Crohn's and heart issues...

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Mar 18, 2009
Hi everyone - I just had a colonoscopy on Tuesday and got some bad news. Apparently, my ileum is covered in ulcers and I now have an arrhythmia! I have tachycardia with pre-atrial contractions. (Lately, I had been under the impression that I was short of breath and feeling my heart skip beats because I have been under a lot of stress lately...but the doctor says this is NOT normal.) I am going to get blood test and biopsy results next week. If my heart problems do not stem from an electrolyte imbalance, my gastro said that he would send me to a cardiologist.

So, has anyone here had any heart problems along with your Crohn's disease?

I have been on every a ton of different medications for Crohn's issues in the last 4 years - Remicade, Humira, Imuran, zoloft, pentasa, vicodin, etc.

Is anyone here aware of long or short-term side effects from these medicines that would cause heart issues?
Hey a few years before i got chrons i had atrial fibrilation which is an electrical heart problem, but i dont think there is any relation to the chrons disease. I did get this problem corrected though through surgery and i dont believe there is any relation.
I was hyperthyroid at the same time I was getting diagnosed with Crohn's. Have you had your thyroid checked? I had shortness of breath, skipping beats, and rapid heart rate.
I have mystery tachycardia with an unstable pulse rate. No one really cares why. They're just giving me atenelol for it, raising the dose each visit. Apparently I'll be on it for the rest of my life.
I've had a heart murmur since 6 & high blood pressure since I was 16. None of which had tp do with Crohns med.
well it's not unheard of to have problems like these associated with crohn's. you need electrolytes for your heart's electrical firing to work correctly and having crohn's gives you bad D in most cases which flushes electrolytes out of your system and can lead to heart arrhythmia's. ask your doctor but if it were me i would see about supplementing some calcium, potassium, sodium, and magnesium into my diet. maybe a calcium pill, bananas, add a little salt to my food and eat a lot of broccoli and spinach.
I think that seriously low iron can cause some issues too.

I'm not seriously anaemic at the moment, but I find I get breathless pretty quickly.
I had pericardial effusion and pleural effusions (which started out as chest pain and shortness of breath) possibly as a result of using Remicade (they haven't decided yet if the Remicade caused it or if I have lupus, and probably never will, but it occurred while I was on Remicade).
I just got out of the hospital yesterday from a mild MI. Because of this, the treatment is probably going to change. I was going to start Remicade, but I'm sure that that is on hold for at least 6 months.

i have a small heart murmer, not entirely sure what that is tho, when i was born i had a hole in my heart but that closed up, i!