Crohn's cause ANGER that nobody understands?

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Oct 22, 2011
Has anyone out there had problems with anger issues? When you have a disease like Crohn's it's pretty easy to be cranky and irritable on a daily basis.

The thing that really gets me is how few people understand the disease and trivialize it.

I have had some luck trying to explain it to women by saying... imagine if you had PMS every day of your life for 20 or so years?

It's unfortunate the disease isn't as trendy/glamorous as say breast cancer. I remember working in retail and seeing pink ribbons on a zillion different products.

Crohn's will never get such awareness because nobody wants to support poop problems.

But, I'm getting off track... just wonder how many out there have anger issues and I wonder how much Crohn's plays a part for your anger?
I don't have anger but I do have jealousy over those who can live normal carefree lives. I know everyone is different and some get angry because of the condition and others a result of side effects from drugs like prednisone.
I can understand the anger issue. I have had to tell my family the more irritable and cranky I am the more uncomfortable I am feeling. It's a daily struggle to stay upbeat and positive.
When I'm in pain I get cranky and really hate anybody speaking to me during it. I have to be alone, in silence and curled up in a ball. I seem to be able to get myself into a trance where I can forget about the pain somewhat and then as soon as somebody speaks, I become aware again, so I'm just like GTFO!!!
I sometimes get angry, like I picked the short stick in life circumstances. Also jealously of those who can do and eat whatever. Sometimes the pain and exhaustion also makes me just grumpy (and those times I am not a fun person to deal with!)
Hi, not too sure if it's anger but for sure irritable. (spell check almost let me do irresistible HAHA)
Seriously, all the flipping daily symptoms from 'd' to feeling like blood sugar is dropping, tiredness, pain, dehydration and so chancy to wear white shorts, dress etc. can make some grumpy. There is so much bleeding, wounds, iv's, injections, feeling spaced out, etc. (they need to put those in the commercials)
I remember looking over a menu and wondering 'if i eat a, b or c, how long will i have before i need the bathroom, and where is the bathroom, or worse what if they are cleaning it?' Plus going anywhere after was not going to happen. Eat and go home or starve and go out.

It is a crappy illness - not glamorous for sure, no illness is - i am missing one half breast from another very non glamorous short stick draw..... it is a daily haunt when i am reminded every time i dress, shower, etc. All the ribbons really don't make me feel any better.

there are so many illnesses, conditions out there, some none of us know little or nothing about. I wonder how much i would know about CD or UC if i didn't have it??

but when tired, in pain and frustrated it all can suck wind!:hug:
We are blessed to be alive, even when things feel tough.
I just experienced a lot of anger today. Sometimes I just want to flip out. Going to the doctors make me so mad. Just dealing with all this ******** that comes with crohns in general. It's much a burden. The tests,long doctors appointments,waiting rooms,surgeries,recovery,embarrassment. I put off my tests and appointments a lot,I know it's irresponsible. But no one knows how the lack of control of my body makes me,the doctors appointments just make it real and sometimes I want to act like I dot have crohns and my stomach pain,constant bathroom trips,fistulas,abscesses are just temporary and it will never happen again.
I get very angry....I hate not feeling good. I hate having to plan my nights with the kids around bathrooms...
Like LewisS, I want to be alone when I am in pain and pretty much as he described it. I thought it was because I did not want anyone to see me in pain (and I really don't) but part is also so I don't get extra irritable dealing with my pain and someone asking me about it or worse, wanting to talk about themselves!

I do have a lot of irritability when I am on prednisone.

I really think I only get truly angry at the pain. I also get angry when I want to pass a little gas and end up crapping myself! ;-)

I guess if we ever do get our own ribbon, it should be BROWN!
Know exactly what you mean, when I used to have abdominal pain and then having to deal with trivial matters, and that person getting annoyed because I was preoccupied with incredible pain they get the sharp end of my temper, which is usually verbal abuse about their short comings.
A brown ribbon HARVinTX? That's awesome!

I think I get frustrated more than anything.I do get angry when I am asked how I am doing and I don't even get to open my mouth before they are already talking about themselves.

I have to be careful I don't let myself slip into a funk sometimes.I'm usually pretty good,but some times right out of the blue,like I've stuffed all the rude and unfeeling stuff people say away and there is no more room and...I feel like crap.

I get over it and trudge on.I've used it to make myself less judgemental about others and not assume.I try not to do what others do to me,if that makes any sense.:)
I find sometimes I have the absolute shortest fuse and usually it comes about something very trivial. I don't know if it's a medication side-effect or what. At work I'm used to having to always put on a smiling face and stuff away anything I'm really feeling. But this seems different than just occasionally losing my temper. It's like a flash of anger I must let out. Which results in a blow up, then tears, then I feel terrible for blowing up. A vicious cycle.
I morn the loss of who I was and have substantial pity parties for myself sometimes. I guess it could be a combination of constant pain and knowing life won't ever be the same. My blood pressure is up and my doc wants to give me anti anxiety meds. I already feel like a walking pharmacy and want nothing to do with it.

Do any of you feel like your anger gets out of control sometimes?
My blood pressure is up and my doc wants to give me anti anxiety meds. I already feel like a walking pharmacy and want nothing to do with it.

Do any of you feel like your anger gets out of control sometimes?

I don't have issues controlling anger but I do take anti-anxiety meds at bedtime and noticed that my mood stabilized throughout the day very nicely. I rarely take the meds during the day unless I am having a more typical anxiety attack and I can tell when that is coming on. I also know what causes it so I can avoid it the majority of the the time. I think one at bedtime would help you out and it also helps with staying asleep for a more restful night.
I find sometimes I have the absolute shortest fuse and usually it comes about something very trivial.

I think we use so much energy trying to keep a level head dealing with our disease that something simple can throw us off balance.
I can understand the anger issue. I have had to tell my family the more irritable and cranky I am the more uncomfortable I am feeling. It's a daily struggle to stay upbeat and positive.

I really feel like I should send an email out to family and in-laws and explain my crankiness. With many ailments most people will be completely oblivious and non-compassionate unless they have been in the same boat.

I'm not always angry/cranky and I certainly never use to be before diagnosed.

If the average healthy person starts off with the possibility of a mood range between 1 and 10, the average person with Crohn's can have the top 5 numbers in the mood range taken off right away.

Now I'm not sure I'm making sense... could be the bad diarrhea today.. ha!
I lost it Monday. My pain was so awful with the nausea last weekend. Not to rehash everything up but basically only want to treat me with IBS drugs( Levisin, diet). My doc on vacation so nurse practioner heard it all. Am I sorry? No. I am frustrated and mad. I know I have to deal with it. I think the health professionals need to hear it though just to get them out from behind the computer and identify with the patient.
As I get older I look back more at how my emotions have dictated my path. My anger is my biggest downfall. I've pushed away all my friends and breaking my own heart with my outbursts of fury. It is truly a battle within myself. The answer to your question saratay05 is YES! and I'd like the rollercoaster to stop!
I find sometimes I have the absolute shortest fuse and usually it comes about something very trivial. I don't know if it's a medication side-effect or what. At work I'm used to having to always put on a smiling face and stuff away anything I'm really feeling. But this seems different than just occasionally losing my temper. It's like a flash of anger I must let out. Which results in a blow up, then tears, then I feel terrible for blowing up. A vicious cycle.
I morn the loss of who I was and have substantial pity parties for myself sometimes. I guess it could be a combination of constant pain and knowing life won't ever be the same. My blood pressure is up and my doc wants to give me anti anxiety meds. I already feel like a walking pharmacy and want nothing to do with it.

Do any of you feel like your anger gets out of control sometimes?
I think what most people do not realize is the anger and moodiness is also a physiological reaction to inflammation.

If I get a cold, flu or any type of inflammatory illness I can tell before any other symptoms present themselves, because my mood gets bad first.

Having dealt with depression, and Crohns has made me acutely aware of my mental state at any given time. Inflammation is the cause of a bad mood for me 95% of the time.

I can use this mood indicator to tell if I am inflamed for any reason.

Luckily, I am rarely inflamed any more. But a virus will have a similar effect. Most people think it is because you do not feel well. It is not just a mental attitude to not feeling well, it is,an actual physiological response to inflammation.

Perhaps losing a breast to breast cancer is a little more traumatic then losing a few inches of intestine to IBD. But IBD still is no joke nor is any other disease.

anger/irritability is also a symptom of depression. Try antidepressants and making sure you have enough polyunsaturated fats in your diet. Try walnuts and peanuts. I found my anger went down a bit when i made sure i got these everyday, but don't take fish oil that made my disease symptoms worse, some evidence shows it impairs bodys ability to fight some infections, yet some show a role for anti-inflammatory properties i think both are true. but ive reacted better to plant based omega 3s from walnuts and canola oil.

Also some raw nuts i have had bad psychological reactions to as they frequently contain bad bacteria on them. walnuts never did this but raw pecans did and some cooked nuts as well.
I get angry, frustrated, fed up and tired of it.

Angry that I have an incurable disease. Really incurable? We can't negotiate anything? Having gotten to remission is a blessing, but I feel like I am just waiting for the next flare to pop up. I know it will come...just don't know when.

Frustrated that I can't just be normal...and yes even with remission I still have days where I have pain and no matter where I am, I stress about bathrooms-where they are, what if I need to find one fast! Frustrated that just when I feel body sends me a painful reminder-don't forget you have a Crohn's monster living inside you.

Fed up with all the many pills, all the time. Seriously, how many pills will I need 30 years from now??? I hate it...always thinking after a dinner out "don't forget to take your pills." Oh you're going on vacation? Better pack up your pharmacy of pills! You know you take a lot when the pharmacy gives you whole unopened bottles instead of counting them out.

Tired of friends and family that after years still have no idea. "Well just have some ice cream, what's the big deal?" "Thats weird, you don't seem sick, I thought it was gone." "Maybe you just need to take a nap to regain your energy." It all annoys me and I get tired of explaining. I don't want to be the girl with Crohns...but yes I have it's not going away...yes I still have pain even though I don't walk around showing I can't eat even a little bit of that, the pain after just isn't worth it.

It sucks, yes I get mad! We all have a right to be angry. I feel like my body has betrayed me. Things can always be worse, but at times I think "what did I do to deserve this?"
I used to but it's gone. I really do believe it was a hormonal issue as a result of either medication or crohn's. It was not a rational anger, it was a complete imbalance of the mind.
Its dark in here with my crohns, and I turn into a mad dog its seems like when my disease is insulting my body. I am just starting to realize this. As a kid I saw my dad do the same thing with his IBD fight, I never understood that mad dogging he did until IBD came for me. People will never understand until they have walked in your shoes forget trying just be ok with that, it a must. Hopelessness is a difficult feeling to navigate and with moving from anger to acceptance stage in the constant grieving process of IBD is hard. I like to think that the evil IBD doctor lives in my body. I should be mad at dr eval but I alway forget when a person comes in that says something stupid haha.
I get mad every time I think I'm under control and then the beast rears its head and hits me out of no where. I mean I am down and out. Yes I get mad. What did I do this time? Was it me or the food or the stress or what? I cry at night when I lay in pain waiting for it all to pass. Then I slowly get better only to be fooled again, all of a sudden out of no where. Rinse and repeat.
having 'the *****' literally and figuratively speaking….i find the more i can be grateful the better the crohns is. I strive to be less grumpy and moreso i try not to 'give a ****'.
I'm recently diagnosed and looking back, I can correlate my very short patience with my kids with being in pain. I am trying to be really mindful and not losing it, but geez I find it really hard. Nice to know I'm not the only one feeling like this!