Crohn's and marijuana as a treatment?

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Joe said:
I'm convinced the weed actualy lowers the awareness of shitting ones pants. but I dunno.

I don't participate in either of those activities all that often, but I guess I can see some limited benefit.
I asked how long you have been diagnosed because once in a while we get a newly diagnosed person who is going through denial, believing there is a cure when in fact at this time there is not. Ten years from now we may have a cure but at the moment we can't alter someones genes so for right now we don't have a cure.
Back on track people!

I scored some hash last weekend...lemme tell you, I was feeling no pain after vaping a bag. Not really top quality gear but good none the less. :smile:
woah! i can't believe i just read all this... i can't believe some of the misconceptions and not to attack anyone, but some of the ignorance either! first of all if you have not tried pot how can you have a strong opinion and be against it? there is no cure for this disease and some of you need to be a little more open minded. when i first heard about cdp571(now known as remicade) i heard good opinions, and some that were just plain scarey! i also was told that i would be 1 of maybe 2 children in the world to try it. but i was open minded and now years later it's a miricle drug for me and many others. i would consider pot on that same degree as it helps me eat when i can't, stops all nausea almost immidiately, calms my stomach down to the point where i'll take a hit of the bong over any pain med out today, and lowers my stress level which in turn is good for crohn's. the cons is that it dries me out a lot, and it's not the best for your lungs... but i tell you it's a lot easier on your lungs then most of the meds out there today on your liver! it's not addictive.
if you attempt to smoke pot i recommend you don't start off with too much, as new users may have a bad experiance if they smoke too much. i don't smoke every day, but during a bad flare i could hit big the bong 5-6 times a day, and it DOES NOT make my crohn's worse. don't speculate and say that pot may cause flare ups cause that might rob people of the many benifits as they might now be too scared to give it a shot... and to be quiet frank, the examples here that remotely suggest to them that pot caused them to flare are too poor to convince me of this. they prescribe pot to many crohnnies in CA and there is not one documented case ive heard of where the pot increased flare ups to any of them. all i'm saying is keep an open mind with this disease cause if you don't you may be shorting yourself on many things that can improve the quility of your life when as we all know is pretty darn hard as it is with crohn's. my 2c
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Well, to give a blunt analogy on the "try it before you knock it" mantra because I've gotten the same thing from heavy beer drinkers ridiculing me (not that you're ridiculing me, you're being civil)...... I've never tried suicide, but I know "it's not my thing"....yes that's a drastic analogy, but it gets my point across that someone can judge something before trying it. They have a right to regard it as "not for them."

I was fairly certain the summation of the thread left the notion that this whole topic is "to each their own", pot may help some people, it may make them worse, just like any other treatment, it isn't flawless. I gathered that was the end result of this thread, but every couple months someone seems to have read the whole thing at once and walked away with another impression. I doubt if 1000 Crohns patients started using weed for relief, that all 1000 would see nothing but benefits, it's just not statistically feasible, which I believe was the gist of my comments here (as others too). No treatment works 100% of the time with nothing but good, hell, people can be allergic to additives in vitamins, and if we're to label pot only as a treatment and ignore recreational usage, it's then right next to Remicade, Asacol, and prednisone, and those aren't 100% either. I think that's the point of the thread.

I don't condemn its usage, in fact I've mentioned it may be beneficial, it's just a plant that grows in the dirt. But it can have it's own downfalls just like other treatments, which you yourself acknowledged. Although, I know it's not addictive itself, the effect it has on the mind is what can be "addictive"...addiction is complicated, and one can be addicted to a sensation (sex addicts, shopping addiction, etc...), in fact, that's how a lot of addictions work.

I'd like to think I myself have kept an open mind to it, seeing as how last year I was mulling over the pluses and minuses of trying Tysabri, and thinking about the fatal brain infection that seems to potentially come with it, which isn't apparently understood well enough yet. I judge people on their actions, not their habits, social circles, lifestyles, race, age, gender, etc..., I've known laid back weed users, and I've known some belligerent ones.

I think you just need to look at a larger, empirical I alluded to with my comment on 1000 patients being viewed (if not the millions). That is the light all treatment is usually regarded in anyways, and subsequently judged. :)
Going back to my first post, the only problem I have is labeling a disease genetic when it has environmental factors, which I think has been established. Labeling problems genetic makes people think there is no way they can solve any of their problems, that they are screwed for life, when there are many other alternative forms of therapy (marijuana, diet) that can be just as successful if not more as all the harmful drugs pushed upon us by our doctors.
The problem with that is it's not mutually exclusive, which you seem to be convinced it is. It's both. You can bring relief or curtail a genetic risk or affliction, I'm not sure where you think people "gave up" because something's genetic. Look at heart disease. Genetic and environmental as well, elements of both. Does one born to two parents familiar with hypertension and cardiac arrest sit around eating fried twinkies all day, or can they battle the risks they were born with to beat the odds? I think you're trying to too hard to make this either/or, and it's not. Not many patients I know gave up on Crohn's- we're all sitting here awaiting that magical cure.
Well yes the analogy of suicide is beyond drastic and so is heavy beer drinking when compared to MJ. As with everything you have to weigh the pro's and con's, judge the risk vs reward and decide if its for you to give it a shot. There is no up side to drinking beers or suicide for the just of improving crohn's. On the other hand the benifit of MJ most likely would be substantial(3 things MJ does without question to everyone, increase hunger, ease nasua, and 90% ease stress if you don't take too much) and the down side is extremely minimal...NO one has ever died from it! Oh and of those 1000 patients, i agree not all 1000 of them would find it a successful treatment, but im willing to bet that 85-90% find it to be beyond benificial giving that they were educated on how to go about using it properly. If you decide not to try it, then thats your choice, nothing wrong with that. But don't state your opinion on it in detail when you have no first hand knowledge and all you can do with that opinion is detour other people from trying it because of irrational, non educated statments about it. Btw bws1982, you of all could bennifit even more if you're into bodybuilding. MJ makes bulking when you have crohn's that much more easier on us ;)
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Well, I myself made every attempt to simply state educated, logical statements on it maybe being good, maybe not, and that I'd prefer not to try it at this time, that's about it. Kind of a giant "To each his/her own, do your research first though"...

I don't mean to deter others from trying it, period, but what I'd love to deter is from people blindly going into ANY treatment without all the facts, just like if someone said "hey, you're on Prednisone, and I've had 4 days of bloody stools, can I have 3 weeks of that stuff?"....A lack of education is going to do nothing but cause problems for any treatment, pot or Remicade, you need to know what you're doing and that nothing's perfect.

With how hard it is to get it in THC form from a physician with instruction, how likely really is it for someone to just go with regular old pot in a Ziploc from Lil TJ down the block instead of going to the doctor, and not even researching any of it first, or ensuring they have "pure product"? Does this mean they'll stop their regular meds too because they assume they can't do both? No more doc appointments, they don't want to get caught? Will it mask some major issue internally that goes unchecked because they were busy with the euhporia?

Humanity has shown me that the most likely scenario is that most people (not saying you) are just itching for an excuse to buy it in street form, uninspected, risk messing with the wrong people, and stop their regular medication, and go overboard. I don't trust most people to deal with something "off the record" to that extent. If they're smart about it, fine, to each their own. But it's not the same as trying probiotics without doctor recommendation, and I think it should be obvious why.

When you have Azathioprine or Humira pens, you really have no other use for it, and it's given by a doctor, with documentation on the risks (which yes, are numerous), a dosage schedule, the thinking is required, only remembering. If we're talking just THC, then yes, I'm all for getting educated and trying it if it'll relieve the agony. But I've lost faith in the diligence and responsibility of humanity in the last decade as I entered the real world, so it's almost like we're having discussions about 2 different concepts.

In CA where it's legally prescribed, they surely give instructions, guidelines, and potential risks/sides (from MY own research, it had stated lung damage as the biggest, increased heart/breathing rate, among some other risks, both physical and psychological in nature)...I guess to summarize, I don't trust people enough to shoulder the responsibility of "doing it right" themselves without doctors if they choose to, so as a result, I'm hesitant to say "go for it" to a random stranger on the net. Society is ignorant, that much I DO know. :)
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One of the places I'd looked that I could find again quickly: some on the "downsides"...

More from Wikipedia:

The psychoactive effects of cannabis are known to have a biphasic nature. Firstly, a euphoric or a state of being at ease is felt and latter an increase in heart rate and hunger develops, believed to be caused by the breakdown of THC into 11-hydroxy-THC by the liver, which is also psychoactive. Furthermore, Cannabidiol or CBD is believed to alter the effects of THC by creating a depressant state of mind (colloquially known as being "stoned"). Interestingly enough, some studies show that cannabidiol actually has a small stimulant effect similar to caffeine, despite causing the depressant-like effects.

Oh, on the bulking idea regarding bodybuilding. I've actually not had much issue with appetite during my worst times compared to others. I had appetite, but could only eat certain things, so it was odd, and I still lost a ton of muscle and fat and water weight. I was far too sick to become anabolic from a nice workout, so I didn't bother bulking because there was no point....then, when I WAS healthy enough to bulk via weights/the gym, I was also hungry enough too. So it's kind of like in either scenario any additional hunger was a moot point, and I never hardgained for more than a couple days at a time once a month or so. I aim for a caloric approximate and just make it happen most days. But yes, it's a bitch losing about 40-60 pounds of lovely LBM twice and knowing if I gain it all back I still have a risk of a third loss too. :)
Santos61198 said:

Not that it's directed at Maverick, but I kind of feel that way too, Ris. Blah, maybe I should leave it where it's been left, I've said my part, if you wanna research it and try it, go ahead, to each their own, but not all who don't try it are ignorant or close-minded. The dead horse has been beaten, and I don't know why we just don't drop the sticks.
I've stated this on many threads on this forum.

I smoked in my early 20's. It wasn't as a form of medication, but simply as a lifestyle choice at the time.

This was about 15-18 years ago, the med's I was on were next to useless, basically anti-inflammatories.

In this period of my life, my condition was at it's worst, simply because I wasn't on any meds that are available now. I'm not making any connection with smoking causing my condition at the time.

My argument is this.
If weed was really such a wonder drug, why was I still feeling as I was.

It simply masks symptoms, the condition still progresses. Weed isn't a cure, as some on this thread imply (not recent posters).

I have tried it, it didn't work for me.
Give me Remi, Infliximab, Humira any day of the week.
danman said:
I've stated this on many threads on this forum.

I smoked in my early 20's. It wasn't as a form of medication, but simply as a lifestyle choice at the time.

This was about 15-18 years ago, the med's I was on were next to useless, basically anti-inflammatories.

In this period of my life, my condition was at it's worst, simply because I wasn't on any meds that are available now. I'm not making any connection with smoking causing my condition at the time.

My argument is this.
If weed was really such a wonder drug, why was I still feeling as I was.

It simply masks symptoms, the condition still progresses. Weed isn't a cure, as some on this thread imply (not recent posters).

I have tried it, it didn't work for me.
Give me Remi, Infliximab, Humira any day of the week.
There can be many reasons why your condition was at it's worst 10-15 years ago, just because you smoked MJ backed then and felt pretty bad does not mean that is what made you feel bad. It could have been a number of different factors.

And, I don't think anyone in this thread ever implied weed to be a "cure" for Crohns, rather just a form of medication. Obviously, it masks the symptoms. What do you think Remicade and Humira are doing to you! And Weed comes with none of the short or long term side effects of those dangerous drugs.
BWS1982 said:
The problem with that is it's not mutually exclusive, which you seem to be convinced it is. It's both. You can bring relief or curtail a genetic risk or affliction, I'm not sure where you think people "gave up" because something's genetic. Look at heart disease. Genetic and environmental as well, elements of both. Does one born to two parents familiar with hypertension and cardiac arrest sit around eating fried twinkies all day, or can they battle the risks they were born with to beat the odds? I think you're trying to too hard to make this either/or, and it's not. Not many patients I know gave up on Crohn's- we're all sitting here awaiting that magical cure.
I think the whole reason I came into this thread was someone else had stated Crohns was completely genetic, which I had a problem with, and I stated that nobody really knows. I don't think I ever imlied the problem to be mutually exclusive. I can definitely see now how Crohns can be labeled genetic, because everyone reacts differently with the environment that surrounds them. When you think about it though and break it down, how many nonpathogenic diseases and problems are blamed on genetics? Most, if not all of them are blamed on genetics or partly on genetics. I feel this is unfair, and more effort needs to go into research and looking at the causes of our problems(environment), and stop trying to treat symptoms with different drugs. And I'm not talking about just Crohns, I'm talking about EVERYTHING.
can someone please pass the doritos? i've got the munchies. :)

i have nothing to add to this debate, but i do think mj should be legalized.
Naps, Remicade or Humira do not mask symptoms, they work at a level that actually addresses inflammatory/immunological origination, by blocking or mitigating TNF-alpha. Azathioprine and 6mp don't mask symptoms either, they actually more or less blunt the immune system. These are real effects (which is why there is also risk) and they are not illusions to the patient. These medications are risky, but they are addressing symptoms, not disguising them. That is treating the disease, not masking sensations, just to clarify that.

On the genetic side, I still believe you're looking at it as if people are labeling all these diseases and afflictions as solely genetic (and ignoring ones environment) and halting any attempt to facilitate cures/treatments/education in society, and that is definitely not the case. I think environmental causes are given credit where due, but I see you feel differently, maybe due to your own experiences.

Like I said with heart disease, it's known to be overtly governed by genetics (as well as lifestyle), but it's a prime focus of the medical community when it comes to prevention and care as well. They aren't just telling patients "ah, your father died at 52 from a heart attack, well, there's not much I can do for you Mr. Johnson"....Same with many others. I think you are a bit overly cynical of the medical community (but that's my impression), and for all I know of your history, rightly so. But there is grand amounts of focus to address both genetic and environmental attributes in medicine from where I'm sitting, dependent upon affliction and source, but you may have had experiences that have driven that notion far out of your mind...Just my take, I mean no offense.
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BWS1982 said:
Not that it's directed at Maverick, but I kind of feel that way too, Ris. Blah, maybe I should leave it where it's been left, I've said my part, if you wanna research it and try it, go ahead, to each their own, but not all who don't try it are ignorant or close-minded. The dead horse has been beaten, and I don't know why we just don't drop the sticks.

(I forgot to say that me banging my head against the wall wasn't at you lol)
Naps22 said:
There can be many reasons why your condition was at it's worst 10-15 years ago, just because you smoked MJ backed then and felt pretty bad does not mean that is what made you feel bad. It could have been a number of different factors.

And, I don't think anyone in this thread ever implied weed to be a "cure" for Crohns, rather just a form of medication. Obviously, it masks the symptoms. What do you think Remicade and Humira are doing to you! And Weed comes with none of the short or long term side effects of those dangerous drugs.

I think I stated in my post, that I didn't think that MJ caused my symptoms being worse, more so, the lack of real treatment.

danman said:
In this period of my life, my condition was at it's worst, simply because I wasn't on any meds that are available now. I'm not making any connection with smoking causing my condition at the time.

My point was that MJ didn't help me, which is something that is constantly claimed on this forum, every few months.

Your point about no one claiming MJ is a cure... try typing "Leafy" into the search option and reading his posts. It was this type of poster that I was refering to.

danman said:
Weed isn't a cure, as some on this thread imply (not recent posters).
BWS1982 said:
Naps, Remicade or Humira do not mask symptoms, they work at a level that actually addresses inflammatory/immunological origination, by blocking or mitigating TNF-alpha. Azathioprine and 6mp don't mask symptoms either, they actually more or less blunt the immune system. These are real effects (which is why there is also risk) and they are not illusions to the patient. These medications are risky, but they are addressing symptoms, not disguising them. That is treating the disease, not masking sensations, just to clarify that.

On the genetic side, I still believe you're looking at it as if people are labeling all these diseases and afflictions as solely genetic (and ignoring ones environment) and halting any attempt to facilitate cures/treatments/education in society, and that is definitely not the case. I think environmental causes are given credit where due, but I see you feel differently, maybe due to your own experiences.

Like I said with heart disease, it's known to be overtly governed by genetics (as well as lifestyle), but it's a prime focus of the medical community when it comes to prevention and care as well. They aren't just telling patients "ah, your father died at 52 from a heart attack, well, there's not much I can do for you Mr. Johnson"....Same with many others. I think you are a bit overly cynical of the medical community (but that's my impression), and for all I know of your history, rightly so. But there is grand amounts of focus to address both genetic and environmental attributes in medicine from where I'm sitting, dependent upon affliction and source, but you may have had experiences that have driven that notion far out of your mind...Just my take, I mean no offense.
You're right, I am overly cynical. I can't help it, my experiences have made me this way. When you have a GI tell you to go out and eat whatever you want because diet has no role in Crohns disease, you have to start to wonder what this doctor's intentions are. Being a kid at the time and not knowing any better, I believed him and ate whatever I wanted "because my doctor said I could" which without a doubt made my symptoms worse throughout my childhood and adolescense. And I know most other GI's around the country tell their patients the same thing, that diet has no effect on Crohns.

I'm sure I'll just be called a nutcase, but I believe there is something seriously wrong with our medical community. We've put trillions of dollars into research and development and there hasn't been one cure found for any disease in like the last 50 years. Instead, we have treatment plans that patch up our diseases so we live with it rather than get rid of it. Not to even mention the side effects that could come along with these drugs. Why is it doctors hand out prescriptions at an alarming rate? I'm not sure how accurate this number is or how it was even obtained, but my microbiology teacher recently told me something along the lines of 1/3rd of prescriptions don't even need to be written in the first place. We are ranked something like 72nd in OVERALL HEALTH in the world. Why is it that we Americans, the richest and most prosperous in the world, (at least until recently) live with so much disease and sickness?

You see, this is what agitates me. I understand that both genetics and environment play a role in Crohns. It would be impossible for genetics not to play a part in Crohns, or else a good portion of the country would have it. I just think our environment is not being looked at hard enough as the source of our problems. Research tends to focus more on how to physiologically alter our bodies to cope with these illnesses.
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danman said:
I think I stated in my post, that I didn't think that MJ caused my symptoms being worse, more so, the lack of real treatment.

My point was that MJ didn't help me, which is something that is constantly claimed on this forum, every few months.

Your point about no one claiming MJ is a cure... try typing "Leafy" into the search option and reading his posts. It was this type of poster that I was refering to.
Well, everyone has a different biochemistry, what works for some may not work for all. For all you know, you could have been smoking the wrong strain, you could have not been eating correctly, you could have been drinking. Maybe you were doing things that counteracted the effects of MJ.

I don't think weed can cure Crohns, but I do think it can help significantly in controlling the symptoms of Crohns. I think the main reason people are so excited about MJ is because it offers a safe alternative to treat Crohns rather than the potentially dangerous drugs that are currently offered.
For those that are interested.
This guy has some interesting things on his site.

MJ may help only with people's crohn's symptoms but it seems it can cure some nasty diseases too.
Naps22 said:
You're right, I am overly cynical. I can't help it, my experiences have made me this way. When you have a GI tell you to go out and eat whatever you want because diet has no role in Crohns disease, you have to start to wonder what this doctor's intentions are. Being a kid at the time and not knowing any better, I believed him and ate whatever I wanted "because my doctor said I could" which without a doubt made my symptoms worse throughout my childhood and adolescense. And I know most other GI's around the country tell their patients the same thing, that diet has no effect on Crohns.

I'm sure I'll just be called a nutcase, but I believe there is something seriously wrong with our medical community. We've put trillions of dollars into research and development and there hasn't been one cure found for any disease in like the last 50 years. Instead, we have treatment plans that patch up our diseases so we live with it rather than get rid of it. Not to even mention the side effects that could come along with these drugs. Why is it doctors hand out prescriptions at an alarming rate? I'm not sure how accurate this number is or how it was even obtained, but my microbiology teacher recently told me something along the lines of 1/3rd of prescriptions don't even need to be written in the first place. We are ranked something like 72nd in OVERALL HEALTH in the world. Why is it that we Americans, the richest and most prosperous in the world, (at least until recently) live with so much disease and sickness?

You see, this is what agitates me. I understand that both genetics and environment play a role in Crohns. It would be impossible for genetics not to play a part in Crohns, or else a good portion of the country would have it. I just think our environment is not being looked at hard enough as the source of our problems. Research tends to focus more on how to physiologically alter our bodies to cope with these illnesses.

I can practically state I agree with the ludicrous position we are in with all the miraculous advancements made, why are even the simple things still coped with instead of ridden of, and I now see more of where you are coming from. I'm not sure how common in actuality a doctor like yours growing up really is, but I'd like to hope it's rare, and that GI's aren't roaming the country telling kids and parents to go hog wild with junk food because it's irrelevant to the status of Crohn's. I'm sorry you got stuck with such an inept doctor for an integral part of the progression of your Crohn's and education of it..
I don't know. I've only had two doctors and both were pretty adament that diet had no effect on Crohns. Look at this quote from the ccfa website.
Take pizza, for instance. The cheese offers calcium, protein, and vitamin D; the tomato sauce provides vitamins A and C; and the crust supplies B vitamins. The same is true for other popular favorites such as hamburgers or cheeseburgers, although all of these foods also contain more fat and salt than should be consumed on a regular basis. Milk shakes and ice cream also offer a good source of calcium, proteins, and calories. If lactose intolerance is a problem, that can be overcome by taking commercially available lactase in tablet form before consuming any dairy products.
That's just sickening. Telling people with IBD that it's ok to eat foods like this. In fact, after reading that whole piece on their thoughts on the nutriotional aspect of Crohns I would think most people would be turned off by eating healthy. They continually beat it into your head that diet has no role in causing crohns (which may or may not be true), bash the SCD diet for not being studied enough, tell you it's ok to eat junk food, and 1000 other things I disagree with. They also have a whole page dedicated to their pharmaceutical sponsors, and treat diet as a second or third option behind conventional medication and surgery when IT SHOULD BE THE FIRST OPTION. It's laughable really.
I've not had a doctor who was ignorant with diet, and because I'm heavily into fitness and nutrition, I'd know if one was BS'ing me, and I'd have gotten rid of them. I guess I got lucky, I've had 5 GI's in the less than 3 years with this disease, and I'm going on my 6th (only because the last one left the state to move to PA, no other reason, he was phenomenal)...Any time diet came up, I'd told them how well I control it and watch it, so they rarely spoke of it, but if they did, they all stressed the importance of decisive eating, and refinement of good/bad foods, etc..., and that it's a pillar in feeling better and getting better.

I'd be furious if I had a GI that spoke with such idiocy on diet's role in all this, and would move on, but that's just me. I wish you'd had different experiences, because I know there are great and caring docs out there who have their image tarnished by other doctors who babble on about misinformation and consider themselves peers to the better ones.
BWS1982 said:
I've not had a doctor who was ignorant with diet, and because I'm heavily into fitness and nutrition, I'd know if one was BS'ing me, and I'd have gotten rid of them. I guess I got lucky, I've had 5 GI's in the less than 3 years with this disease, and I'm going on my 6th (only because the last one left the state to move to PA, no other reason, he was phenomenal)...Any time diet came up, I'd told them how well I control it and watch it, so they rarely spoke of it, but if they did, they all stressed the importance of decisive eating, and refinement of good/bad foods, etc..., and that it's a pillar in feeling better and getting better.

I'd be furious if I had a GI that spoke with such idiocy on diet's role in all this, and would move on, but that's just me. I wish you'd had different experiences, because I know there are great and caring docs out there who have their image tarnished by other doctors who babble on about misinformation and consider themselves peers to the better ones.
Thank you.

and slightly off topic, but I'm also pretty big into fitness and nutrition. I've worked out the last 4 years, and the highest I got my weight up was about 145. And I lost it all after my latest flare, which really pushed me towards healthy eating in the first place. It really does demoralize your spirits when you work so hard to achieve a goal, and you lose everything you've gained over years of hard work in a couple months. I'm hoping to eventually gain it back, just really don't know how yet. I'm also getting my degrees in nutritional science and dietetics, so that explains my anti pharma rants, anti drug rants.
fenway1971 said:
can someone please pass the doritos? i've got the munchies. :)

i have nothing to add to this debate, but i do think mj should be legalized.

I prefer Funions and bean dip for the ultimate stoner snack, thankyouverymuch. Well, I *did* a decade ago, anyway. :lol:
BWS1982 said:
Not that it's directed at Maverick, but I kind of feel that way too, Ris. Blah, maybe I should leave it where it's been left, I've said my part, if you wanna research it and try it, go ahead, to each their own, but not all who don't try it are ignorant or close-minded. The dead horse has been beaten, and I don't know why we just don't drop the sticks.

Lol you have said so many ignorant things about MJ bro im not even gonna bother addressing them all. your right, to each their own. i mean i don't care if you deprive yourself of a form of medication that could immensely help your symptoms with NO risk. and i mean no risk, being you get it prescribed, or if you get it from bob down the street, or if its the wrong strand. no one is gonna lace weed with anything because there is nothing cheaper to lace mj with and there is no "bad" or "fake" mj lol. so stick to your humira or infliximab bro. after i was done testing cdp571(remicade/infliximab) i was suggesting it to people just like you who at that time were also too scared to take many risks in life. and mj is hardly risky.
Naps22 said:
I don't think weed can cure Crohns, but I do think it can help significantly in controlling the symptoms of Crohns. I think the main reason people are so excited about MJ is because it offers a safe alternative to treat Crohns rather than the potentially dangerous drugs that are currently offered.

you hit the nail on the head there bro. no one ever said it was a cure. but with the risk/reward ratio compared to a lot of other drugs offered to us to treat our symptoms it's definitely a consideration i think all crohnnies should atleast consider or look into. not saying they HAVE to try it, but if anything consider it and don't bash it on forums as it is literally side effect free. i don't buy any of the lung damage bs either. i been hitting the bong a lot when ever i flare for years and just had my lungs checked and results came back 100% normal.

let me know if you need any help with the working out/dieting bro. i started years ago at 105lbs and currently fluctuate between 180-190 off season and 170 contest weight. i can help you out a lot and would be more than willing =)
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I'm not going there with you, I've been there enough times in this forum and in life, I've said what I wanna say, if you wanna throw your name-calling hat into the ring, go ahead, I'm not entering that ring with you over something like that. If you don't want to address each of my points then don't, but don't sit there typing like you've refuted each one because you "lol'd" at me and suddenly you're the correct one about what's right for every patient. If you really agreed with "to each their own" you wouldn't be lambasting "each" when they decide on "their own". And btw, you don't know what meds I'm on, so don't "rate" my treatment or well-being either.....Gawd, why can't this ever be a peaceful topic?

Edit: you see this, at the bottom?

Last week, I was trying to put our differences behind us, I thought 'we can't possibly see eye to eye on the MJ thing, but he's sure to move on and we could have mutual respect out of the bodybuilding commonality on top of the Crohns'

I was trying to extend an olive branch, that's on you if you want to focus on our difference, though
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You guys should take your debate to private chat or email or just go make out & get it over with.
BWS1982 said:
I'm not going there with you, I've been there enough times in this forum and in life, I've said what I wanna say, if you wanna throw your name-calling hat into the ring, go ahead, I'm not entering that ring with you over something like that. If you don't want to address each of my points then don't, but don't sit there typing like you've refuted each one because you "lol'd" at me and suddenly you're the correct one about what's right for every patient. If you really agreed with "to each their own" you wouldn't be lambasting "each" when they decide on "their own". And btw, you don't know what meds I'm on, so don't "rate" my treatment or well-being either.....Gawd, why can't this ever be a peaceful topic?

Edit: you see this, at the bottom?

Last week, I was trying to put our differences behind us, I thought 'we can't possibly see eye to eye on the MJ thing, but he's sure to move on and we could have mutual respect out of the bodybuilding commonality on top of the Crohns'

I was trying to extend an olive branch, that's on you if you want to focus on our difference, though

dude what it comes down to is that we're just two different personalities. that's the only reason we disagree. i'm an extrovert willing to try new things and you seem to be more of a conservative person. nothing wrong with that, each shine in their own enviroment. have a good day.
Santos61198 said:
Maverick, why can't you just be a peaceful stoner? You have your opinion, and other people have their's - leave it at that.

a stoner is someone that smokes and sits around all day like a "stone". i'm extremely active, im not a stoner by any means. thanks for getting ur 2c in though.
Santos61198 said:
Maverick, why can't you just be a peaceful stoner? You have your opinion, and other people have their's - leave it at that.

::snort:: That made me :lol:

...And I was so thinking the same thing.
Maverick7 said:
a stoner is someone that smokes and sits around all day like a "stone". i'm extremely active, im not a stoner by any means. thanks for getting ur 2c in though.

Ok, Maverick. I was joking around calling you a stoner. You need to calm your ass down. I haven't even BEGUN to put my 2 cents in yet.
Santos61198 said:
Ok, Maverick. I was joking around calling you a stoner. You need to calm your ass down. I haven't even BEGUN to put my 2 cents in yet.

Lol, im not upset... You're the one name calling and telling people to calm their ass down. Maybe you need to calm YOUR ass down? Oh and keep your 2c to yourself, it's yet to bring any value of information to this thread anyways. =)
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Keep my 2 cents in my pocket... what a great comeback! Did that really take you an hour to think of that?
All you've been doing in your 20 posts is talking about how smoking weed is the only way to go. You have no respect for other people's opinions.
And what are you LOLing about?
The only thing that has yet to be a value to this thread is YOU.
Santos61198 said:
Keep my 2 cents in my pocket... what a great comeback! Did that really take you an hour to think of that?
All you've been doing in your 20 posts is talking about how smoking weed is the only way to go. You have no respect for other people's opinions.
And what are you LOLing about?
The only thing that has yet to be a value to this thread is YOU.

Does it bother you that i laugh out loud? Am i not allowed too? Are you that sour?
Where did i say weed was the only way to go? I believe there are plenty of treatments that are benificial to crohn's and i also believe this is a thread about MJ, is it not??? So with that in mind ive brought more insight on the topic than your useless 2c. Ive also put more on the line for crohns research(and still currently am) than you ever will, so don't ever talk to me about the VALUE i bring to the table.
Maverick7 said:
Does it bother you that i laugh out loud? Am i not allowed too? Are you that sour?
Where did i say weed was the only way to go? I believe there are plenty of treatments that are benificial to crohn's and i also believe this is a thread about MJ, is it not??? So with that in mind ive brought more insight on the topic than your useless 2c. Ive also put more on the line for crohns research(and still currently am) than you ever will, so don't ever talk to me about the VALUE i bring to the table.

That's a pretty interesting statement. Care to elaborate? I'm genuinly curious...

As for Marissa, well, looks like I'll be buying you this for your birthday ::sigh::
Maverick7 said:
Does it bother you that i laugh out loud? Am i not allowed too? Are you that sour?
Where did i say weed was the only way to go? I believe there are plenty of treatments that are benificial to crohn's and i also believe this is a thread about MJ, is it not??? So with that in mind ive brought more insight on the topic than your useless 2c. Ive also put more on the line for crohns research(and still currently am) than you ever will, so don't ever talk to me about the VALUE i bring to the table.

Did I say it bothered me? I was simply asking you a question.
I'm not sour at all. Don't let the avatar fool you.
This thread IS, in fact, about MJ. However, it would never have gotten this out of hand had you just stated your opinion about it, as everyone else has. An opinion is neither right nor wrong - that goes for everyone involved here.
And simply because you happen to find my insight useless, since I think this entire thing is ridiculous, it does not make it so.
I agree with Vanessa - what have you "put on the line" for all of this Crohn's research?
Back on track people.

I made some olive oil with cannabis a couple of weeks ago. It was very effective & I didn't have to inhale anything. It lasted all day too. :tongue:

If you want the recipe just let me know!
Santos61198 said:
Keep my 2 cents in my pocket... what a great comeback! Did that really take you an hour to think of that?
All you've been doing in your 20 posts is talking about how smoking weed is the only way to go. You have no respect for other people's opinions.
And what are you LOLing about?
The only thing that has yet to be a value to this thread is YOU.
I don't wanna pick sides in this fight but he never said weed is the only way to go. Good job putting words into his mouth.
Maverick7 said:
So im not as bad as your making me out to be nor am i one track minded on "weed". However i do feel it has its benifits. To correct santoses twist on my posts, i never had a problem with anyones personal opinion, i just didn't like those people posting uneducated thoughts on matter that were incorrect and that could only detour others from looking into the matter futher. With all that being said, im done coming back here to argue with santos over the value of her 2c.

I'll say this on the situation: I think you feel passionately about this subject, as do I on certain controversial subjects. There have been times I felt like I was screaming at a brick wall trying to get my point across on forums while trying to maintain composure -- with that said, you catch more flies with honey than vinegar. People are more willing to listen to your point of view when you aren't coming off as a pompous know-it-all. EVERYONE on this board has made valid points and to be perfectly honest, I don't necessarily disagree with your stance (I'm pretty neutral), but if someone is all riled up trying to make their point, the only thing the listening party is going to hear is "bwah, bwah, bwah, bwah" (Charlie Brown teacher style). The "facts" don't matter when you're presenting them in a condencending tone.
~TN~ said:
Back on track people.

I made some olive oil with cannabis a couple of weeks ago. It was very effective & I didn't have to inhale anything. It lasted all day too. :tongue:

If you want the recipe just let me know!

Can I slap it on some Ciabatta bread? I think it'd be a great accent to my homemade chicken piccata. :)
Naps22 said:
I don't wanna pick sides in this fight but he never said weed is the only way to go. Good job putting words into his mouth.

Thanks bud. Good to see someone is actually reading the posts instead of just posting just for the sake of arguing while accusing me on non factual matters.

That aside i got ur PM and i will send you my email addy so we can stay in contact. I have a lot of info that will be very useful for you. I can really relate to your situation, so i will try my best to help you out.
vshirey317 said:
I'll say this on the situation: I think you feel passionately about this subject, as do I on certain controversial subjects. There have been times I felt like I was screaming at a brick wall trying to get my point across on forums while trying to maintain composure -- with that said, you catch more flies with honey than vinegar. People are more willing to listen to your point of view when you aren't coming off as a pompous know-it-all. EVERYONE on this board has made valid points and to be perfectly honest, I don't necessarily disagree with your stance (I'm pretty neutral), but if someone is all riled up trying to make their point, the only thing the listening party is going to hear is "bwah, bwah, bwah, bwah" (Charlie Brown teacher style). The "facts" don't matter when you're presenting them in a condencending tone.

I can see you trying to stay neutral while at the same time can see what im trying to get across. Thank you. I genuinely come here to help people. I don't need any help, ive had this for almost 2 decades. If that makes me a know it all, so be it. Some can take it as im a mr know it all and then hopefully some can take what i have to say and use it to their benifit(not just about pot, gotta make that clear before i get misconstrude again).

So how do you know when your friend calls me a "pot head" i don't take offense to it? And when i just try and explain the definition of a pot head to her she tells me to "sit my ass down". Is that not a condecending tone??? With that in mind i'll state again, im here for other people and if you don't like it i could care less. And if im not welcome, tell me and ill leave.
And I just KNOW I shouldn't be laughing here - but I just AM!! A HARD laugh too!

And nobody better sass-talk me here either. Just be nice huh?
*breeeeeeeeeathe* Let it gooooooooo.........

edit - sorry, I wrote that before I even SAW the next page. I was reading page 5. It would have fit better there. Not so funny now.

Oh - and if we're buying bday presents - can someone get me the "ILOVEDREW" tshirt?? My bday is in January - but now is okay too.
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My Butt Hurts said:
And I just KNOW I shouldn't be laughing here - but I just AM!! A HARD laugh too!

And nobody better sass-talk me here either. Just be nice huh?
*breeeeeeeeeathe* Let it gooooooooo.........

edit - sorry, I wrote that before I even SAW the next page. I was reading page 5. It would have fit better there. Not so funny now.

Oh - and if we're buying bday presents - can someone get me the "ILOVEDREW" tshirt?? My bday is in January - but now is okay too.

Sorry, I already bought you an "ILOVEV" shirt. In pink, of course.
Maverick7 said:
dude what it comes down to is that we're just two different personalities. that's the only reason we disagree. i'm an extrovert willing to try new things and you seem to be more of a conservative person. nothing wrong with that, each shine in their own enviroment. have a good day.

I got your PM, thank you for the more civil response, I just read it and will edit this post below because I didn't catch it. I am a methodical person, yet am VERY open minded, trust me on that, if a doc was willing to write a Rx for weed and I thought it'd do any good with my symptoms, I'd do extensive research just like with anything, and decide afterwords just like anything. Luckily, I've had such great GI's that I trust them to make the call on what's in my "plan", but I still have my input (I refused Tysabri)......I've tried so many supps, routines and weird foods for bodybuilding, if you knew me, you'd know I'm open to some weird ass shit. I've mixed canned tuna into cooked oatmeal when in a hurry before, tried dozens of supps (all legal, no roids) and I've done powerlifting sets/styles (as a fellow bodybuilder, you KNOW power-lifting is open minded, we don't need that crap :) )

Environment? The internet? I don't get your inference?

While I can't tell what kind of person you are other than what you've posted towards me here (to which I think you know how I've taken that), I can tell you that my choice to not try dope right now (read: not right now, as in not at this time)...does not give you the insight to label me anything, you don't know what I've tried or am willing to try. All you have to go on is I won't smoke pot at this time, that won't get you very far unless you're going to guess the rest.

Just months ago I was nearly saying yes to a potentially fatal-brain-infection-inducing drug, so I think the problem (in my honest opinion, which could be wrong) is you are using the pro/anti MJ stances to draw conclusions- and that's a problem. You can't know somebody inside and out from their choice on one drug alone, that's more than just insufficient. You can't solve a puzzle with one piece, so don't assume you know the whole picture just yet.

And in reference to your post above a few posts...I disagree with your comment "never had a problem with anyone's personal opinion", that's mainly what you've been referring to, because that's largely all you've debated, is that people won't try it so they must be _____. I didn't see you debate the statistics of weed, the science of it, etc....I never saw any misinformation from myself, only contrasting opinions. That's acceptable, is it not? From what I see, you are upset because you're afraid these personal opinions will deter someone from trying MJ, and that shouldn't be a concern of yours, we have threads on Imuran and Remicade and opinions may dissuade someone or may persuade someone, going off on a crusade and offending people will just make the topic go sideways fast. I said pages ago, "do your research just like any drug" and I stand by that.

I hope the air is clear now, I've meant no offense, but I get frustrated when people claim me to be a type of person when they find out fact X about me.
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While there is a lot more that I would like to say, I have an idea - let's all agree to disagree. We all have our opinions, none of which are right or wrong.

Let's all chill, relax, and like Jill said, breathe.

Let's also agree not to fight or push our views on anyone else.

Should we ask Mike to close this thread, and if someone wants to start a new one on MJ without all of this drama, he/she can?
Every few months we get a new user who has just read through the whole onslaught of opinions and emotions and is all fired up to (usually) defend the topic, and I think that gives people the wrong impression of that person, and of the veteran members who on top of that come in and reply. Though, I think we all got a good impression of Leafy2.....

I can't guarantee it, but there's a damn good chance if Maverick and I were in the same gym one day and had never met, we'd get along just fine or maybe even be good friends. Circumstance is a bitch.
My Butt Hurts said:
Oh V, my love for you will never end.
(Confession - I already have the shirt, and wear it to bed every night. "I :Karl: V" Of COURSE it's pink, hunny - you know me so well!)

YES!!! Make sure you spray my perfume on it every night, preferably Aquafina's Pink Sugar -- it's the only way to get the real V effect!
i had originally opened the other thread on the first page thinking. Great a topic i was looking for, a bit of commonality of what i've been going through. Then i was saddened to see how it disintegrated into a cyber pissing contest for lack of a better choice of words. Then i saw this thread, and it started off promising enough. But alas once again as always with such touchy subjects, it usualy brings peoples dander up and things got sticky, again for lack of a better choice of words.

NOT to pick at any open wounds on this one. But since this is a topic i was actually looking to converse on here it goes.
I feel Cannabis works for me, primarily with Appetite stimulas and with pain managment. It even helps me sleep.
My major problem i have with it is the stigma that is associated with it. I take 4 tabs of prednisone, 4 tabs of imuran, 8 pills of pentasa, pain meds, and sleeping pilss, and many supplements per day. And i am more worried about being viewed as a druggie in my kids eyes with my pot usage, then with taking all these pills everyday. I see the look in his eyes, I know he feels bad for me, when he sees daddy popping pill after pill after pill. And not seeing any real improvment. But it is socially acceptable for me to sink back these pills everyday.
Right now i've tried to step away from the pot to see if i can cope without. After weeks of sleepness nights (prior to the pred insomnia), i went back to my doc, who after trying Tramacet, to no help, Cesamet ( a sythasized cannabinoid) again to no help, i had to almost beg for pain reliefl. What i got was Tylenol Three's, and a sleeping pill.
Again this is not helping me any. I've been on humira (one injection) and got a strange side effect of numbness in my cheek and pain in my jaw.
So right now the only thing that i've see help me with any of my syptoms has been a small, and i mean very small amount of marijuana.

I would like to add that i do believe pot has negative effects on many people, i have been a recreational user in the past, and have associated with many people over the years, and have seen varing degrees of effects from the drug. And in my opinion, it's the person not the drug that causes the problem. So people have an addictive personality, and some peoples chemical make up causes ill effects with the use of the drug.

Thats just my thoughts. Felt like sharing.
I can greatly appreciate its medicinal and therapeutic value, especially when it's helped. I've tried to remain civil and respectful, and I appreciate Cracker giving me a nod to that endeavor when he said so, despite our remaining disagreement. I just know right now my symptoms are urgency and frequency, and if pot helped with that, I'd be all over it. Pain has always been a 3 on that scale-device implemented, give or take some, except when I'm going through a BM at my worst, but that is fleeting pain, and gone a while after. Appetite, as a bodybuilder isn't a problem, I have a VERY good ability to curb or increase appetite to what I need to eat, as I see fit, much more so than most patients it seems. I am used to "eating for goals" so it's nothing new, even when I lost 45 pounds (twice), it was because I couldn't work out, and my body couldn't keep muscle anymore. I believe in making medicinal cannabis legal in all states, just so that it can be available to people like you who need it.

Residually, I feel this topic is in the lounge because children don't go to their parents, as in most states it's not legal, and the children may go around their parents. I have a brother with some issues and I saw this "go around" scenario personally a few years ago, he was, lets just say, "on the radar" at school for severe disciplinary action because of prescription drug possession (his own Rx's not someone else's, he had the whole bottle at school, wasn't supposed to)...he was 13 or so at this time. Our parents found out the hard way (via the school)...We hear of scenarios with kids dying from sheer curiosity, be it drugs, guns, drowning, fires, kidnapping, rape, anything requiring a level of discretion they don't yet have leading to their demise or injury. I don't trust children to display or enact the same caliber of judgment and concise responsibility that is expected of adults. Hell, most adults can't be responsible enough to "do the right thing" and drink and drive still, get caught with other illegal drugs still....I feel it's too much to ask of children, it wouldn't be an option in most states anyways, so the end result would probably be illegally obtaining it off the street.

I would have been beaten had I asked for pot as a kid, even with an affliction it could help.

The stigma is still there, and that's why it's a problem, most "use" is recreational, and not to solve any legitimate problems, but to escape from them, and that's a barrier to it for now. Unfortunately, this topic on the forum has caused some deep sentiments in the past - and it's like this forum's "abortion/death penalty" topic...everyone has their feelings on it. Hopefully this thread won't have the same fate of it's brethren, as the glimmer of hope is there, but the silhouette of stigma and personal difference is too, obscuring our commonality of Crohn's Disease and our crusades for well-being.
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I'm against the use of any illegal drug, with that being said I think MJ deserves more research and testing. If it were to become a legal perscription drug then the stigma and chance of getting caught would not be an issue and I believe it would be controlled much better.
So many people say it helps them, I don't know I've never tried it (for medical use) used it back in my teen years as the popular thing but hated the cotton mouth and paranoia that came with it.

The thing is, with me, people on coke say coke helps them. People on heroin say heroin helps them, so only with more research and testing can we truly validate the benefits of medical MJ.

kello82 said:
hey itsmeagain, just wanted to say thank you for that post
very well written :)
Thanks Kello.
Right now the biggest issue i've been dealing with, other then the crohn's is this damned Arthritis that comes with it. I feel and move like i'm 80yrs old. And i'm only 38.
Not sure if MJ is the end all and be all. All i know is right now, when i hurt the most. It seems to be the only thing that helps.
2cents provided free of charge LOL.
oh MAN can i relate to you on that one.
i had arthiritis badly only for a couple months in my life (consider myself very lucky on that) and i felt like i was crippled.
the whole time i was like "jeez, if this is what old people feel like EVERY day?? i give them serious props for doing what they do every day'

only thing i found that helped was moist heat. like a damp washcloth with a heating bad over it placed on the sore joint. for me it was worst on ankles and moderate on knees and hands. it seemed to take down some swelling and help with mobility.
hope it helps for u too!
Admin Edit: The forum has no connection or affiliation to this poster, his article or his magazine.

Hi, guys. This is my first post here. I work for and we are considering doing an article about Crohn's and medical marijuana.

I was diagnosed in 1996 and smoking pot has helped me very much.

I'd like to hear from as many of you as possible so we can write an article that clearly and concisely explains the medicinal value of cannabis with a focus on Crohn's patients.

Culture magazine focuses on lifestyle and entertainment for medical marijuana patients in Southern Califonia.

We would like to include your thoughts and experiences in a future article for our magazine. Please email me at [email protected] with your story if you are interested in being included as an example of how medical cannabis has helped you.
I really thank itsmeagain for getting this thread back on track. I didn't know where to start reading or where to just skip to the next page because like they said "it disintegrated into a cyber pissing contest" I love people who post their opinion but sometimes people are looking for Experience and not just how someone "Feels" about a subject. I commend those who shared their experience and credibal information on the subject of Medicinal MJ. It is just hard sometimes when you are looking for some relief from Crohn's and people say no not "that"
because we "think" it is bad. I want it if it has less side-effects than what I am on now and does some or most of the same things.

I grew up with a BEST friend who had Crohn's Disease all his life and I saw first hand how bad it was. Or thought I did until when I was in College I ended up with Crohn's Disease myself. These days he was smoking weed for rec purposes and found that it helped him with appetite, pain, and nausea. I asked my Primary Doctor about MJ and got nothing but the smoking is bad for you speech but nothing more no facts nothing like with Vicidin HP, Asacol, Prednisone, anti-depressants, anti-psychitics?, and everything else prescribed. I asked my Gastroenterologist and got the same thing NO FACTS....No studies, no other patients, no nothing. But they will push a new pill on me in a second. So I love ya'll for your information, support, and opinions........and hopfully we can all be a little more civil. We don't want to scare the newbies away........I was for awhile.
I'll post that I have and do use the stuff for pain from time to time. I like it because it works far better than trying to OD myself on Tylenol, works about the same (with as much as I use) as Vicodin, and doesn't leave me feeling like crap when I come back down, or when I wake up in the morning, like prescription pain killers do. I wake up tired and groggy enough every morning without pain killers making it worse. I'm not the kind of person that'll get hooked or addicted to something, nor go overboard with something just because it makes me feel good, so that's not that big an issue for me; however, I have felt like crud for a bit after taking Vicodin for a while and then not having it. I don't get that way with cannabis.

That's just my two Maravedi and I'm not saying everyone should use it. That's just my own personal experience. I can't say whether it helps other than for pain and sleep and I doubt anyone else can either as there's not many companies testing it. I know the stuff was used by quite a few cultures as medicine, but the jury's still out on whether it does anything other than help with pain or masks symptoms, which is what quite a few legal meds on the market do as well.
Just a quick note to the posters on the previous page.

I think that the "Pissing", as it has been described, is caused by new posters coming on here and claiming that MJ is a cure, Not something for relief, but a Cure.

It's posters that claim this that gets peoples backs up. I've been quite open about this debate. I believe MJ should be legalised for everyone. It's much less harmful than alcohol, for example.

I also know that it helps some people with pain relief, but not all.
I used quite a bit in my 20's, but my 20's was the most painful period of my life.

It simply didn't help me in any way. That is not to say that it will not help others.

We've had a number of people coming onto this site claiming that MJ is a total cure for Crohns. You were probably reading the tailend of some of those debates earlier in this and the other thread.
I know some of the posts were deleted because of the claims that they had. One poster posted almost 150 posts in the MJ threads alone. When these threads are read from the start, this must be taken into consideration.

An example, 3 weeks after getting my ileostomy surgery, I was told that if I'd just smoked more weed, I wouldn't have needed the "Shit bag" as he put it.

As you can imagine, this sort of claim doesn't go down well with everyone.

I know that the debate can seem to denigrate into arguments, but remember, you may not be reading all the relevant posts.
I certainly don't think that weed cures anything but lemme tell ya it's the quickest remedy for taking the nauseau away and you don't have to ingest a pill. I have the pill form of zofran and it does absolutely nothing. It also helps with fibromyalgia pain but again, cures nothing whatsoever. It, like other pain killers, is just a bridge helping to get over the flareup. Just my two cents. :)
Woah! What a thread! I came on to read about this because I was wanting some open minded advice from others like me. And most of the advice I have got from here before has been very non judgemental. Although here it seems to be very heated. Although I completely understand because I get exactly the same on this topic. It is very controversial and I think it is the kind of thing where people have their opinions of it and it can be very hard to change them.
At the moment, im just feeling very conflicted. Its like my heart (my strongest feeling) Is saying 'I want nothing to do with this' But my mind is curious. But then my heart gets defensive and I just end up feeling upset about it all.
I guess I have great comfort in my innocence. And once its gone there is no way I can get it back.
If it helps, Holly, I have smoked MJ regularly when I was younger but not for about 12 years now. I don;t consider it particularly evil compared to ther drugs which I have never tried. However my concern would be the 'stoned' effects of it as far as functioning through the day. It messes with your mind in a nice way, but you wouldn't be very productive!
I haven't read this thread for a while and am sure there are some medicinal forms witg much less stoned effects but i would have no idea how to get them.
I also understand that its a lot stronger now than when I was using it so be careful if you try it!!!
I have been an everyday smoker for the past 12 years. Cannabis helps with pain in gut, my joints, my nausea, it helps my colon when it is spazzing out, and it helps my appetite so I can keep weight on. It keeps me happy & content when life seems to be raining shit down on me, it helps me sleep when I can't. It helps my anxiety I deal with almost daily. With that being said I also take remicade & it's side effects are much worse than cannabis.

Also, I am a Graphic Artist & Animator in my 30's, I write for two of my companies web sites & have excelled in my career the past decade. A-motivational syndrome my ass. Don't believe the dated reefer madness hype. The faces of Marijuana users are changing.

Educate yourselves.
Here is a ton of good info....


Cannabis-based drugs could offer new hope for inflammatory bowel disease patients
Cannabis-based drugs could offer new hope for inflammatory bowel disease patients

Cannabis may soothe inflamed bowels
Cannabis may soothe inflamed bowels - Current medical events - Hemp and Medicine - Welcome to! The specialist for hemp (Cannabis) in Switzerland

In the Human Colon: Cannabinoids Promote Epithelial Wound Healing

Crohn's Patients Report Symptomatic Relief From Cannabis
Crohn's Patients Report Symptomatic Relief From Cannabis: The Hempire - [cannabis, uk]

Cannabis Helps Ulcers And Crohn's Disease
Cannabis Helps Ulcers And Crohn's Disease: The Hempire - [cannabis, uk]

Bowel Study Backs Cannabis Drugs
Bowel Study Backs Cannabis Drugs: The Hempire - [cannabis, london]

Cannabis use by patients with inflammatory bowel disease
ScienceDirect - The Journal of Pain : (919) : Cannabis use by patients with inflammatory bowel disease

Endocannabinoids and the gastrointestinal tract: what are the key questions?
British Journal of Pharmacology - Abstract of article: Endocannabinoids and the gastrointestinal tract: what are the key questions?


Marijuana and Crohn’s Disease (anecdotal)
Crohn’s Disease by Marilyn Loskot

Mayo Study: Marijuana's THC Reduces Stomach Cramping
BBSNews - Mayo Study: Marijuana's THC Reduces Stomach Cramping

Anti-inflammatory compound from cannabis found in herbs
Anti-inflammatory compound from cannabis found in herbs

Cannabidiol, extracted from Cannabis sativa, selectively inhibits inflammatory hypermotility in mice.
Cannabidiol, extracted from Cannabis sativa, selectively inhibits inflammatory hypermotility in mice.
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~TN~ said:
I have been an everyday smoker for the past 12 years. Cannabis helps with pain in gut, my joints, my nausea, it helps my colon when it is spazzing out, and it helps my appetite so I can keep weight on. It keeps me happy & content when life seems to be raining shit down on me, it helps me sleep when I can't. It helps my anxiety I deal with almost daily. With that being said I also take remicade & it's side effects are much worse than cannabis.

Also, I am a Graphic Artist & Animator in my 30's, I write for two of my companies web sites & have excelled in my career the past decade. A-motivational syndrome my ass. Don't believe the dated reefer madness hype. The faces of Marijuana users are changing.

Educate yourselves.
Here is a ton of good info....


Cannabis-based drugs could offer new hope for inflammatory bowel disease patients
Cannabis-based drugs could offer new hope for inflammatory bowel disease patients

Cannabis may soothe inflamed bowels
Cannabis may soothe inflamed bowels - Current medical events - Hemp and Medicine - Welcome to! The specialist for hemp (Cannabis) in Switzerland

In the Human Colon: Cannabinoids Promote Epithelial Wound Healing

Crohn's Patients Report Symptomatic Relief From Cannabis
Crohn's Patients Report Symptomatic Relief From Cannabis: The Hempire - [cannabis, uk]

Cannabis Helps Ulcers And Crohn's Disease
Cannabis Helps Ulcers And Crohn's Disease: The Hempire - [cannabis, uk]

Bowel Study Backs Cannabis Drugs
Bowel Study Backs Cannabis Drugs: The Hempire - [cannabis, london]

Cannabis use by patients with inflammatory bowel disease
ScienceDirect - The Journal of Pain : (919) : Cannabis use by patients with inflammatory bowel disease

Endocannabinoids and the gastrointestinal tract: what are the key questions?
British Journal of Pharmacology - Abstract of article: Endocannabinoids and the gastrointestinal tract: what are the key questions?


Marijuana and Crohn’s Disease (anecdotal)
Crohn’s Disease by Marilyn Loskot

Mayo Study: Marijuana's THC Reduces Stomach Cramping
BBSNews - Mayo Study: Marijuana's THC Reduces Stomach Cramping

Anti-inflammatory compound from cannabis found in herbs
Anti-inflammatory compound from cannabis found in herbs

Cannabidiol, extracted from Cannabis sativa, selectively inhibits inflammatory hypermotility in mice.
Cannabidiol, extracted from Cannabis sativa, selectively inhibits inflammatory hypermotility in mice.

Exactly. You won't know how benificial it is until you try it. For anyone curious, i suggest trying just a small bit the next time you have discomfort in your tummy, or nausea. You will understand what i been preaching within a matter of mins from taking it, as you will have absolutely NO nausea, and a calm stomach. This is by NO means a cure, but a very valuble tool in ur arsinal that can improve your quality of life living with IBD. Take it or leave it.

Also if you are under weight and are not eating - There in NOTHING else that touches this stuff in terms of increased appitite!
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Cannabis definitely helps me immensely with the nausea and the pain. Sure, I like the high, but the medicinal benefits can not be overstated. It is great medicine. It is simply amazing to me that smoking or vaping Cannabis causes so many problems, but alcohol, tobacco, and all sorts of crazy pharm drugs get by without so much as a bat of the lashes.

With hydrocodone, I have to wait at least 20-30 minutes, maybe longer to feel the effects. With Cannabis? 2-3 seconds. Come on, when in pain, which would you rather have?

I don't think Cannabis is the answer to all our problems, but I think it is an extremely effective tool to help control the symptoms of CD. I certainly hope that MM will be legalized where I live soon! It would save me a lot of stress and worry.
Oh yeah, I forgot about the eating thing. Cannabis definitely helps me eat! I am no longer a bag of bones (see avatar) lol!
It most definitely helps when I'm flaring... most DEFINITELY. And with the whole 'stoned' feeling, if you get a proper strain of mj you don't feel zonked out... you can feel quite productive and creative. And if there's a chance you could feel happy even when you are flaring, I don't really see a problem with that :)
I haven't read many opinions on this topic but will share my own.

I'm very sick of my medicine, currently getting a high dose of Remicade infusion every 4 weeks and also take methotrexate along with an asortment of vitamins. When I am not using mm; I am in pain, stressed out, mad that I'm sick, and many other annoying/depressing side effects. On the other hand after a few puffs on my vaporizor I can live again. Smoking brings out the best of me and makes me temporarily forget I'm sick and help block out pain, brings back my appitite, and brings my true jolly personallity back. THC allows me to be me
Cannabis can make me feel like a young kid chasing butterflies and smelling flowers in the sun, or it can give me bad anxiety. One thing that is for sure though, it is a very potent medicine and absolutely effective for helping to treat the symptoms of crohn's.

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