Crohns / endometriosis

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Apr 27, 2011
ok long story short i have endometriosis. its on all major organs, had it since i was 14. been through all treatments possible. also took the pill to get prego in hopes that would help, just made it worse.

now this has been going on since after i had my son, (hes almost 3 now)i will sit down and get a real sharp pain in my rectum tht i can feel all the way in my right lower pelvic reg. I have always associated this with the endo. bc there so similar. my symptoms have become worse every now and then i have blood in my stool, almost everytime i wipe, im nauseous, i have severe cramping more on rt side.

saw my dr. about this i have already had a colonoscopy- (my dad has colitis, cousin has crohns, and so does aunt) they found nuthing. but he said my endo could have moved there as well. i think hes a moron. im bleeding, and the cramping is different. they also did a laporscopy which didnt show anything new just what ive already had.

dr wants to send me to GI , and some others. I live in nv so our referrels come in the mail you just have to wait. (that was yesterday) today woke up lower region hurts so bad to sit, and went to bathroom little blood all blood when i wiped, cant get ahold of his nurse, i dnt wanna go to er and be missdiagnosed should i wait for the GI? and ct of belly or so lost and my dr. sux in my oppinion. ps im 28

ok long story short i have endometriosis. its on all major organs, had it since i was 14. been through all treatments possible. also took the pill to get prego in hopes that would help, just made it worse.

now this has been going on since after i had my son, (hes almost 3 now)i will sit down and get a real sharp pain in my rectum tht i can feel all the way in my right lower pelvic reg. I have always associated this with the endo. bc there so similar. my symptoms have become worse every now and then i have blood in my stool, almost everytime i wipe, im nauseous, i have severe cramping more on rt side.

saw my dr. about this i have already had a colonoscopy- (my dad has colitis, cousin has crohns, and so does aunt) they found nuthing. but he said my endo could have moved there as well. i think hes a moron. im bleeding, and the cramping is different. they also did a laporscopy which didnt show anything new just what ive already had.

dr wants to send me to GI , and some others. I live in nv so our referrels come in the mail you just have to wait. (that was yesterday) today woke up lower region hurts so bad to sit, and went to bathroom little blood all blood when i wiped, cant get ahold of his nurse, i dnt wanna go to er and be missdiagnosed should i wait for the GI? and ct of belly or so lost and my dr. sux in my oppinion. ps im 28

when they did the lap. for my endo. they saw a pool of old blood sitting above my rectum... that was a year ago or so when they did the colonoscopy
trusting my body is not the issue, my body is a case to be studied, every test ever taken..normal. im asking for help and advice, my body does what it wants im asking if anyone has similar experiences or???
yes, I have most definitely had similar experiences. Just because your tests are coming back "normal" doesn't mean what is going on is "normal". Sorry for trying to be supportive.
thank you for saying that but when ur in pain lol and u reply trust my body at this point doesnt mean much. what are your expereinces? what happened asking for help and insite..thank you
Hi Blaze and welcome! I am so sorry you are suffering right now and are not getting any answers. I think what Wendy/Keona was trying to say is that only you know what is really going on with your body and you are your best advocate. If you know something is wrong and your current doctors aren't helping, it is time for another opinion. I have had two myself, debating a third at times.

I wish I had some advice regarding the endometriosis, but I don't have any experience. However, as far as the Crohn's, you need to pursue this further. Due to your family history and symptoms (especially the bleeding), IBD does sound like a possibility. Unfortunately, it can take time (even years) to get an official diagnosis. I wish you luck and hope you get answers soon.
Hi Blaze and welcome.

I don't have any personal experience with this, but there are a lot of users here that have gyno issues associated with IBD and vice versa.

I would definitely pursue further investigation with a GI. A colonoscopy is only going to show activity in the colon - a lot of Crohns activity is further up and requires either a pill cam or small bowel follow thru series to detect.

What was the verdict on that old pool of blood they found? Any idea what it was from, how it got there? Did they drain it or just let it reabsorb.

Good luck with further testing etc. Be patient - as Jill says, sometimes it can take a while to get a firm dx.

- Amy
I would consider seeing a good Endocrinologist.

Endometriosis, Ovarian cysts and many other similar conditions can be an indication of a thyroid problem, and only a specialist can properly diagnose this for you.

An Iodine deficiency is one thing that comes to mind, and can cause all the above, but there are other deficiencies that also can be involved such as Iron.

You may have another problem that is going unnoticed.
