Crohn's Disease or stomach flu

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Mar 19, 2010
My husband and daughter got the stomach flu about a 5 days before I did. I actually thought I was in the clear, but I ended up very ill on sunday night. I had body aches, a fever, diarrhea, and vomiting. Monday I was feeling a little tired and nauseas but I was pretty much better. However since then I have had alternating bouts of constipation and diarrhea and my gut wont stop gurgling loudly. Even today it gurgles. Its so loud. It happens like 5 min after I eat or drink anything. I also have the worst bloating and gas ever. I dont experience any pain with any of the symptoms. No cramping, nothing. Its so weird. Its like I just cant completely rid myself of this bug.

Has this happened to anybody before? The gurgling, gas and bloat following a GI illness that is?

I am on immunosuppressants, how long should I give myself to recover completely?
Hiya Lydia

Sorry you're feeling so bad, not really sure what's going on! hope someone else can help,
take care and get well soon hun
Hi Lydia, I had a gastro bug back in Feb, antibiotics helped while I was in the hospital, hopefully it maybe all you need or time. Probiotics can help too.
Hi Lydia,

My stomach gurgles regardless...whenever it wants and however it wants. My gut has been gurgling all day today, just like yours. No pain, starts 5 minutes after I eat or drink something, and lots of gas - and LOUD gurgling, too. My dogs and cats look at me funny, like they're asking "what the heck is that malfunction?"

For me, it's random and it isn't a constant thing. It also does happen when I get the flu or some kind of bug. It's annoying, but not painful. I think it's just the nature of the disease. It does take you or me longer to recover from stomach-related illnesses, and often the symptoms last longer and are more severe. That's what my primary care doctor told me. He said for me to figure 8 days to 2 weeks longer than the "normal" person to get over the same "bug". Lots of rest. Rest and time. For me taking a day or two with "limited levels of strenuous activity" usually allows my gurgling to go away. I also seem to lose my appetite when I gurgle.

I don't know much or to have helpful answers, but I do know how you feel.
Hi Lydia - Sorry the bug finally gotchya! It put me in the hospital last weekend. I had severe (not even a strong enough word) nauseau, vomiting, fever. It always hits me extra hard because I am missing my entire colon. I was on several rounds of antibiotics and clear liquids for 5 days. I felt fine after the first round of antibiotics.

I don't know if the stomach bug is usually treated with antibiotics but in my case it really helped.

Good luck - hope you start to feel better soon. - Amy
Thanks everyody. Today was my first semi-normal day. I think tomorrow I will be completely recovered. My fingers are crossed anyway. I cant beleive it took me a week to recover. For most people it was a terrible but very short flu.
hi Lydia, glad to hear you're on the mend :)

i had something years back, not stomach flu, but a stomach virus which was spreading through hospitals and closing wards down - i think a few elderly patients actually died because of the severity of it... anyway for me, it hung around for weeks after the initial severe part where i was being sick and having severe diarrhea.. it was like the bug had given me constant IBS symptoms... eventually i tried drinking pro-biotic yoghurt drinks, and they really helped me.. so it might be worth a try. it's possible that these stomach bugs, and the over-activity they cause, can completely mess up the good bacteria and flora in our gut...
dingbat said:
hi Lydia, glad to hear you're on the mend :)

i had something years back, not stomach flu, but a stomach virus which was spreading through hospitals and closing wards down - i think a few elderly patients actually died because of the severity of it... anyway for me, it hung around for weeks after the initial severe part where i was being sick and having severe diarrhea.. it was like the bug had given me constant IBS symptoms... eventually i tried drinking pro-biotic yoghurt drinks, and they really helped me.. so it might be worth a try. it's possible that these stomach bugs, and the over-activity they cause, can completely mess up the good bacteria and flora in our gut...

I think mine was viral too because its so contagious. Its going around town like wildfire. I ate a ton of yogurt the other day and I think it helped restore the balance. I feel 100% today.

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