Crohn's and post-nantal

Crohn's Disease Forum

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Apr 21, 2012
Hi all,
I'm new on this website. I decided to join, because I know no-one with crohn's personally, and I just want someone to talk to who can relate, and not just sympathize my problems without experience.

I've had crohn's for 8 years, and diagnosed at 12 years old. I've had every test under the sun. I use to be on steroids at 80mg when first diagnosed amongst other medication. I was in remission for about 2 years. I fell pregnant last year, and had a beautiful baby girl just 5 weeks ago. My pregnancy was blissful. I had no pain. No bleeds. I could eat anything and everything!! Coke, chocolate, cream etc!!! I DIDN't EVEN NEED MEDICATION!! Anyway my consultant said after my pregnancy it could come back really bad afterwards! I was under the illusion it wouldn't!

2 days after birth I was admitted in hospital! massive crohn's flare up, and they found out I had gallstones!!!! Apparently crohn's and gallstones is massively related! 35% of sufferers will get gallstones in their lifetime!!! News to me! Spent 4 days in! Went home then a few days later I was back in with an even worse flare! Finally was sent home after 5 days all dosed up on steriods 40mg!

Still badly suffering, and with gallstones it's even worse! The pain obviously, but the diets conflict. I'm living on bran flakes, rice, pasta, chicken and fish plus fruit/veg!

I had my consultant yesterday. Being referred for surgery for gallstones, and with my crohn's just keep going on the steroids. Having an colonoscopy in the next few weeks to see how flared i am.

I'm just really depressed with all these attacks, and hospital admissions I feel like I've missed so much on my baby's life! I know it sounds silly, but its been hard to bond inside a hospital room! I just want to be well for her, and my partner. This is getting me down, and I need a follow crohn sufferer!

Can anyone relate?
Katherine xx
Hi there, I have recently been diagnosed with crohns and have just signed up to this forum, i can relate to some of what you have been going through, the pain has been constant since june of last year. I live near you, im in felpham. I to dont know anyone around here with crohns and I had my surgery in jan and am still waiting to see dr stone at st richards, is he your gastro specialist. I was originally diagnosed just before xmas with what they thought was a malignant tumour but my surgeon was completely baffled when she found no tumour just a mass of inflammation and so thats when i found out it was indeed crohns. My recovery was very slow and i have up and down days, been prescribed pentasa which im reluctantly taking, and also done an elimination diet and cut out wheat, dairy, meat, sugar which does seem to be helping.
Your time in hospital must of been so awful, having to be away from your new baby, how did you and your husband cope with it all, when you have your first baby its all so daunting anyway but having to deal with crohns problems must of been just dreadful, if you want to get in touch then id be happy to chat
I know exactly how you feel!

4 days before having my baby I started getting very sick. Vomiting, pain, nasty chills. Turns out I had cholangitis and pancreatitis at the same time. I was admitted to the hospital and had my baby the next day. I already knew my crohn's was flaring before and during the pregnancy, but after I gave birth I just got sicker and sicker and finally that lead to my surgery. For the first year of my baby's life I've been sick and feel like I've missed a lot. I get really down in the dumps sometimes, but I try and give myself a break.

I completely understand what it's like to be down in the dumps and feeling like you're missing out!

Big hugs to you, momma!! Keep hanging in there!

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