as Crohn's on the blood work, but she wanted to treat it as if it were. So, Humira it was. This past June I started on it and have been doing pretty well with the "most painful 10 second shot in the world". A few weeks after my loading dose, I had a flare. My doc upped my frequency of shots. So right now I'm taking one shot a week and a couple of lomotils at night to help with leakage during the night. I am looking foward to being a part of this support group. Good health to all!
Hello everyone,

Welcome to all the new people :).

I haven't been around for a while, unfortunately I've been in hospital with a flare and have been struggling at home since. I spent nearly 2 weeks in hospital where they brought forward my start date for methotrexate, on the day I was due to start I met the new gi consultant. He dropped a bombshell by telling me that he didn't believe that I had any inflammation, that I now have scarring which has formed at the site which was inflamed last year, though this does need to be confirmed by mri. After that I will more than likely need surgery :(. I was not expecting that. So I'm now on a soft diet until I see him again after the mri which won't take place until Feb. Luckily my diabetes appears to be doing ok, my daily results are pretty good most of the time, probably cos I can't eat very much.

I have enjoyed reading all your stories and look forward to getting to know you all better.

Ron how are you getting on with the star of the new medication? Good news about your score thankfully, I think you deserve a bit of good news....
Hi everyone,
Sorry to hear about your scar tissue Lizbeth. Hopefully you won't need the surgery because it can actually add to the scar tissue problem. My GI doc already told me that he and my surgeon both feel scar tissue is a big problem with my recovery.
The main thing is I hope all of us have an uneventful Merry Christmas this year and can toast to all of us returning in 2014.
Happy holidays,
Sorry to hear of your problems Liz. It seems our common cry is "what now?" I haven't started cyclosporine yet . I have been having some problems with an abscess in my mouth. It is the wrong time of the year to see doctors or dentists ect. My neph gets back to work early Jan so if the abscess has been dealt with he now wants me to start on the sixth . He has changed one of my bp meds to Ditilizem. Apparently it helps the cyclo to work better. I am not confident that I will not have an adverse reaction to cyclo. I am starting at a pretty low dose ,more to see if I react than if it helps. I have to work every day at Christmas as It is when I service the high school home ec sewing machines. I'm not really well enough to be doing them but unfortunately there is no plan B. I seem to be tired all of the time and no amount of sleep helps. Not that I get much quality sleep. Best wishes to you all for Christmas and lets hope some of us catch a break next year...Ron.
Thank you for you kind words, I am always indebted to the wonderful people I meet her on the forum, it's heart warming to know others care even though we are hundreds of miles apart.
Ron I hope that come the 6th you get to start the new meds and have no adverse effects, got my fingers crossed for you. Sending you some healthy vibes to help you get rid of that abscess or at the very least find an emergency dentist who can help you out. It's a shame you have to work but I hope you get at least a little time to rest and enjoy a bit of Christmas.

I wanted to wish everyone a happy, healthy and uneventful Christmas and New year, I hope Santa is good to you all and that you get to relax and have some fun. Take care everyone and stay away from the chocolates lol........:ghug::ghug:
I ate chocolate pie. OK one and a half slices of chocolate pie. I ate it before I could stop myself. I am so going to pay.

Louann Carroll
Crohn's survivor and advocate
Trying the natural method that's not working so well right now. I DO NOT recommend this to anyone.
I ate chocolate pie. OK one and a half slices of chocolate pie. I ate it before I could stop myself. I am so going to pay.

Louann Carroll
Crohn's survivor and advocate
Trying the natural method that's not working so well right now. I DO NOT recommend this to anyone.

Well did you pay for the chocolate pie or did you get away with it? I think it's so difficult to be good at this time of the year, my house is full of sweets and treats and I find it hard to resist sometimes, though I think it's okay to have an occasional treat.

I was fairly sensible with food just having the odd treat and ate a few brussel sprouts but I had much more alcohol than I would normally, I experienced so many hypos for days and the only reason I can think of was the booze?

How did everyone else manage over Christmas?
I thought I would stir some thoughts tonight. I too made it thru Christmas and yes did eat way too much. On 12-27, I had a flare up which has not ended. It's really hard to keep my blood sugars in check when the Prednisone ways so heavily on your readings. Then the Pred causes my hunger to increase which makes the blood sugar go crazy.
Has anyone had much success in controlling their food intake while on Prednisone? I was able to taper down to 5 mg per day, down from 40 mg but with the flare, am back up to 20 mg daily. Any thoughts are appreciated. :ybatty:
I think it's nearly impossible to control blood glucose when on pred for exactly the same reasons you mentioned. I've been told recently that if I need steroids then I should use them and just deal with the high readings but I'm still very worried about doing that because I have eye complications. What would you do?
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Hi Lizbeth,
I guess I would go with the pred but see my eye doc at the same time. My eye doc told me that Crohn's can cause changes in your eyesight almost daily. I believe this.
My endocrinologist told me that when he has a patient with type 2 and crohn's, that diabetes takes the back seat in priorities. I've heard this more than once but I guess this is the hard part of living with both diseases. It amazes me how much time it takes to manage both diseases daily. Especially when I'm in a flare like right now.
Thanks for responding Lizbeth. My best to you. :ysmile:
Mike, I am so sorry to hear what you are going through right now. I was on prednisone for 4 months 2 years ago. It was the most miserable time in my life! My fasting bg readings were in the high 400's, I was able to bring it down to the high 200's with Lantus, glipizide, victoza and metformin. I just craved sweets too! My eyesight was continually fluctuating, constant thirst, dizzy, bruising and finally my electrolytes went out of wack. I now have a new endocrinologist and we have a plan that I am to contact her immediately if they want to put me on prednisone. She said I would most likely have to use fast acting insulin if put on prednisone again. I hope to never have to use it again.

Best wishes!!!!
Thanks for your reply. I am going to talk to my Endo later this month about that type of plan since I'm still on Pred. My insurance is no longer paying for Victoza so I guess I will talk to him about a substitute drug. Not sure I need it since I'm still on insulin. I am just having a hard time controlling my food and sweets intake right now. I'm sure the doc will give me a strong lecture.
Mike I take the tablet equivalent of victoza, sitaglipten and I am also on insulin. Been on in 2 years now and my endo and pleased with the results. I had a Dr who thankfully has gone who lectured to the point of being insulting, it was so bad I was told by one of his colleagues that I never had to see him again. I don't believe lecturing is s good motivator at all.
It is a bit like walking a tightrope. None of us here appear to have a single problem , we all qualify as syndrome sufferers. With all the meds we have to take I am surprised that we are not in a flare of something all the time. I started cyclosporine on the 6th of Jan . I am going for my first bloods today to see how well my body is tolerating it. This week I also had another stress echo cardiogram and 24hr holter monitor. My bs have been out of whack for my standards but still ok for general standards. You never know till you are put on a new drug just what effects it will have on you. I was in hospital in November for a suspected heart attack,fortunately it was only a flu beating up my heart. They thought I was on way too many meds so they called in the hospital pharmacist to do a review. The result was that I needed them all plus a couple more to control asthma. It is not uncommon in people of my generation for the conversations to raise the question of drug taking. Do I take drugs...Hell yes! :) Ron.
Thanks Lizbeth, Ron, and Carol,
I appreciate all your thoughts on this issue of having Crohn's and Diabetes and God knows what else going on at the same time. I think Ron said it best when he compared all of us as walking a tightrope. It's been hard on all of us to keep walking that very narrow line. If we lean slightly to either side, we could fall. We have all been thru a lot, some of you much more than others, and I hope that we all keep supporting each other in this forum. It is helping me mentally if not physically. :smile:
If my memory serves me, I remember you asking about strictures on another post. I couldn't remember where so I am reaching out here. I found this info on Remicade and strictures. It does give a good definition of the cause of a stricture.

What if I have a stricture in my small intestine?

Remicade probably won't help. The natural history of Crohn's disease is to form ulcers on the inner intestinal wall which heal and then return over and over. Each time an ulcer heals some scar tissue (fibrosis) is formed. This scar tissue can accumulate over time and cause a narrowing in the small intestine or colon. This is called a stricture. A significant percentage of individuals may develop intestinal obstruction, or "blockage of the bowels," from these strictures. Remicade works best in reducing active inflammation, but has little effect on scar tissue which may be permanent. Reports have demonstrated that individuals who have intestinal strictures are less likely to respond to Remicade. Full article at:
My memory did not serve me right. Sorry I sent the stricture info to you. It's still not bad reading. I figured out it should have been sent to another Ron.
That's no worries Mike. I had stage three colon cancer. When they have your colon out on the table the membrane dries out and the rest of your life you suffer the joys of adhesions. I tend to fear constipation more than diarrheah. From bitter experience it is easier to stop one than restart the other.Cheers ron.
That's no worries Mike. I had stage three colon cancer. When they have your colon out on the table the membrane dries out and the rest of your life you suffer the joys of adhesions. I tend to fear constipation more than diarrheah. From bitter experience it is easier to stop one than restart the other.Cheers ron.

I too fear C rather than D, it's so sore to visit the loo under normal circumstance that C scares me a lot. I'm having a "why is life so hard" time right now. I feel so unwell and have so much going on in life that I don't know how I'm going to keep my head above the water! Sorry for moaning :( and feeling sorry for myself :).
Hugs Liz, the very nature of what we on this board suffer makes us mighty tough and more that a little resilient. Just remember to breathe when your head is above the water. Ron. PS. My Nephrologist is being very aggressive with me . I survived 100mg a day of cyclosporine for two weeks ,so now I am on 200mg a day. Ron.
Hugs Liz, the very nature of what we on this board suffer makes us mighty tough and more that a little resilient. Just remember to breathe when your head is above the water. Ron. PS. My Nephrologist is being very aggressive with me . I survived 100mg a day of cyclosporine for two weeks ,so now I am on 200mg a day. Ron.

Hmmmm, yikes Ron, how are you feeling? Ps, thanks for the hugs, I definitely appreciated them :).

Something just occurred to me to mention. Last time I was in hospital I discovered I had a reaction to Clexane (enoxaparin), within minutes of having an injection my eyesight went, one minute I could read and then a few minutes later I couldn't see to read at all. On looking into it further I found out it has to be used with caution in anyone who has diabetic retinopathy. I checked with the pharmacist who consulted with the drs and I was immediately taken off it. Just thought it was worth mentioning and sorry I didn't before now.
I saw my Endocrinologist this past Friday and he took it easy on me. Took me off the Victoza and Glimiperide but increased my insulin (Humalog) to 3 shots per day. Have to stay on Metformin forever, 2000 mg per day. He said as long as I have to be on Prednisone, he will be changing my meds because Pred messes up diabetes like no other drug. I need to lose a lot of weight but he again referred to the Pred. Hard to do. At least it will give me something to work at.
Liz, I was going to tell you that my GP now reviews all my current meds each visit just to make sure that they are not reacting to each other or reacting as little as possible. Hang in there.
Thanks Mike :)

My sister is concerned she will be taken off her victoza as she feels her weight loss is all down to the medication and nothing to do with her hard work. My father in law is also on victoza but has experienced a lot of side effects being on it.

I've only been on pred once, just for 4 weeks,, during that time I was on triple insulin and my blood was up in the high twenties. My weight increases as you would expect and I still haven't been able to loose it despite having no appetite to speak of. Since that I have always avoided using pred which has been accepted by my medical team but recently my gp has said that I need pred then I need to take it and we'll just have to deal with the diabetes being screwed up.
No way I will ever take pred again ,I was on 75mg a day for nearly 18mos plus a taper. it is basically the reason I now have type two diabetes. I had 48 doses of chemo, years of methotrexate off and on but pred was the worst drug I have ever been on bar none. I am on symbicort now for asthma but take the minimum dose I can. Even that messes with sugars. My regular 6-7 has turned to 8-9. Don't know how I am faring with the 200mg of cyclosporine. I constantly feel itchy and every afternoon I get a headache. Much like with methotrexate my neuropathy has gotten worse. I had bloods done on Friday and I see my neph tomorrow. Ron.
I will definitely try to avoid pred too,, last time I was in hospital they asked me what usually works and they would be guided by me as to what treatment they gave, so they didn't give pred which turns out was the right think to do as no inflammation was showing in my blood. I just find it so complicated juggling all my health problems and trying to get on with every thing else life throws at me, I supposed those are the things that keep me grounded. My sugars atm are sitting in the low teens, which is easy too high, but I'm feeling with a sick dad and 120m mile round trips so I'm not surprised it's gone still squiffy.
Another two weeks and another change of dose. 200 mg a day was to much so I have been dropped to 150 mg. I am getting very tired and my tinnitus is getting much worse. I seem to be in pain all the time so my gp has added Cymbalta to the mix. Whilst this is happening my blood sugar levels have doubled. It's very hard to get bagk on the tightrope. Ron.
How are things now Ron, have you sugars settled any or are they sill reacting the same way?

How is everyone else getting on?
My diabetes is running wild. Mornings are averaging 210, doc raised my base Humalog to 12 units plus the correction. This 3 times a day. I'm starting to feel like a human pin cushion.
The good news is I've tapered off the Prednisone. The bad news is the doc and others told me it will take as long to loose the weight gain as how long I was on the Prednisone. 9 months, great. Doc seems to think I'm going into remission. I still have D 8 times per day. I think Mayo is going to be the next stop. Hope everyone else is hanging in there.
Snow in Denver last night. 14 degrees now. I don't think winter will ever leave. :poo:
Good to hear that prednisone is gone, fingers crossed that you will be able to get your sugars to settle now too, in theory it should be a little easier now the steroids are out of the picture though I know practice is a whole lot harder than theory.

It is disappointing about the weight gain, I know I find it very frustrating being over weight, I did read something interesting that hadn't occurred to me before, it was from a person with both crohns and diabetes talking about how difficult they found losing weight when their only really safe foods were carbs. This made me realize that I'm in a similar situation in that the only foods I can eat and enjoy are carbs plus I've been on a soft diet for about 4 months, I find cooking and the smell of good makes me very nauseous whereas I can grab a biscuit or bread with no food prep required. Then of course I have to inject my correct insulin to correlate with the carbs. I feel a vicious circle coming on lol.

My sugars are haywire too though I think cos I've been staying away from home cos my father's not well has a lot to do with it. I have no real routine and spend a lot of time driving to hospitals or trying to come home. I hope it's just a blip and that it will settle again soon.
My sugars have settled at a new higher range from 8-10 (120-180) thanks to a combination of symbicort and cyclosporine. I don't know yet if the cyclosporine is working but he has it at the level that he wants it. I will have a test early next month. It is making me very tired. I went and had a skin check yesterday. I had problems when I was on methotrexate but it seems that my suncare regime has been working and I have no new problems. I hope you both get your sugars under control. As for the weight, good luck , I have no solutions... Ron.
Thanks for the support Liz and Ron,
My glucose seems to be holding steadier using the 12 units plus correction. My GP increased one of my blood pressure pill's to 2 a day and the next day I woke up with severe swelling in my legs, ankles, anf feet. I met with him today and he reduced the amdopiline back to 1 pill per day and added a diuretic. He also told me that he is now concerned with congestive heart failure because of my uncontrollred blood pressue, shortness of breath that won't go away, and fatigue. Oh joy, now I get to add more medicine and a cardiac group onto my list. I've reduced my contact with my GI for now because I really think he's at a loss of what to do. He wanted to do a internal ultrasound to pinpoint my pain but I told him no thanks. My scans have all been coming back "normal" lately so why keep running more tests. I think I'll just wait till I go to Mayo later this summer.
I'll keep you updated. Thanks for the continued support.
Yikes Mike, that's a lot to contend with, will you have a follow up with your Dr about the heart issue or what happens next? I'm sorry that you've been given this to contend with, will be thinking about you.
Well after two months of cyclosporine the verdict is in. My protein loss has halved. There was some other news that may or may not be good news. For years my liver function tests always come back with quite a few readings in the red. Since cyclosporine they are all in the black. It appears that whatever problem that was affecting my liver is also auto-immune. The most probable is auto-immune hepatitis. It is not that uncommon even years after chemo. A lot of doctors have told me I probably had fatty liver. My colon cancer surgeon told me I was probably suffering chemically induced hepatitis. My nephrologist was a little coy about my liver results but he did try to convince me to do a short sharp burst of prednisone to help my arthritis. The most common treatment for auto-immune arthritis is a combination of Imuran and prednisone. Call me suspicious but I am wondering if I have been suffering hepatitis for some time. Over the years on the cancer net there were deaths from cirrhosis following auto- immune hepatitis. I am going to put it straight to my neph when I see him in three weeks. I don't like the idea of ever taking pred again but if it saves my liver I guess I can take high bs's for a short time . Had an eye test this week . No problems there. Hope you are all well. Ron.
I just got out of the hospital after 5 days. My GP was mostly correct about the heart failure. I was into heart failure when I saw him at his office last posting. My wife and I went to Las Vegas for a week and I suffered with the swollen legs and feet the whole time. Got back last Saturday evening and the pain was so severe that I went to the ER that night. After multiple tests including an Angiography, the docs concurred that I did go into heart failure due to my Diabetes. The good news is I'm still alive. The bad news is I'm now on more medicine and a heart, diabetic, and Crohn's diet all at once. I hope you all have some favorite low sodium, low res, and low carb recipe's for me to try. :ybatty:
Hi: has been hard to find a diet to follow but I'm looking into the wheat belly diet which will help with both crohns and diabetes. It has some great recipes. I attended the wheat belly live and makes sense. The Dr. That wrote the book is a cardiologist and was started for those with heart conditions. This way of eating should work for you.

I'm so sorry you are having such a difficult time.
Hi! I was diagnosed with Crohns in 2006 during an emergency resection. I had a fistula to my bladder and when the doctor tried to do a colonoscopy he couldn't even get through my sigmoid. I knew I had Crohns ( my daughter has it also) but the doctor said it was probably diverticulosis. It was until surgery that it was discovered I had Crohns. 6 weeks later I had a very bad reaction to 6MP and ended back I the hospital. It was then I found out I had diabetes. It was steroid induced. Started off on injections but now I have been on only metformin. I'm okay as long I stay away from prednisone.

It was really tough finding out I had both Crohns and diabetes within 2 months. Balancing the 2 diets really drove me crazy.
Hi! I was diagnosed with Crohns in 2006 during an emergency resection. I had a fistula to my bladder and when the doctor tried to do a colonoscopy he couldn't even get through my sigmoid. I knew I had Crohns ( my daughter has it also) but the doctor said it was probably diverticulosis. It was until surgery that it was discovered I had Crohns. 6 weeks later I had a very bad reaction to 6MP and ended back I the hospital. It was then I found out I had diabetes. It was steroid induced. Started off on injections but now I have been on only metformin. I'm okay as long I stay away from prednisone.

It was really tough finding out I had both Crohns and diabetes within 2 months. Balancing the 2 diets really drove me crazy.

Welcome to the group :).

Though I'm really sorry that you are also living with these difficult to manage diseases. Also, I'm really sad to hear you have a daughter with crohns, what she is she? How does she manage?

I think it was the diet aspect that nearly drove me mad when I was newly diagnosed with crohns, I found it all completely overwhelming. 15 months later I just do the best I can but I find no two days are ever the same and my blood sugars are very difficult to control.

How is everyone else doing this week?
New here. Just wanted to say hi. I have type 2 diabetes and was just diagnosed with Crohn's disease. I am currently just trying to get a handle on the pain and watching what I eat. My number one priority is to get the Crohn's under control. Then I will worry about balancing both of them.
Hi, Had a bad week ,doc tried me on fentanyl patches for back pain. Gave me really bad nightmares. have a history of poor reaction to opiates , couldn't have morphine for pain relief after my cancer op. Fentanyl and winter have stirred up my asthma . I'm on two puffs of the symbicort 400 turbohaler of a morning now. It is effecting my sugars. The cyclosporine is holding my protein loss between two and three grams. Does not look like I will reach full remission on it. Hugs to all Ron.
New here. Just wanted to say hi. I have type 2 diabetes and was just diagnosed with Crohn's disease. I am currently just trying to get a handle on the pain and watching what I eat. My number one priority is to get the Crohn's under control. Then I will worry about balancing both of them.

Hello and welcome :). I'm sorry to hear your been diagnosed with crohns especially already having diabetes, it's a bit of a miserable juggling act but I'm sure you will get there, good luck, please let us know how you get on.

I didn't realise how long is been since I've been on here, life has been rather harsh these last 2 months my father-in-law passed away very suddenly on Apr 3rd and my dad passed away on May 8th exactly 5 years and 1 hour after mum. As you can imagine it's been very difficult to manage my health and my blood sugars have been terrible, luckily my tummy issues were manageable. I'm having to re-adjust to life and have a lot more time than I did as I used to spend half the week staying at my dad's so that I could visit him in hospital, he'd been in since Jan 20th. I'm still undiagnosed and have seen a new Dr for a 2nd opinion who has ordered a feacal elastase test and a white cell scan, just had mri of my knees and am waiting for shoulder surgery.....Oh the joys.

Sorry for having a moan, guess I'm just a bit fed up with it all.
Hi. New at this forum as well. Really sorry to hear of your different difficulties.
I´m a 47 year old Swede diagnosed with Crohns 22 years ago, had two major surgeries in the mid 90´s - one re removal of colon (no stomy though), diagnosed with diabetes type 2 one year ago, and through the years "gathering lots of experience" of different "related" diseases like pancreatits, osteonecrosis, joint pains, high blood pressure, multiple kidney stones, hernias, ileuses, ulcers, etc. etc. And through the years I´ve tried pretty much most of the available treatments and medicines for the Crohns.

BUT, this said I also want to say that I´m a father of three teens, engaged since 26 years, working as a high executive (Chief Controller) at a global company in the Space Industry, training 4-6 days a week (weights/gym & running), eating & drinking pretty much everything (but in a healthy balanced way (most of the time anyway ;-)), etc. Feeling good most of the time.

For the diabetes (which I don´t think so much about) I take a Insulin-shot once a day at bedtime (takes Insulin instead of meds like Metformin cause they don´t work good when lacking a colon..) and for Crohns right now Remicade every six weeks (since many years) and Pentasa and Flagyl. That´s it. (Best thing for diminishing Crohn-problems was quit smoking three years a go though after almost thirty years.. Hate "morality" but that was really the case.)

Sure I have had many many tough times, and I sure don´t want to diminish any problems we experience suffering from these diseases - but I want to share that´s it is possible to overcome a lot and to live very very good lives regardless. After ****** times better times often come, and when one treatment maybe doesn´t work maybe another will, and sometimes just time makes things less rough.

Maybe I would have "puked" at these kind of positive postings when I was younger and more in to the real struggles - but at the same time if I was diagnosed today and was looking in to Internet for information I would have been quite scared from all the storys there.

Hang in there yáll!
Hello and welcome :).

I'm sorry for all your health issues but also wanted to thank you for your positive words, you appear to have a very positive outlook and attitude and I believe that helps tremendously when dealing with so many issues, it's refreshing to hear good stuff.

I too have been dealing with multiple health problems, most recently having a second shoulder impingement diagnosed for which I need surgery (again), it's scared me a lot cos I know what's in front of me and it's not very nice lol, on top of that I'm dealing with the loss of both my father and father-in-law last month :(. I can see how easy it would be to lie down and let it all get on top of me but I don't live my life like that and prefer to believe I could be worse and many people are and I actually feel lucky, (in a strange way). I think life is what you make it, that's what keeps me going....

How is everyone else doing these days?
Hi Everyone,
I wonder how the healthy people are going. I guess we will never know. I wish I could wave a magic wand and take away all of our pain and suffering. If I were to put anything at the top of my list of problems it would have to be the pain. I can put up with the bathroom issues ,the asthma ,the diabetes which does not cause any symptoms except perhaps high bp. It is the pain from the ankylosing spondylitis and psoriatic arthritis that effect me most, When pain comes and goes at least you get a break at times. When it is constant it is seriously life effecting. Normally I would never have agreed to try fentanyl patches. I can put up with nightmares but not when they don't go away when you wake up. After I used the last of the five patches I got a new script. I didn't use it .I left the last patch on for nearly two weeks . It gave me just enough of the med to not have serious withdrawal. My gp has not put me on oxycodone. It is controlled release and so far it has alleviated the pain and caused no side effects. I will stay on the lowest dose . At this level of pain I can get by. I have tried a longer walk ,not a good Idea the pain breaks thru. Ron.
Hi Lisbeth. Have been having blood pressure issues . For a month I have been hovering in the 190/120 range. We think it is from pain flares from psoriatic arthritis and spondylitis. My doc upped my targin dose and for the two days since I have been 120/80. The cyclosporine has made my gums grow so I have hardly been eating anything because of the pain. As a result my sugars are a constant 5.8. Three mos ago I was in the 10.s. How have you been. Deaths in the family can put a terrible strain on health issues. Hugs ron.
Thanks Ron:). Sounds like you've still got lots going on :(.

To be honest I've been struggling with the loss of my dad, I spent so much time looking after him that I couldn't cope with all the time I had to fill and would wander aimlessly around the house or potter around the garden,I got very anti-social too and just didn't want to talk to anyone unless I really had to, this didn't include my immediate family just everyone else lol, it's improving a bit.

Regarding my health, well, I'm still in pain everyday, still waiting for a white cell scan :(, was back in casualty 2 weeks ago cos I couldn't get the pain under control, my symptoms are increasing again but my drs still won't give me any treatment and I have no appointment to see anyone, it's all very frustrating. My sugars are awful though I've not really worried very much, didn't have the ability to but I'm trying very hard now to gain some control back. If I could just get some answers it would make such a difference, going in 2 weeks to find out what's wrong with my knees and hopefully rule out the need for surgery.
Hi all,
It's been a busy spring and summer this year. I've been in and out of the hospital 4 times since March. Congestive heart failure, undiagnosed high fever with lung issues, another SBO, and finally, picked up an infection in Yellowstone Park in July and came down with severe infectious diarrhea that caused me to pass out twice on the trip home. My GI docs urged me to get home ASAP as they were very worried about infection in the small bowel. Got back to Denver and went right into the ER. Spent a week in the PCU living on ice chips and 2 IV's to rehydrate me.
Enough is enough and so I scheduled a visit to The Mayo Clinic in October. I'm really hoping they can determine the cause of some of my Crohn's issues. One doctor theorized that the pain I feel in my left abdomen could br adhesions attached to the small bowel and it is affecting the motility of the bowel. The other theory is a Carcinoid tumor.
I'll keep blogging while I'm down in Scottsdale.
Hope you all take care and stay vertical,
Hello everyone my name is Julie im new to the group. I have had Crohn's disease for 14 years had one resection and im on 1g Pentasa mesazaline 150 azathioprine a day and 80mg Humira once a fortnight plus I also have type 2 diabetes and take Humalin M3 insulin once a day in the morning when everything is fine and whenever i need it when im ill.

Ive had diebetes for the last 16 months after a stay in hospital with my Crohn's it was called steroid induced diebetes to begin with i was very sick on lots of iv meds and isolated in aroom of my own which was awful docs thought things would balance out once i came of steriods but unfortunately they didnt and i was told thats it now i will always have diebetes and i will always be on insulin. Ive adapted really well but i must say i do find this diebetes lark hard work i thougnt the Crohn's was bad enough but like you all say you deal with one of them and then the other plays up, I notice a lot of you mention your diets well i love food and i eat what i want lol cant eat much dairy products but ido have them just know my limits and you can forget curries its the rich herbs and spices but i can eat chilli in foods strange its all trial and error isnt it.
Hi Julie, sorry it took so long to reply, just wanted to welcome you to the group but also dry how sorry I am that you now have to contend with diabetes too.

I'm the opposite of you in that I've handled my diabetes well, it was a shock but at the time my girls were very little and I knew I needed to look after myself so that I would be around for a long time for them. I had a "lovely" Dr tell me that I had just lost ten years off my life and that if I didn't look after myself I would have a heart attack by the time I was 35 (I no longer see that Dr). I had only just been diagnosed and didn't know any better then so he scared me, that was 19 years ago and I know more now. I'm 45 now and so far have only minor complications from my diabetes (touching wood).

I haven't handled possibly having crohns so well, I find it very difficult to live with even though my symptoms are tame compared to others, I haven't been officially diagnosed yet bc my tests have been inconclusive so far, I have found crohns to be all consuming and I have to stick to a low residue diet cos if I deviate I suffer. Maybe it's bc it's a relatively new condition that I don't manage so well? I've just been diagnosed with fibromyalgia too so that might explain why my pain is so extreme, I guess only time will tell.

Anyway, once again welcome, please feel free to rant or vent cos that's what we're here for :).
Hi Lizbeth thank you for getting back to me, one thing that gets me is i keep hearing from people on here about their diets this is something ive never thought of i know there are certain foods that i cant eat a lot of such as cheese, curries, fatty things such as sausage, bacon but generally i eat most things i have noticed just recently in the last few months about food but i would like to know more about this side of things. I find that usually a plain diet with simple foods like potatoe, chicken, fish seems to be better than spicey foods but i do need my food lol because im in a vicious circle if you eat your on the loo and if you dont your sugars drop too much cant win ha ha
I do find trying to manage the 2 diets very difficult and boring at times, my best advice is check out the low residue info in the search up above, it will give you the info you need, you are basically doing it. Low residue means avoiding foods that are spicy, fatty, contain while grains and seeds, nuts, sweetcorn, carbonated drinks, alcohol, caffeine and avoiding certain fruit and veg and something else that I can't remember. Then take away everything you need to avoid bc of the diabetes, it doesn't leave a lot but once you've got that sorted you can maybe introduce some other stuff. It's very much trial and error and very individual.
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Please bear with me... I know I'm bouncing all over, its LATE I'm sleepy, and if I don't post it as is, I probably never will... But, I need to rant/vent!!!! When I was like about 16 -17yrs. old, I was diagnosed with colitis, and or IBS. About 13 yrs ago, I got food poisoning, and the symptoms continued for 6 mos. before finally going to a Dr. and was diagnosed as having Crohns. This was from a Dr. in Tx. he showed me the pics.... ewww! 3 yrs later, moved back to Calif. and my Dr says it's UC, and no way could it have been crohn's.... My father, (I hardly knew him) died at age 52 from colon cancer. I will be 57 in a few wks. I know nothing more about his illnesses leading up to the cancer. My Mother told me when he was in the service, that he got paid for doing drug research (trial/experimental) 13 yrs dealing with this and Diabetes.... I am SO sick and tired of being sick and tired, and so tired of filling my pill containers! I take like 12 pills in the A.M and about 7 or so in the P.M. PLUS... in between I have to take insulin b/4 every meal, plus another kind each morn and bedtime, Plus I have to drink cholestyramine powder 3x a day. (past yr. my diabetes is uncontrolled mostly due to steroids and infections which raises my sugars.) Foods ok for diabetes, is big no-no for crohn's and visa versa! I get so depressed and tired of the constant battle. These past 6 mos, I find I sleep for DAYS at a time, and sometimes not even caring if i'm taking my meds. (If the pill container is all set up, I'll usually take them and go back to sleep) How is it a person can actually SLEEP for 3 days at a time, get up for a day or 2, and then back to sleep. Not just lay in bed, but actually sleep!
This is the worse flare I've ever had. So much pain and discomfort, So much acids in my diarrhea that it leaves welts and bad rash and the pain is EXCRUCIATING beyond belief! They said its inevitable, that if not now, than soon, they'll have to remove my colon because of how long i've had this and b/4 cancer shows up! SOMETIMES I feel like I'd rather die now and be done with it than to live life with a colostomy bag! I had a pretty good life! Other times, I'm happy and content....
Hi Jodi,
Giant cyber hug. I am sorry that you have had to go and continue to go thru so much. You started so young . You just never seem to catch a break with this disease. My brother has had proctitis and ulcerative colitis for close to fifty years. He is one of the rare and lucky ones who has been able to control it all this time with sulfasalazine and the odd hit of prednisone. He is 71 this year and has had an amazingly good life despite uc. They never dxed me with Crohn's or uc it was always just referred to as irritable bowel. I don't know how many times I was dxed with peptic and duodenal ulcers. I lost my gall bldder at one stage when a gallstone blocked off my pancreatic duct. I suffered for many years with bile salt malabsorption and took cholestramine daily for many years. In 1998 I had a scope and was dxed with stage3c colon cancer into six lymph nodes. I had 48 sessions of chemo over a year. I am still paying for that. I have grade two ankylosing spondylitis with fusions and pars fractures , psoriatic arthritis , osteo arthritis , osteo perosis and type two diabetes from steroid treatment, severe peripheral neuropathy and an unknown auto- immune disease of the kidneys. I lose up to seven grams of protein a day thru my urine, I am on cyclosporine twice a day, it helps to keep the protein loss in check. I take 80mg of oxycodone//40 mg of naloxone a day for pain. Two doses am and pm and I have to take two dulcolax and two coloxyl with each targin tablet to overcome opiate induced constipation and to restart colon motility. At least I don't need cholestrymine any more.
Life has become a tight rope ,easy to fall off , hard to get back on. A good day is one where nothing really bad happens. I have trouble with sleep but mine is due to apnea. My cpap machine helps me thru the night. In the last couple of years I have had to go for heart check ups. I suffer around 11,000 premature ventricular and atrial beats a day plus several runs of tachycardia. All I can offer is my condolences and to let you know you are not alone. I do know how you feel. This monthy I end year sixteen of cancer survival and start year seventeen. when I was dxed I thought at last an end to my suffering , but no I had to go and survive . Such is life . Hugs again Ron.
So.. I can type this now that I can see past thru my tears again. I had no idea that there were other people in my boat. I want to hug every person in this group!
I was dx diabetic in 98. That was hard enough, then in 07 - crohns. I've been lucky enough to not have been subject to all the surgeries that some other crohns patients have, but things are going downhill n my brakes r shot.. My BG levels r chronically high (a diabetic friend is helping w this tho) and I've gone from the gut wrenching pain 2 now more diarrheal episodes that last 4 days. I'm a 30 year old man who has 2 wear diapers. I have no real support. I'm homeless. I find it difficult 2 WANT 2 do anything at all.. Its a rollercoaster, not only w my BG but w my giveadamn as well. I have 2 many issues 2 even talk about n I think that may b a big part of the problem.. I need a serious comb through n overhaul! Lol..?! I've got a lesion/ulcer? In my cheek that has been burst thru to the outside of my mouth n leaking out 4 months now.. Tried antibiotics, still there. This is probably connected to my teeth which have been falling apart n rotting from the inside since shortly after the crohns dx.. I keep getting minor skin injuries from God only knows where, that heal super slow. My vision is getting worse. I get lightheaded all the time. My balance is garbage. I'm 6 foot tall n only 135 pounds.. (Tho that's an improvement over 119!) I'm just lost.. I don't know what else 2 say right now, just happy 2 have found y'all!
Bumping support group.

My family is dealing with both Crohn's and Diabetes. Just not in the same person.

My DD aged 20 was dx with Crohn's aged 16.

At moment my DH Diabetes is causing us the most issues. He is type 2 but on insulin.

Thank for allowing me to join the group.
G'day CSG Good luck with the type two. Not ideal but it seems to be manageable if you stick to doing the right things by yourself Hugs. Ron.
Hi Catherine I hope things level out for you, sometimes it feels like we are living in a yo yo. My BG is all over the place and my BP is even crazier. My nephrologist does not believe my blood pressure problems are true blood pressure . It just varies too much and too often , he believes that it is hypoalgesia from being on high dose oxycodone for too long. He wants me off it but it is going to take a long time. They are suggesting a drop of 5mg on afternoon and alternating with morning dose every two weeks . That is a long taper but apparently it can get very unpleasant if I go too fast. Ron.
Hi Ron,

Have you got a diabetes specialist? If not I look at getting one it best thing we ever did.

DH 3 monthly blood test has been sitting at over 11 for years. The GP wouldn't refer as only people/individual on insulin need a specialist.

12 months under a specialist and last test was 7.9. He on a ton of medication but the improvement in his health is amazing.

He takes, Diabex XR 100mg; NovoMix 30 (90 units per day) & Forxiga 10mg and these are only for diabetes.
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I was just diagnosed as pre-diabetic this year. As shown, I'm on metformin but am doing alright for the moment.

Please watch your vitamin b12 levels. Metformin-induced vitamin b12 deficiency is a know side effect after long term use. It is also know to cause Peripheral Neuropathy.
I was dx'd borderline after my annual check up.I haven't been prescribed any thing.
I'm trying to be very careful with my diet,especially after losing my gallbladder a couple of months ago.Looks like they're leaving it to me to sort it out.It'll be great if my levels have dropped at my next check up.I feel ok,(mostly)
Hi Catherine, it is funny ,but none of my doctors including my nephrologist worry about my diabetes. My history blood counts have for years been 7 or just under. My doctors know I am compliant. I take my 1000 mg of metformin every day without fail and I live by the glycemic index . If ever I eat anything a little high on gi I always combine it with something low. I don't drink or smoke and never drink softdrinks and the like. I eat a lot of fish and pretty well stick to a Mediterranean diet. My downfalls are mainly the medicines I take, some of them can cause problems with the diabetes. Opiates are one and cyclosporine is another. Any time I am required to take steroids I try to get out of it. I must admit to not taking my asthma preventative because it is steroid based , and I soon hope to be off the Targin (oxycodone). I know that with all of our problems we are walking a tightrope so I try to work on my balance. Hugs Ron.

Your diabetes drug metformin has been linked to peripheral neuropathy with long term use.
A diabetics specialist may have be able to help you access drugs which are more peripheral neuropathy friendly.

My husband's neuropathy is now stable since going on to other diabetes drugs and starting vitamin b12.
I have heard about the link with metformin and neuropathy. My neuropathy was dxed as moderate to severe by a neurologist some years ago. He was aware that I was on metformin and that I had well controlled type two diabetes. He refused to speculate on what was causing the neuropathy and said because he did not know what caused it he could not treat it. That cost me $500.00 for nothing. Unfortunately I react to nearly all medications ,either well or poorly. My nephrologist is amazed at how well my proteinurea has responded to what he considers a too low dose of cyclosporine. I have gone from 7 grams a day to around .6 of a gram and continue to improve. He hit me with a short sharp dose of prednisone last year. All of my liver functions that had been in the red suddenly were in the black. He said it indicated that I suffer from mild to moderate auto-immune hepatitis from all of the various meds I take. He is loath to alter my overall medications on the principal better the devil you know. Since he put me on a low dose of nsaid my bp dropped yesterday to 103/75. It looks like it has been pain related and that oxycodone the likely cause. I saw my gp yesterday and he gave me scripts with enough different dose sizes to start my taper. I am waiting to see an endochronologist so that I can resume hormone therapy. My testosterone reading had dropped to 5.2 of a morning , normal is 8-18. After two three monthly shots they changed the rules and now require me to see an endo before I can resume treatment. The waiting list Is huge. I wet my bed last night. My night sweats were so bad I had to change the bed clothes and pajamas, they were drenched. It appears that I just have too many problems. Ron.
Hi everybody.

I have had Crohns for years. Today I was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes. My A1C level is 8.1. I don't know much about diabetes but I need to take time and learn.
Hi Doug,that's tough on top of everything else.
I'm only borderline and am trying to be very careful with carbs and sweet stuff in general,and hope my next blood test shows an improvement.Best wishes.
sorry to hear it Doug. I guess that metabolic syndrome is about as good a description for what we have as any. It seems that we are all facing similar breakdowns in our Gi and endocrine systems. We must have been a wicked mob of dudes and dudettes in a previous life. Sometimes in down moments I have asked my neph what he thinks will finally take me out. He always has the same answer ",Stuffed if I know Ron, stuffed if I know". I may just ask them to chisel that on my headstone. Wishing you all well with your various challenges. Ron.
Hi Doug,that's tough on top of everything else.
I'm only borderline and am trying to be very careful with carbs and sweet stuff in general,and hope my next blood test shows an improvement.Best wishes.

Hi Carol.

I hope you have improvement also. Because of all the meds I already take, and because my GP informed me that metformin can cause intestinal problems, I am going to try to attack this through diet. Lower carb intake and the sweet stuff as much as possible. They are arranging an appointment with a dietician. I should hear from them today on when that will be scheduled.

The question I have is this. Should I eat for Diabetes or Crohn's? Or is there some middle of the road diet I should go for.
I am having "I told you I was ill" on my gravestone lol :)
Only got crohns no diabetes (as yet but who knows usualy if its going free il have it lol )
Love to all x
Good question Doug. What do you eat and take. As Catherine mentioned metformin has been linked to neuropathy which I have. It has long been considered a drug of interest in stopping colon cancer recurrence. I am nearly at the end of year 17 ex stage 3c colon cancer. I have nephrotic syndrome of the kidneys , cause unknown but everything, food and medicine seems to affect them. I have high uric acid levels and high cholesterol levels. I have type two diabetes. I suffer mild to moderate auto-immune hepatitis from all the meds I am on. Because I take cyclosporine and previously methotrexate I have had problems with skin cancers. My skin doctor ha suggested six monthly reviews now. I have low testosterone but there is a long waiting list to see an endo. I spent all of my savings on specialists so I can't go private. I had a meltdown last night. their intensity is getting scary and lasting longer. I have asthma and severe psoriatic arthritis. The cyclosporine has helped with my kidneys but not the arthritis. I don't think that my body can take another medication. It has already rebelled over the oxycodone. In summary I have to eat a low salt low cholesterol low purine low sugar low fat diet that does not provoke arthritis. I have asked about surgical intervention with my back for pain. My neph just laughed and said we are not going there. I have only half a colon and it is still always irritable , my upper gi tract is no better. The last bad endoscopy I had my gi initially dxed stomach cancer then changed to major ulceration after a biopsy. No hellico bacter. I have to take two 40 mg somac a day to keep that in check. Any wonder my neph says stuffed if I know. He gives me the same answer to "why am I still alive"? Ron.
Hi Ron50

A couple neuropathy treatment for you to look into.

Zostri, it a cream that you buy over the counter. You need apply 3-4 times per day. Active ingredient Capsaicin.

Magnesium supplement.
Thanks Catherine I take magnesium and d3 as well as fishoil. I take the magnesium mainly for cramps of a night. I get some really bad ones. I suspect it is as a result of the frusemide diurectic that I take for oedema and some of the meds that leach some of the minerals. One glimmer of hope is that I have actually been given an appointment with and endo on the23 rd of November. Finally. I am down to 35 mg morning and night on the slow journey off oxycodone. My night sweats and hot flushes are getting worse and I think altering the dose of oxycodone has tipped me into the constipation side of the cycle again. I find it worse to deal with than diahorreah. I saw my neph this week. He is cautiously optimistic that the Naprosyn 750 has not caused problems with my kidneys so far but he is keeping a close watch on it. It has lessened the pain particularly if I have a nap when I get home from work. When I get up after the nap at least I can walk now. A few weeks ago I was finding I would have to stagger around for some time before my legs would work properly. They suspected hypo algesia from the oxycodone. Nothing much changes in life ,it always seems to be one step forward and two back.
Out of interest my neph and I had a discussion about the drug levamisole which was one of the chemo agents. It is banned since 2001 for sometimes fatal side effects. It is most often used now by illicit drug dealers to cut cocaine. Apparently it enhances the drugs effect. It also causes some rare and terrible diseases. He said they are actually feeding it to rats to try to cause some of theses diseases so they can study them and try to find a treatment. Ron.
Hi i have heard that chamomile tea is good for diabetes or at least the side issues that it can cause. May be worth a try n it cant do any harm if it does no good. Also helpful for sleep to if you struggle to sleep well. ☺ hope this is helpful info x
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So cool to see Im not the only one. Juggling what I need to to eat keeping both diseases at bay is like trying to herd cats. Its the diabetes that loses out most times cos you haveta eat (bad me I know) Sometimes I just think well - you have to die of something. Having said that, I'm quite cheery usually (except during a flare) so its not that Im morose about kicking the bucket - Id just like to do it in style ;)
Hi JennyT i dont have diabetes but some of my friends on here do. It can be a juggling act with food as they need conflicting foods to help u feel better for each disease 😮. Guess u just have to do your best to help both but sometimes it will affect one or the other .. Keep smiling n best wishes ☺
Just thought I would update everyone with what has been going on. After my GP tod me I have diabetes last month, I decided to attack the diabetes with diet and exercise. I do not want to have to take Metformin, ever. My Crohn's is in remission and I want it to stay that way. There is too much chance Metformin will cause a flare.

Anyway, when I started my blood gloucose was 270, and my A1C was 10.3. Not good numbers. Within a week of my new diet, which is a simple diet 1 carb per meal, limited to 45 grams daily. my blood gloucose was in the 130's. I am now having fasting gloucose readings in the 110's. I also have kept my Crohn's at bay while eating more vegetables, etc..

One thing that has happened is vision problems. I have found that when a person has such a large drop in blood gloucose, that it causes the arteries in the eyes to contract and dialate, causing blurry vision. Fortunately this is a temporary condition. I have an appointment with the opthamologist next week to see what he thinks, but I hope the blurry vision is gone by then.

Hope everyone has good results with this awful combination of diseases.
Good luck with the eyes Doug, they are the area that worries me the most. What concerns me is how long we have been insulin resistant before we were finally dxed with type two and how much damage has high blood insulin been causing in that time. I seem to have some problems like hammer toes and severe neuropathy that have been there for a lot longer than the supposed onset of my type two diabetes. ron.
Good luck with the eyes Doug, they are the area that worries me the most. What concerns me is how long we have been insulin resistant before we were finally dxed with type two and how much damage has high blood insulin been causing in that time. I seem to have some problems like hammer toes and severe neuropathy that have been there for a lot longer than the supposed onset of my type two diabetes. ron.

The eyes are really giving me problems. When I wear my glasses, which is most of the time, I now find I cannot see clearly at distance unless i look through my bifocal. My right eye is much worse than the left, (neither are good right now). I don't think it is iritis because I don't have the eye pain or sensitivity to light. I definitely have the blurry vision though, and I am sure my opthamologist will check for it, because I have Crohn's.
Most eye problems related to diabetes are treatable as long as they caught early.

DH has had both eye operated on due to bleeding.
Well, I decided to join this thread, tho not the one with an IBD (but sometimes I wonder), just IBS (and many other ailments). After several months of nausea in addition to my IBS/D, which seemed to be getting worse, I saw our GI yesterday (shared with my crohnie hubby, DougUte) only to find out that diabetes can not only cause nerve problems in the periphery, but also in the small intestines. This can, in turn, leave things sitting there too long which can cause infections, that can also, in turn, sit in there for months. Just what all you IBDers with diabetes really want to know, huh? (NOT!) I'm now being put on Flagyl to treat any underlying infection. I don't know about all of you, but I'm tired of dealing with intestinal issues, and I don't even have an IBD. I'm also tired of taking meds, all these chemicals I put in my body can't be good for the kidneys and liver. Grrr. Just had to gripe.
My vision problems will get better in a few days! With new glasses! My opthamologist determined that I do not have diabetic retinopathy. (YAY!)

Since my blood gloucose levels have bottomed out, he gave me a new prescription for glasses. I should have them is a few days.
I am glad to hear it Doug , no eye problems and lowering bg is good. Way to go. Ron
saw my endo chronologist yesterday. No good news he does not know why my testosterone is low and he really is not sure if hormone shots are the way to go. He has warned me that if I go that road , two more three monthly shots and there is no return. I will be on them for life. He has left it entirely up to me which really sucks ,,,what the hell do I know. I suggested that perhaps I should wait another eight months, that will be twelve months since my last hormone blood test and have another test to see what my levels are.. He said that everything about my health seems to point to auto-immune problems and he said that there really are not many experts in the auto-immune field. It's all about I think and lets try. I asked him if he would consider giving me a shot of he green stuff they give old dogs. He just smiled and said he is a Hindu and it is against his religion... Ron.
My vision problems will get better in a few days! With new glasses! My opthamologist determined that I do not have diabetic retinopathy. (YAY!)

Since my blood gloucose levels have bottomed out, he gave me a new prescription for glasses. I should have them is a few days.

Yay!!! DOUG so glad to hear that mate. Heres to the new specs doing the job. 👍💕
Oh Ron what a bugger pal. I thought docs were supposed to make the decisions ??. You may well be right on your thinking tho, and NO you CANT have the green stuff Ron. Its not allowed coz we need you here mate 💕
Just read in the daily paper that a handful of walnuts daily can be helpful in keeping diabetes at bay.(I'm borderline)So I'm going to stock up tomorrow..........I like nuts,this forum has more than it's fair share.:rof:
I apologise to those of you who regard themselves as sane.:smile:
Not true girls. For seventeen years all those crazy doctors have been trying to kill me. It is only the sane influence of you guys that has saved me or as carol said we all need a handful of nuts every day. Ron.
Hi! Where is everyone? About 2 months ago I was put on Budesonide to stop a flare. Since then my blood sugar has raised quite a bit. This morning my fasting blood sugar was 197, and that has happened quite often. Today I found on the internet that diabetics should not take budesonide. Could that med be causing my blood sugar spikes?
Every year we have to go through certain tests before signing up for the next years medical insurance. One of the tests are blood sugar. I happened to look at my past tests and saw that my blood sugar counts have always been fairly high. But, last year once I started taking metformin and stopped eating sugary items my test was lower than it ever had been.

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